American man's Russian ex-wife kidnaps their two kids to Russia, the Russian state takes her side

"Russian ambassador rejects congressman’s plea to help bring two girls back to Kansas"

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honestly, they are safer there than here.
This place is insane pushing white guilt and child mutilation.

Thats the risk you take. I don't feel sorry for men who fuck a crazy woman and then cry when their kids are taken away.

checked and agreed
I think I'd rather my kids were raised in Russia than US, but honestly fuck both parents for being degenerates worth exactly the cost of a single .45acp each.

But now he doesn't even know where his kids are

well at least he knows their teacher isn't programming them to cut their dicks off or have gay sex.
Honestly, I hope Russia takes over Europe. It would be saving western society. Prove me wrong

Is that even worth discusing?..
Better make another Tarrant appreciation thread.

Russians are pretty gay too. But I agree the girls are safer at least for few moreyears, until they get hooked on drugs and start pumping meat for money.

In Moldova police beat up some old/religious folks protesting a gay parade.

I still have hope in EE since most people hate leftist degeneracy and regressivism, even if the Govs are being bought and paid off by nation destroyers. There is still decent time - enough considering the merchants of degeneracy, western nations, are falling from social and economic instability

What Russian ambassador did was right. America is the shittiest country, that’s why.

Hey here’s school principal in America

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Fuck off you Russian shill kikes. The man was a white Republican man from Kansas. He has guns. He can shoot dead anyone threatening his family.

You fucking retards siding with a crazy feminist whore immigrant with a criminal background over a father and his children. You trust a fucking woman to take care of two kids in Russia of all places where she'll probably whore herself out and sell her kids for sex trafficking, which Russia is infamous for:

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I always though will be a 20 years affair, but believe me, young generations are fucking dumb globalists ready to take it up their arse. Women complain the hair salons are full of faggots plucking their eyebrows and body hair.

How a nation who fought pisslam for hundreds of years had fallen....bit black pilled lately.

Get off your proxy Ivan


first off I don't think women should get child custody - statistics prove thats a bad recipe.
My point is that its actually safer for kids and 0-14 in Russian than here. Prove me wrong.
Unless you homeschool you are sending them to a far left indoctrination centre run by 70iq retards who barely got through meme degree college programs. They teach white guilt, pseudo history, and sexual degeneracy. No fucking thanks. At least it would be a late teens choice to be a whore, while young kids have no defence against the criminals and child molesters prevalent in the public schools here.

when did that happen and source? pizdo

this is true but roasties are out of control


>kids for sex trafficking
>which Russia is infamous for
And Hitler is famous for killing 456 trillion Jews.

You retard. I live in shitty murica but not murican.

Russia has a sizable mudslime population, of anything a Russian invasion means the rise of Islam

Hai sictir labagiule, nu stii sa cauti o stire?

Anul trecut

This isn't California, leaf. This is Kansas. The public schools are normal here. And the father has the right to homeschool them if he wants. In Russia they'll be learning nothing but Soviet trash with broken desks and pigeon shit for chalk. They'll be sucking dick for sunflower seeds by the time they reach high school.

Everybody knows Russia is infamous for sex trafficking, even Russians themselves, kike.

Go the fuck back then Ivan

lol you've never been there have you?

america is on its way out with all the liberal indoctrination. Thats why I wont have kids, they will just be hated because they will find success. Its not even fair to the innocence of kids to be brought up in this degenerate broken culture.

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Is this the part where you post your little Potemkin high schools showing how traditional and modern Russia is and how they'll receive the best standards of education, comrade?

Fuck that. The father has a right to teach his kids about America. You just side with the Russian slut because you're under the impression Russia is some kind of white man's paradise ethnostate, which it isn't.

Muslims are only like 7% of the population

>My point is that its actually safer for kids and 0-14 in Russian than here. Prove me wrong.
The fact that you hold a massive country like Russia in absolutism of 'proper childrearing', while admonishing another massive nation, such as the US, in the same post gives us ample indication of your crude understanding for the situations in either places of living.

