Climate scientists predicted

>ice age by the 1980s
>world flooding by 2000
>no icecaps by 2012

Attached: dana loesch.jpg (720x881, 71K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It's still real though, they were only wrong about predictions.

I predict my dick in her ass

>Flying cars by 2015

I doubt this.

Don't doubt my science!

>Race mix denier spotted

But don't worry (((They))) are right THIS time

>Oh no Florida will be under water by 2012

>Here is some credit from the bank to buy a house on the coast

Who seriously believes that any bank would give any credits in Florida if it had to be flooded

Then you should be a climate scientist

Looking for this?

Attached: ScienceIsSettled.jpg (600x398, 59K)

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Surely we wouldn't be lied to

Also, oil is not derived from fossils, oil is found 30k+ feet down, no fossil has been found more than 16k feet down. Oil is the byproduct of continent sized primitive bacteria colonies living deep in the earth.

Attached: 1526440144759.jpg (250x249, 8K)

Oh damn, that's Dana Loesch? Time to renew my NRA membership.

>Using a picture of a thot to serve as bait to the thread

Get the fuck out this is now a Spiderman thread

Attached: c6c1c03ef95f666f003f6948fab18d26--spiderman-pins.jpg (236x189, 11K)

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Some did, not all of them, and somebody's hypothesis being incorrect or incomplete doesn't necessarily have any bearing on how anybody else is collecting and applying data.
When you say stupid shit like this, you are just displaying that you are incapable of critical thought and are in fact a blithering imbecile.
And since you've been manipulated into shilling (for free probably, because as we've discussed, you're an idiot) for the fossil fuel industry, you're doing the agenda you've been suckered into upholding a disservice, you're actually helping to market against it in the long run.

>Nostradamus was totes spittin some real shit dawg
>yeah, he's only right one out of a hundred times, and only if you rearrange every letter in the sentence, but he's legit

Retard tier. The value of climatology lies solely in its predictive capability.
If the law of gravity predicted that things would gravitate away from larger bodies, we'd discard that interpretation in quick order for one that better fit the actual data.
But you're a fucking faggot, so...

Attached: 1552025649726.gif (480x480, 1.91M)

You can thank me for laying that one up perfectly for you.

>This is why I still come here.

>Merely pretending to be retarded

Sure thing, faggot.

Goddamn, I haven't had sex for 7 months (living in Eastern Kentucky [currently in Los Angeles]) until last week. I'm an ass man and was drunk. I forgot how slimy and wasabi-like pungent a woman's ass is. Goddamn. It feels fucking good to be relatively rich (former OTR trucker for 8 years, living rent-free with grandparents the whole time [you can imagine my savings]) and be in control of the situation. I try not to brag, but you should see their face when I say I'm retired (living off dividends, part-owner of a commercial property and other passive income) at age 31.
What the fuck is that?

no shit the climate is real you dumb nigger it never had anything to do with denying climate, it had to do with denying single generation rapid climate change, which doesn't, hasn't ever, and never will happen with the technology we have today

she looks like she gives an aggressive blowjob

Attached: Dana-loesch.jpg (400x500, 28K)

What if they were right and our calendars are wrong? What if it's 1979 right now?

I think Jow Forums needs at least 1,000 threads on this.


Attached: brian williams i was there tea party.jpg (750x753, 58K)

"I may be retarded, but I ain't no gay" - me

Attached: Billy-Corgan-640x427.jpg (640x427, 49K)

Global climate change warming end-times by 2042
Complete death of the ocean by 2021
And when all of those are debunked

Attached: 1543727466498.jpg (1400x2046, 192K)

>Climate scientists
Miss, never trust a Jew!

>hurr durr ur retard for not accepting the narrative


I suppose next you will claim that the Climate Change predictions are following a thorough scientific process?

Let me stop you right there, go find a counter-research or a single researcher in this earth who is willing to do research that could challenge the "settled science"

Protip: most scientist do not want to touch climate change, and most scientist do not see it scientific to begin with, and nobody in their right mind would go against the narrative since you lose your job, your future career. Not to mention only Oil companies would fund you, that makes you "wrong" automatically


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still waiting for hoverboards

>being incorrect about every major prediction, but trust us goys this time it will happen
says every (((climatologist)))

>Carbon dioxide is widely held as the cause of 'global warming'
>Is only 0.05% of the total atmosphere
>there are no experiments at all that conclusively prove increased CO2 has a warming affect in an earth like atmosphere anywhere
>the experiments used as proof by media 'science guys' are pressurized CO2 in a plastic tube at close to 100% concentration under a heat lamp
>normie npcs take it as the smoking gun that CO2 is the culprit