Are incels bad?

Today at my university, we were forced to talk about incels from a psychological perspectives.

I haven't gotten pussy in 5 years (but I got a lot before then since I was fit.)

People seemed to think that even if you put off sex until marriage for religious reasons, you are a broken incel. It is "involuntary" since you do it for scriptues you believe to be absolute truth.

We are now tasked with writing a 10 page research paper on incels. What should I say, Jow Forums? I will take your advice seriously. The point is to prove or disprove that incels are universally destined to be criminals.

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Who cares what people think? Back in the day everyone was a virgin before marriage and we didn't have broken families.

>It is "involuntary" since you do it for scriptues you believe to be absolute truth.
I don't understand user, how do they think that makes it involuntary?


Blame all the republican fuckboys.

Absolutely they are

thats the dumbest shit i have ever heard

Why? I wish people itt would explain their reasonings.

The incel meme has gone way too far

>The point is to prove or disprove that incels are universally destined to be criminals.
How the fuck does getting your dick wet correlate with crime statistics? Correlation is not causation. This is stupid.

>What should I say, Jow Forums?
just show them this simple trick

choosing abstinence and involuntary celibacy and completely not the same thing like choosing not to buy and take drugs is not the same as withdrawing but not being able to find someone to buy drugs from

Chimps in the wild will rape if denied sex. I suspect men are specifically geared towards having sex sometime around their 20's and failing that is when they start to go crazy. Probably a significant relationship between young adult male suicide and inceldom

there's also something about fruit fly virgins drinking more alcohol if they're unable to procreate. Could have crossovers into male drug/alcohol addictions (see: r9k)

wizchan probably can tell you stuff

Being a two key guy dude, I’ve never been an incel. I don’t know what the feeling is like not to have sex on demand.

Sounds terrible desu.

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Normie logic my lad. If your not a fucking nigger ape sticking your dick in everything you see then your an incel.

here's a good starting point, plus there's a shitload of sources in the vid description

there was nothing wrong with Elliot Rodgers
>except that his parents didn't love him and he killed a bunch of people

The funniest thing about the "incel" meme is that it's more than likely Dashawn with 6 kids by 5 different baby-mamas that's the type to end up doing 20 to life in prison over some dumb nigger impulsive shit. Just like their impulsive sexual behavior.

imagine deciding to voluntarily live without ever getting to know what it feels like to have a soft warm pussy wrapped around your dick

their fleshlights and onaholes arent anything like the real thing

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That is brainwashing propaganda and the fact you're paying for a university course that actually takes such a word seriously enough to "study" means that your professor is a loser that thinks he is "with it" and "hot on internet culture" despite being a mainstream media parrot that is misusing the word and creating it into his own faggoty bullshit

Why are you even there? What the fuck kind of course makes you even do that?

I'd write a troll contrarian paper that says that incels are violent and thus the proper course of action is government welfare checks for them to buy pussy on the free market.
Checkmate libtards ;)

This guy, Elliot, I would think that his problem was that he was too self absorbed, too egotistical to realize he really wasn't desirable and so that made him delusional. I don't think getting laid would've solved his problems, he just needed to come to terms with the fact that he was just an ugly fuck and that he wasn't going to get every girl he desired. I'm the same as you op, I finally got laid at 19, I stuck with her for 3 years and of course was getting sex on the regular. Totally overrated in my opinion. But after that, up until now, 26, I've only gotten laid twice since than and it was more of them pushing themselves onto me instead of me looking for it and I gotta say it doesn't change my thinking. I was already hating blacks and wanting gays and trannys to hang from lamp posts way before I got laid. I didn't just develope this hate because I couldn't stick my dick in a wet hole. So I guess I would say incels are violent simply because they are being denied what they desire most. Its not always their faults either. Blame the parents for mixing shitty genes, its just that anyone who desires something and can't get it might do outrages things. Perfect example, trannys. They desire to be women, so they cut off their cocks. You know that buffalo bill guy? He cut off women's skin because he wanted it, he couldn't have it, you know he couldn't be a real women with the soft skin and such, so he did outrages things things to get it. Elliot couldn't get what the wanted, so he did something outrages. I hope this satisfies you to some degree

