UK is the new Swedistan

>Islamic rape gangs raping little children, most famously Rotherham
>Media and police tries to hide pedophilia increase
>Police punishing man who tried to take the law in his own hands, since the police refused to deal with the rape gangs.
>White Chad shot Muslims at other side of the planet.
>Let Muslims pray in the house of representatives
>They literally prayed in Islamic and bashed Jow Forums.

Fucking emasculated cucks, do something!

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They won't. The Islamic dick is so far up their ass spewing out worms that rapidly embed themselves in the spinal cord of their society working their way up and into the brain.
It's over, and even if they were forcefully removed the body could prolapse and die in the process.

They need to retaliate. We did it in Norway and the left hasn't won a single election since.

My ancestors were from Vik. Can I move there if I learn Norwegian?

Of course.

Much appreciated. The US, like the UK, has a cultural inertia problem in my opinion. The mass and velocity of the current culture is too great to reverse at this point because the mass and initial velocity of any counter movement is too diminished. The demographics are shifting too dramatically and quickly, such that any remaining whites with a remaining sense of unified cultural identity will be vastly outnumbered by a multi-cultural amalgam that is unilaterally aligned against them.
I'll likely never move to Norway because I don't want to desert my country, but its nice to be welcomed and gives me some hope to know you guys are still based and fighting the good fight up there.
Godspeed, user, and God bless Norway.

The feminism is a lot worse in Norway though, just to be clear.

UK was always more islamified than sweden.

Norway is just Sweden on a smaller scale. As someone who's spent time in the poorer, Somali/Paki infused districts of Oslo, this much was clear.

Lets face it, it was over a long time ago. (((they))) have everything now. It is time to move on out to greener pastures.