Prove your claim first.

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But he had better keep paying his alimony or Kansas will rightfully lock him up.

anything can beat basedville to raise a man in the modern age. Admit it the boy will be hated just for breathing here.

How brainwashed are you? Russia isn't as bad as you describe. Lots of places in the states are way worse for young kids. Sure, maybe Kansas isn't teaching them to cut their dicks off but half your country, and all of mine, are. Wake up faggot before they turn your kids into faggots.
Where did I say its a white mans paradise? Are you fucked? The topic is safety of kids, specifically in public schooling. Face it,Russia is safer in that aspect overall.

Russia's homicide rate is over twice that of America's and sexual crimes are punished more severely here as well. Virtually no school teaches white guilt or sexual degeneracy, they're so rare that when they do it's newsworthy, though I'm sure you'll misconstrue anything into what you want to see. Your sense of society is pretty warped. You should try to re-enter it, it'll be healthier for you

seeI'm stating that in public schools its safer since they don't teach the LGBT propaganda. In the west they often brainwash kids. You know I'm right in this aspect, even if other aspects of Russia suck.

I can literally sense how angry you are leftist. I'll give you some bigger news: I literally work for the public school board in the GTA. I fucking know exactly what they teach and how they brainwash kids. So fuck yourself little lefty, there are people in your school boards trying to stop the degeneracy and w are aware of it.

ahahahaaha someone is triggered that a mother doesn't want to raise her kids in a proper shithole like this country

>Russia's schools

What a load of trash. You honestly expect some gopnik ridden stab-happy shithole in the middle of the Ural mountains is better than Kansas?

We're talking about lifestyle here, leaf. Those kids are gonna grow up fucking poor. Their mom is gonna whore herself out because who the fuck survives as a divorcee in Russia?

Those kid's stepfather will be a drunk vodka-swilling retard who will probably beat the shit out of them. They should be with their actual father, who can afford them a higher standard of living and buy them actual presents on Christmas instead of cigarettes and vodka.

I can't believe you're siding with a whore in this shit, it's pathetic

Here is a school in Muttmerica

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It's not white man's paradise. But it's not about it. More than 190 nationalities are considered part of population. And because of than and because of our communist legacy every nationality treated like others. We don't hate muslims or black people in general, they can be whatever race or nationality, practice Islam or other religions as long as they respect our culture and country. That's why we don't have problems like in US or EU with refugees and religion.

Good. Now they are safe from niggers and faggots.

Do you even know how to read? Is English your first language?
I'll ask you: what are we talking about? Because you seem to be talking about something else.

Speak for yourself, dog fucker

Russia bends knee to mudslime.
Mud slime practically have complete rule over entire region they inhabit.
We ONLY have double the blacks and you see how that works for us.

I agree, Slavs are dumb as a sack of rocks but atleast they aren't cucked.

most important point “respect our culture” our immigrants spit on ours, and get rewarded for it.

>implying Russia isn't an HIV ridden heroin-using shithole

The US is so bad you had to live here, Ivan. Cus your mommy saw your muhh vatnik nationalism and wanted a better life for you, so now you're bitter.

>reddit spacing
oh its a faggot leftist pissed at Russia for not prompting faggotry

No. This school was zoned into an all Hispanic school in 19&8 and all the white kids were zoned to Gilbert/Mesa/Chandler/Queen Creek/Anthem/Goodyear/Surprise/Buckeye/Gila bend. A lot also moved to yavapai. Posting a picture of an inner city school from 1968 and ignoring zoning/white flight makes this very very very disingenuous. Also the child was kidnap by the mail order mom from Gardner Kansas. An Upscale suburban commuter town that didn’t just vote trump but is heavily conservative.

>muh safety means make them live an eternally poor lifestyle surrounded by commieblocks, alcoholics and IV drug users with only a whore mother as company, as long as they dont hear the word lesbian ever

This the gist of what you're saying?