They're not only using the phrase incel in university but pushing written assignments on the subject? What class and uni is this user? I call bullshit

oh look a thread full of losers bad at lying

Also I refuse to believe there is such a thing as an INCEL. I am not the greatest looking guy and even I've gotten my dick sucked and balls licked by random girls I pulled up to at red lights in traffic. Even the ugliest fat slobs that smell like a McDonald's dumpster and look like they have toe nail fungus can find another fat slob to bump their heat rash spotted genitals against. Look at fat ugly Mexicans, Pajeets, negros, etc. and even they manage to pull a wife/girlfriend. They may not be 10/10 but they are a wife/gf/fuck.

Anything is possible if you try.

Are you saying whores didn't exist?
Are you saying that your grandpa wasn't taking Sally sugartits out to lookout point to fingerblast her in the back seat of his 54?
I'm willing to bet your parents fucked before marriage as well as your grandparents.

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I’m so glad I don’t go to college

>I don't understand user, how do they think that makes it involuntary?
The idea is that religious fundamentalists hold so strongly to their beliefs, that true Christians MUST behave in certain manners (which become ingrained in you."

For instance, you may meet a gay person and think they are cool on first impressions, but you feel you MUST abstain from talking to them further due to the bible.

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incel = Jow Forums and it doesnt matter what mainstream media changes it to

the idea they could be suggesting people taking a voluntary vow of celibacy are actually "incels" shows they are using it as a propaganda term to brainwash


the whole incel meme and all this shit thats blown up about it over the past few years is retarded

elliot was a decent 6-7/10 maybe even higher depending on a girls standards he was just mentally ill

>It is "involuntary" since you do it for scriptues
>you do it
Is the scripture a gun?
You do the action.
Chosing to not be a whore is your voluntary will.

>Ask yourself, is this shaming language?
If so, than this is religious in nature.
There is a moral imperative put on you to explain this shame.
The new religion is feminism.
If you don't bow down to the altar of feminism you will be shamed.
>Nerd, virgin, kissless incel.

Don't fall for it.
There is more to life than being a stiff cock for some limp bitch.

Tl;dr nothing wrong with chosing monk mode.

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>I’m so glad I don’t go to college
The worst part was I was sitting nect to a super hot girl who started telling me jokes about how horrible it is iv people don't get laid every weekend. I never seek out sex and choose to spend my weekends meditating.

If I even say that, they lose their minds lol.

>niggers commit the most crimes and niggers are not incels-therefore incels are not destined to be criminals

>are ingels a problem
No, and this is coming from a man who would've been considered "chad" a few years ago but was really a manwhore who sold and did steroid and meth. Sex needs to be with someone you care about a lot and would like to make a life with ideally. I have licked and dicked so many thots and all it did was give me gonorrhea twice and a son a few states away I cant get custody of. Sex is sex, there's nothing wrong with waiting for the right person and anyone who scoffs at that is actual trash, I would know because I was fucking those stupid whores and I know what their game is. Slut shaming should be more common for both genders.

10 page paper on incels??? Sound awfully lot. You are not biting are you? Then again, this might be an overreaction to what happened in New Zealand. You know, to try and prevent incels from radicalizing and becoming right wing extremists. Maybe you could take that sort of stance? Think about what kind of part inceldom plays in both Neo-Nazi and muslim extremist circles. The real danger is though, that you will be condemned as a racist for it, people dismissing the Nazi part of it as they will see want they want to see.

Remind the feminists that their wombs will remain barren until they rot, but your balls will never run dry because there will always be a younger female than them. This is what they are really afraid of.

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It's the result of porn and feminism. Porn has been used to subvert cultures and feminism is used to destroy the family unit. Combine that with ultra-liberalism and you create a society of slaves to their carnal urges instead of having self-sustenance through the family unit.

