Okay so i need opinions from others who have watched the full 16 minute livestream of the shenanigans going on in NZ...

Okay so i need opinions from others who have watched the full 16 minute livestream of the shenanigans going on in NZ. when he first enters the mosque and goes down the corridor at the 6:52 mark. i see the magazine that he picks up on his second way through. from what i can notice it just appears out of thin air, it doesnt seem to fall or bounce into place as if he dropped it. what do you think? does anyone else notice on their videos?

Attached: Screenshot (2).png (1275x695, 663K)

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He specifically mentions having dropped it during the car ride at the end.

it was left there from previous takes.

I think he left it there after fumbling with it because he had a third

It was planted

We here at Jow Forums publicly disavow this shooter

fuck off faggot

nigga he dropped it

What is wrong with you?

No we all don't.

Kike. He's the great white prophet.