>ok so what if Russia sucks in practically every other sense
>at least your kids won't be gay!
This is a terrible talking point.
You've just told me that despite every other avenue there is to avoid bubbles of social justice laced arenas, we have to feel happy for these kids being taken away from their father without having all other options considered, as if there are none.
You still haven't backed your own claim with data, give some shit to read and agree with so maybe I don't have to sit here and tell you how fucking dumb you sound.

America is still a joke to raise kids in. Atleast he wont be sourrounded by feminist muh think abou the kids “of color” me too and race baiting bullshit.

Shut up. You burgers are retards I can't wait until the ethnostates' national pastime is watching "white" Americans get killed by their fellow subhuman.

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>all these people saying...
>haha now they’re safe from POZ
Seem to forget only Moscow and Chechnya aren’t Pozzed. Kansas is objectively better and would’ve been objectively better

You’re just assuming this.

I remember a Russian user saying how much Russia sucks and that it is not some based white utopia.
I would rather live a good life here than in some slavic hellhole.

>Having kids with a foreign national

This, America would’ve made these two girls become insane coal burning roasties. Russia at least has some sanity left in them.

I don't give a good goddamn what Russia promotes. It's not moral to break up the family and it's not moral to side with a fucking whore over a child's rightful father, no matter how much you think Russia is safe from public school indoctrination.

Hey Hillary, I’m sure using those anti-semtic memes go against your core principals.

Russian women in general have a clump of ice for a heart. DO NOT FALL FOR RUSSIAN WOMENS, MY FELLOW AMERILARD. They'll suck you dry, either your wallet or your soul.

>Not 45% spic, 9% Indio, 2% black
>Texas more then 80%
>Kansas 90% or more
>New York 90% or more

>In Moldova police beat up some old/religious folks protesting a gay parade.

It's Russia. The police will beat you for no reason. That was just an average Tuesday. They would of beat the gays too, but cameras were probably rolling.

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>The leaf has hope for Eastern Europe
>Not for suburban and rural retards

That's why you redpill your kids, which the father is in charge of. That's why you give them an opportunity to have a father in their lives in the first place.

Jesus Christ I can't believe I have to argue that living with both your parents in your place of birth is better than living with only your roastie mother that kidnaps you to live in a foreign land.

ask any honest Russian this and they will give you the same answers.

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Lmao someone didn't get the meme at RTAmerica, no one cares about that old bat. She's irrelevant.

>implying Hillary would be pro-father's rights
>implying Hillary would be pro-gun

He’s also assuming she is an Idelogical asshole like him who isn’t trying to spite the father

I never quite understood the Slav girl fetish, at least when so many of them have the same facial structure as a Minecraft character model

guess that's one way to help russia's looming demographic crisis.

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Mail order brides actually tend to be better then native women sadly.

I'm not a leftist and now I'm fairly sure you're borderline retarded. I don't know how fucked up things are in your cucked out country, but if people like you are their only impediment then I see why the left is winning. Most places in America, and especially Kansas, don't have as many dick sucking faggots as Canada does. You sound like you're either a deranged boomer or a fucking NEET. Again, try to actually live in society. White Russians are ten times as violent as white Americans and are even more likely to have bastard children. Those kids are going to have a shittier life over there.

>implying it’s wrong to take White children to live with Whites
>implying it’s good to let children be raised near nighers and spics

And that's a right thing to do. You probably don't even know what Hitler wanted to do if USSR lost the war. Every single human from our country would become a slave. Millions died for preventing this horrible thing. You can say that Hitler did nothing wrong, cause you are a white and from US/Western Europe. But if you are russian and you are trying to deny his crimes and horrible things he have done, than you are really fucked up person.

Yeah, you have freedom of speech and democracy for everyone, but where did this lead you? Are you happy about your current situation in your country?

>siding with roastie mother
>niggers and spics in lily white Kansas

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the kids were litterally born in Russia. She went there while still pregnant and in process of divorse.

Imagine being that retarded to demand kids now for some reason to be brought to US.