>You are not biting are you?
I wish I was. Keep in mind it is double-spaced, so it is really just 5 pages. My professor is actually really cool and doesn't judge. We just have to write about incels from either a moral psychology or depthpsychology position.

Depth-psychology is very loosely defined, but it mainly consists of the ideas of Freud and Jung, which are both outdated. Still, that's what we must do.

Good Lord, so many typos.
>SoundS awfully lot. You are not bAiting are you?
>as they will see wHAt they want to see

Okay. I'd be curious to see your analysis of Elliot Rodger from the depth-psychological point of view. If you write it maybe you could publish it here or on reddit as it is safer and less stigmatizing than Jow Forums.

It would be interesting, since Freud's ideas always revolve around suppressed libido. Elliot Rodger had that in spades.

I might explore that.

> choose to spend my weekends meditating.
Post pic of meditation setup with timestamp to prove no infogatheringshill.

> Incels destined to be criminals???

What is an "incel"? Anyone who's conservative?

Go with a 10 page summary that starts with "Michael's Story" from the TRP sidebar, then summarize "Book of Pook" and "Sex God Method", then cite the redpills about women's attraction to Dark Triad men. Back it up with OKcupid statistics. Go into a list of lies commonly told by women, then cite case law about conspiracy, and conclude that women are the real criminals.

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> Freud
Just go fully ass-backward. Incels are what Jung would call Apollonian and Freud would call Christ figures. In their work to bring the light of God to mankind, a work precipitated by an overly attached and sexualized mother, they sublimate their sexual urges into attachment to an idealized conception of their mother or God. Therapy is made difficult since the idealized mother/God figure forms the bedrock of the incel's self-concept.

> Moral psychology
Does society entitle people to not die childless? How do we assign blame to the individual vs to the society? When all women sexually want only the top 10% of men, who is to blame?

Srsly though writing paper prompts is both infogathering and brainwashing 101. 2/10 made me reply. Try /y/ if you want to know where the real lovers of powerful whiteness hang out.

Yes they are and my solution would be government issued waifus.

> V. Milk Zep.
> Milk Zeppelins
Get engine confirmed real and controlled

the system is setup to punish those who do not

Why do you hate gays and trannies so much? Have they been harassing you? I am not either, I just do not understand why to hate them.

>Post pic of meditation setup with timestamp to prove no infogatheringshill.
If you no how to really meditate, you need no setup. You discover that life itself is meditation (mostly we do it badly.)

Meditation is radical non-interference with our experience of reality. No matter how you approach it, it leads to this point. This is why I recommend Dzogchen. It just goes there from the start.

Vipassana is great to. The CEO of Twitter meditates for two hours a day.

If someone who runs one of the biggest social-media platforms chooses to meditate in a cave all day, why aren't other people willing to give it a chance?

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>Back in the day everyone was a virgin before marriage


>and we didn't have broken families.

yeah, men just beat their wives like God intended

Then greentext what you do on a typical day when you're "not interfering in your experience of reality"...

They are liars. Plain and simple. I don't have a problem with a man wanting to wear a dress, I don't have a problem with a man finding romance with another man, you can't help that feeling and clothing is a human construct meant to help us differentiate between the genders but you know, its lying about who they are that pisses me off. They are not female don't tell me to call you a female. I love America because I can be free to think my own way and for them to demand that I conform to their delusions? That pisses me off. Dress like a ninny on your own time, don't try to normalize your perverted desires. Gay men are also just as perverted and it gets pushed as well.

Incels are what anti whites make them to be

Nah, ignore the above. Just write about sluts and coal burners and post your professors reply.

Imagine going into debt to learn about incels

I ask because this reply is a little "off"

I don't think my family were promiscuous, maybe yours were though.

being this delusional

>all people not having sex will become criminals!
how do they explain monks and eunuchs through history then? I dont recall those ever causing problem anywhere near at high a rate as the typical sex having populace.


