If the DNC picks him, it's over

If the DNC picks him, it's over.

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...for the DNC

You know there's good reason the dems and Biden himself are being so reticent to use their most plausible candidate. Biden doesn't want to be in the spotlight.

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Tulsi is the only candidate that can beat trump

the misguided-but-sincere dogooders on the left did not show up for Hillary. they will not show up for any of the other MIC shills in the DNC establishment.

Tulsi is the only dem who calls out trump for the right reasons. Tulsi will draw enough MAGA people away from Trump and flip back the states that Trump stole from Hillary.


if he gets the nomination then Jow Forums will flood the web with his pedo pictures, which many news sites will pick up on.

Yang is going to be running the democratic party in about a month from now, after that he becomes de-facto president after the debates.

why? because women vote.

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look man the DNC has two choices
they will pick biden
their base will loose all excitement since he is a straight white cisgender christian male whoe likes to get handsy with women and is a complete corperate sellout
none of their base will vote for him and he will loose
They nominate bernie sanders
Pol is all of a sudden "trump 2020" at the opportunity to fight in the second great meme war against a litteral jew
as always, when pol actually puts its mind to something, Jow Forums will win and bernie will loose

Any of the cunts get the nomination they will probably come out in favor of "reperations" or "affirmative action" or some dumb bullshit like that and it will be 2016 all over again, perhaps with trump picking up virginia

the only thing that could fuck it up is if the kikes at the fed cause another recession
if you look at the faggotry they've been doing over the last 2years
could well happen

has he even announced yet? what the hell...
also said that he wanted to choose his running mate early, meaning it's fucking Obama.
we're gonna have Biden/Obama.....
and watch them fucking lose lmao

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It's imperitive that a brown person wins the nom for the DNC. The jews want to continue to mask the anti white agenda of the Dems with a white face until all whites are gone. Register to vote in their primaries to make sure this doesn't happen any more.

>If the DNC picks him, it's over.
He's the only real candidate who can win apart from Bernie.

Everyone else is too SJW or communist.

Dude brushes his teeth

That's a strange way of spelling Bernie but okay haha

fippy bippy

the dnc will do everything so the only remaining canidates are harris and biden and they will still lose

That would be illegal

Sorry she's not personable enough.
What's her domestic policy?
>standard dem dreck
good luck

This, and they’re so fucking divided to use a FUCKING WHITE MALE

Too many whackos on the Democrats side. I predict a third party run by one of the more extreme democratic candidates, the Democratic vote gets split, and Trump wins in states where he loses because he'll win the plurality nationally, and blue states will be locked into voting for him because of the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.

Someone else who actually knows politics. Amazing. Uncle Joe is the only guaranteed victor. 4chin can shill for trump, or yang, or whoever. But if Biden runs, he wins. Ite literally that simple. The average American doesnt care about "creepy uncle joe" pics. They just know "uncle joe". If he wins the primaries, hes the next president.

>droomph getting a majority of the vote

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They won't pick him - he's a Catholic. The last Catholic elected had his brains blown out by the CIA.


Crashing the DNC with no survivors!!!

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Trump wins if they go with Old Uncle Joke.

Why you you think he is a guaranteed victor? What are you basing it on?

Does it matter?
By 2028 or 2032 the democrats will overtake Texas and Arizona, making sure you never win an election again.

Stop caring about democracy.

sorry I meant ,

>drump getting anything but the boomer vote

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i like this timeline

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>loses the nigger vote and feminist vote

The campaign trail almost killed Hillary.
Both Uncle Joe and Bernie are as good as dead.

Hi Styx.

Biden wins against Trump 100% percent.
Biden 2020 and 2024. Then Harris can scrape over the leftovers in 2028.

Probably but the juice won’t let her win

“Why Altright Nazis Are Spreading Photoshopped Debunked Biden Photos: 8 Fast Facts You Need To Know NOW”

Lol no he fiddles kids


he thought it was a photoshoot, user obviously he didn't know they were taking video or he would have not been a disgusting degenerate faggot

“He didn’t grab her boob! She wasn’t old enough to have boobs so it’s fiiiiiiiiine!”

I agree, dems seem to want to lose though

This, I don’t think they’re taking it seriously

Tulsi is really only one who has trump stuffed for what it's worth. Bernie, Biden, Warren, and the other idiots are all too radical, too establishment or just too fucking stupid.

Yeah but they can’t control her

This is correct but there is no way she will get the nomination. They stole it from Bernie, they won't let Tulsi get even close.

Is kid fiddling an platform?

It makes no difference who the DNC picks, it's over regardless. Trump wins even without the incumbency bonus

Creepy Joe Bidon molesting kids

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We can only dream that he does run for 2020. Massive red pill moment.

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reminder that "generic candidate" beats the entire field of Democrats, including Joe Biden

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Min apart, Kek’d.

This guy is someone that actually follows politics and knows what he's talking about. I'm amazed how so many people here don't actually follow politics.

Also I'm surprised there's only 1 mention of Yang in this thread. I guess the contract for his paid support ended and the posters moved into something else.

Mike Gravel has announced he's running for the nomination.

He has zero shot at winning and all you slack jawed dipshits should support him for the lulz because he's the greatest irony meme candidate of all time.

Check out his weird ass campaign video from 08.


nah, Trump will blast that pedo off the stage with creepy uncle joe memes alone.


They do want to lose. Trump makes for a great foil to fundraise off of.

Creepy Joe will not survive Trump x Parscale
Creepy Joe knows this

>Democrats care about the law

Lol Trump will destroy Biden in 1 or 2 memes. Reminder Biden has tried to run for president before and it was a complete disaster. He's an idiot, a career politician who also happens to be a millionaire (imagine that) and the creepy Joe memes are real. He was also Obama's Vice President and despite what the media shills Obama is in fact one of the worst and most disliked presidents in American history. Bernie stands a better chance than Joe and short of any illegal DNC ops Bernie will get the nomination. Trump will easily win a 2nd term. 2024 will be much more interesting. Ahem. AOC....

unnaturally white teeth are scary

Dude brushes his dentures

Dude airbrushes his photos

Trump will lose no matter what because even if he wins, the news will unanimously report that the democrats won. Everyone who crys fake news will be metooed or suicided until theres no one else and the rinos will play along and get a fat paycheck checkem

Biden would be crushed by true opposition research. Absolutely crushed. They have to run Bernie. It’s as good as done. A) They can’t have a repeat and further splinter by stealing it from him yet again; and B) they have to prove they are not anti-Semitic or Trump will eviscerate them on Israel. Regarding the latter point, you have to understand just how truly deeply important the Israel issue is to an enormous part of the voting block. If you don’t know that, you don’t know shit.

Obama can't be president again.

>Iraq War
>metoo #creepyjoe
not sure he can beat trump
$1000 can though

Does no one here even realize that this fucker pretended a drunk driver killed his wife just for political points and was forced to acknowledge it?

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>i wish i was this delusional
blacks never vote asian, Yang loses the south in the DNC primaru
and will never recover

no. Biden will crush trump because
>"muh obama"
the rust belt goes dem.
trump has done nothing for the rust belt

I'll unironically vote for Biden over Trump. Any non-socialist Democrat will win in a fucking landslide

>blacks won't vote for $1,000 +literal reparations

wew lad


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>creepin joe
Can you imagine the #metoo allegations against this fuck if he actually ran? He would probably set a record.

It's about time America got a creepy pedo president.

John stewart for president!!

Trump and Clinton rode with Epstein. We've already had two creepy pedo presidents.

>he still thinks h*llary won

More likely, the republicans will just cuck even further, so the two party charade can be maintained.