Does the mark the beginning of a new crusade?

does the mark the beginning of a new crusade?

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Other urls found in this thread:!M0pgVATD!rIJ2ly5bUuXmRTO_gcwTcXdY6HTK072AKJABTEfILM0


Only if it keeps up with at least one copycat every 3-4 weeks. Otherwise it was for nothing

It marks the day the incels went too far.

when the pope gives the OK

This marks the begining of demon extermination all across globe.!M0pgVATD!rIJ2ly5bUuXmRTO_gcwTcXdY6HTK072AKJABTEfILM0

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If you mean a Jewish crusade then yeah, its fooled a lot of retards on this board

No, this is another Charlottesville in terms of damage to an otherwise legitimate political movement. Thanks stormfags !

a face only a mother could love

Yea this damages the "ITS OK TO BE WHITE" movement, which is legit and good.

Yes. I remember the part of the canterbury tales when they rode off to fucking new zealand to shoot a bunch of randos in a mosque.

Jesus christ you fucking idiot.

if by that you mean that his anus is Jerusalem and it will be taken over by many man then yes

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key no work

>t. civnat cuck
Have fun getting browned while everyone else does the heavy lifting to save their race and culture.

>Optics cucking, the post

Send the twisted little manlet to Iran. Let the Ayatollah show us some caveman justice. World peace would follow.

Stupid nigger that goes to prison and makes shit worse.

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Who braided his hair for him?

His prison bitch

Yes, user.

He made a statement. More than anyone here has done.

>T. Glow nigger
Fuck off


Oy vey yang bang accelerationist, you are more kosher than Chabad Lubavitch

OP is a glownigger, but so are people who don't support Brenton

it does mark the beginning of a new era, not a crusade
For example the part of the manifesto where he says to target NGOs is pure genius and its really something that should and probably will be done
NGOs are not well protected and they know the police hates them anyway
many many ngo workers are shitting themselves now
So yes there is something new going on and we will see in the next months if it worked
I am baking bread about this ngo thingie, you will see later

i baked
get on and help

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I doubt it.

But it certainly marks the start of something new.
Many people will be inspired by him in different ways, meanwhile the social climate is getting more and more oppressively left.

Who knows where this all leads.