The 80/20 theory is real, barring social constructs that mostly prevent it.

Four thousands of years judeo-christian beliefs encouraged monogamous marriage early in a persons life. Around the same time that a person would begin to experience sexual urges. (abstinence is a joke, you can't keep kids from fooling around with one another- but you can marry them together before they commit any acts against the societal constructs that benefit everyone)

A marriage between "one man and one woman" wasn't only a warning against homosexuality (for birthrate reasons, homosexuality is historically only ever tolerated in advanced civilizations when it isn't a threat to an individuals ability to raise a family and increase a communities population.) but also to ensure that each man would receive only a single woman. This ensured that all men would have a single mate, society would not be able to function if men and women operated in accordance to their purely biological needs.

If only the top 20% of men are guaranteed reproduction then society falls apart. a man would not take a job that required him leaving home if there wasn't some sort of societal guarantee that she will remain chaste until he returns.

Virginity is prized because sexual connoisseurship can be toxic to relationships. If both parties are virgins then sex is awesome to them regardless of whether or not either of them have a talent for it.

Incels are a sad example of what happens when a man lets himself become poisoned with the modern world. They value the validation that comes with being a selected as a mate too highly and it skews their perspective on the world.

But it's true though everyone was a virgin back then.

Haha great advice, yoga students are so successful!

I pray. I don't meditate. Digits say we retake Constantinople.

Gief gobberment milky zepplinos

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This. Go do stem or a trade Op, you are fucking yourself.

this is extremism

masturbation is better than sex, it's just a meme

t. 9/10 handsome devil

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Just write the paper.

Women have no idea how sex deprived a lot of men are


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T. Bad at sex

nah, people just suck.

We live in a society full of whores, run by whores.
They can't understand someone who is not a whore.

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Incels dont exist, they cant exist when prostitution exists.

I'm a poorfag

Incels are bad because they want to pass on their genes when they realize their genes are inferior. Don't get me wrong, female hypergamy is a horrible thing and we should keep thots on patrol, but imagine if Elliot Rodger had children. His children would inherit is foul chinkish genes and his father's kike genes.

Feminism may be a broken clock, but even a broken clock is right twice a day. The only good thing to come out of women's rights is that they reject genetically inferior men.

I am suffering because of shitty genetics. If you have shitty genetics, DON'T FUCKING BREED! Your sons will SUFFER because of your choices. If you do insist on breeding anyways, I hope your sons go Elliott on your stupid asses. Fuck you.

Your teacher wants you to know what's the "uncomfortable truth" about incels.

Write a paper about the "uncomfortable truth" about trannies.

>If you have shitty genetics, DON'T FUCKING BREED! Your sons will SUFFER because of your choices.
Pretty much this, race mixing ruined my life

But isn't a man gay or at least bi if he has a romance with another man? Also, transgender people do not really lie. Most of them were born with the brain of opposite sex. They were given male/female genitals and bodies at birth, but female/male brain. And brain construct half or even more of a person's sex or gender, it is not dictated only by genitals and body. If you were born with female brain and male body and genitals, you'd end up feeling that you are being treated as a representative of a wrong sex, as a male, even if you felt that you are a female and wanted to do everything a female wants to do. You might want to change the sex of your body and your genitals into female too in that situation. It would make your life psychologically easier even if it might make it physically more difficult, due to you not being able to form into a full female ever.

you can't be born with a brain from the other sex you absolute moron LOL

Nah nigga. Good sex blows the best masturbation out the water. You need to find a girl youre actually into

Not just race mixing (although that is really bad as well). Shitskins and mentally ill people shouldn't breed regardless of the race of their partners.

Race mixers, mentally ill people (or people with a history of family mental illness), the extremely old (genetic mutations are more common in elders), shitskins, etc should not have children, period. Everyday is a living nightmare for me. I want to die but I want to live at the same time, it is like demons pulling me apart from every angle.