>TL;DR you fucking RACISTS don’t want a child to grow up being educated by (((them))) and raped by niggers
>t.tyrone gonzales
>The faggot loving bootleg version of Nebraska is a good state
They consume the most homosexual propaganda in the Midwest

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I'm happy that I don't live in a post-communist country that was ruled by direct Jewish despotism for nearly an entire century.
I'm happy that I can speak obvious truths about historical events that been perverted through many years of revisionism.

I'm *not happy that those same Jewish oligarchs have transmogrified the country into another massive banking cartel for their own personal gain.

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Imagine being that retarded to trust a divorced roastie woman to raise kids in Russia by herself

No they don't. You don't even live in the US, memeflag.

>break up that family, goy make them live in a foreign land without their father or a decent standard of living so they get sex-trafficked

Fuck off kike

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>all women are roasties

>you don’t even live in the United States

Did you expect Russia to take side of an American man? Thank fucking god they had the common sense to say no. If Russia started handing its citizens over to CIA the BLM would lose all its internet presence.

I honestly can't blame her.
in the USA
>marxist education
>forced degeneracy
>racial equity system against them
sure they might lose a lot of person freedoms in Russia but
>Christian nation
>non marxist education
>no racial equity bullshit

the mother probably looked around and realized her white children will have a better future in Russia. maybe not so much so in personal liberty but degeneracy will not be forced upon them, nor will they ever be forced for pay for non whites, nor will they brainwashed in cultural marxism.

I loved what America used to stand for but these days I don't blame any whites leaving.


Sa m-apuci de coi, pizdo

Stop spreading (((soviet))) bullshit, pidoraska.
There were a million of russians if not more fighting on the german side. The nazis came after
commies who fucked up our homeland forever

Nice proxy.

>That's right goy, take away their father that can teach them to kill any Tyrone with a gun
>Leave them their roastie mother that will whore them out to Dmitri and Ramzan for 200 rubles an hour and give them HIV

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Maybe that was me. yes, the muslims are protected class in russia and the hate laws are worse than the European ones. no visa with muslim neighbor countries at all, and the country is already ~20-25% muslim


You have NO any chance to get back kids from mother here. If she is not hard drug or alcohol user.

>Y-you’re not a REAL American unless you want pic related to have a 2 year old girlfriend you fucking goy

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make sure to contact the u.s. government then if they refuse to send the kids back, then they lose their american citizenship for becoming citizens in russia

They're better off with Putin, though i fucking love me Trump. White people might as well be seen as feral hogs now, that's how much theyre hated

But on a side note
>American states
>Flee to Russia
he dun fugg'd up by letting a CYKA woman have any of his bank info

Well, Lenin wasn't a jew. Also, communism embraced the equality of people. It includes nationality. So, basically all of the western countries are hundred of years behind Russia.

You are speaking like that because there wan no threat from nazis for your country. Imagine that Hitler said that USA is an abomination of cultural and racial mixing, it should be destroyed and every single citizen must be a slave for the glorious Reich, including you. Would you still support his opinion and actions?

>Well, Lenin wasn't a jew.
yes, he was by the mother's side

Cyka blyat comrade at least we grow up without degeneracy

Come little Suzie is ok Russian playground safe

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He had 1/8 of jewish blood, it's not enough even with nazi standarts.

Have you ever been to st petersburg or moscow?
like sodom and gomorrah x10000. Rampant aids, prostitutes everywhere. They even brought in an influx of Indians, Turks, and Africans for no reason other than to bask in the infinite degeneracy that is the russian federation. Russian woman are whores, this notion that russian women are conservative and the last bastion of white fertility is a fucking lie.

While the map is inaccurate, San Diego was not predominately Mexican. Here's a more accurate map from 1930 where spics were separated from whites.

Attached: Whitepopulation1930.png (4200x3105, 559K)

And here's a state map of 1940 with with the non hispanic white category

Attached: WhitePercentage ofPOP1940.png (5400x3586, 961K)

>non murkans come to murka
>murkans reee
>non-murkans left murka
>murkans reee
being 56% sure does things to your brain

bullshit, by Jewish laws that makes him 100% jew