Fuck incels who feel entitled to their "looksmatch". Neither they or their looksmatch should breed.

Every moment is an exercise in not interfering wit reality. Jack Dorsey (CEO of Twitter) has only done 2 ten-day retreats, and feels like his primal urges are better controlled.

With meditation, you realize that death is simply a wrong idea. Hence why Buddhist monks have immolated themselves.

There's a reason why you don't see Buddhist-lead mass killings. It is antithetical to their beliefs.

fuck off. Stop encouraging the genetically inferior to have children. If he can't find a mate, it's because mother nature is SAYING HE HAS SHIT GENES. STOP FILLING THE GENE POOL WITH SHIT, you fucking fuckers!

I'm so glad I'm good looking and get hit on all the time.

go back to r9k incel cuck

Yes you can you full blown retard, as THERE ARE MUTATIONS IN NATURE EXISTING. YOU MAY EVEN HAVE GENITALS OF BOTH SEXES at birth. You are going to deny that too? But yeah, you probably do not even know what mutation is, so our conversation is over.

Write about slut shaming culture. I bet you can find a lot of info about it online from all the SJW news sources. Then in your conclusion paragraph turn it around and remark that shaming sluts is bad but shaming incels is good. It's up to you if you want to play dumb or point out the glaring hypocrisy of a degenerate culture gone amuk.

it exists, user.
I am 8/10-9/10 (got verified multiple times at /soc/ and omegle), all my family is quite beautiful, my aunt in her 40s look like a fucking supermodel, my dad is a handsome fuck in his 50s, uncle has that kind of handsome face of 1940s-1950s. One grandmother is german, pure aryan blonde with blue eyes like from hitler's postcard.
And I was with the cool kids in high school, regulating drug trade in entire school.
Got laid only once at 18. Didnt even cum though lasted 3 hours.
Got a few occasions, at 19, 20, 23. All girls were hot. I sperged out.
I realized way too late my potential. I legitimately thought i was ugly desu. If i had knew in high school what i know now, god, i would fuck at least half girls from my class. They were throwing themselves at me and i just didnt saw it. Literally, believe me. Whats hurts more is that the three girls that i was deeply in love with, one fancied me (got it confirmed through another female), with the second i was drinking and doing drugs for 6 months but NEVER made a move (what the fuck i was thinking, i dont know. If i would travel back in time i would just beat myself severely) and the third one talked to me A LOT in school about school shit but i kind of brushed her always.

I think a few visits with prostitutes may really change me.

I think pure raced people have the right to breed. It's just that being of two different gene pools makes it impossible for me to have any identity, I can't be an ethnic nationalist without being a hypocrite.

Leftists push any of their retarded shit into academia

Fucking imagine talking about cucks or onions on university





Write that most of the cause for incelism is due to autism and other mental disorders.

Good. Shaming incels is a great thing. They shouldn't be breeding. These selfish fucking idiots ruin their male childrens' lives by passing on their garbage genes.

And if you are a chad, pump and dump "femcels" as much as possible, so that they don't pair up with their male looksmatches, but at the same time they don't have kids. WEAR A FUCKING CONDOM.

Incels not having kids is a great thing.

God I wish I were full polish

You may think so certainly, but you are looking at this from your perspective only. If you were born as a pure blooded shitskin with mental illnesses, you would be thinking much differently.

Not all races are equal. Not every race should breed. Your life as a hapa (or mullatto) may be miserable, but it would be just as miserable or even worse if you were a chink.

I'm really handsome, I just hate people.

LOL are you trolling?

Present narratives about the psychological origin, effects and consequences from the perspectives of >general public
>and of the focus group themselves (incels)
Then do your best to present any evidence that is commonly brought up to justify these views.

I don't think so. I've seen the life of full blooded races all around the world. Throughout childhood and adulthood. They have people to fall back on, entire races to fall back on. I've got nothing.

why confuse incels with chads that choose not to fuck whores