Why do non-americans keep commenting on american politics

especially on the election and who theyre supporting. their opinion literally does not matter
like dont you have to fix your own shithole or something.

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It's our world they're just in it

It only happens online and they are nolife 'spergs.

We comment on their countries politics (not that they matter)

Because American politics diffuse into other western countries, the U.S. has been a political trend setter since the 40's. I'd say it is starting to go the other way as well; look at places like Jow Forums for example, we're individuals that feel alienated by our own system, so we talk to other people we can sympathize with.

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USA literally #1

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Idk cause it’s fun? At least more than theirs.

90% of those who are butthurt about Drumpf on this board are not butthurt because he's the president of America but because they are leftists and as such a non-leftist leader of the world's last globe-spanning empire disgusts and horrifies them. Leaving aside the fact that most of them are from pissant countries not even worth being colonized by US bases whose leaders' decisions effect their lives less than do our President's, of course

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We actually had the not our president protests here, i shit you not

All five eyes countries are American territory.

God I love feet

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Because you have fun politics rather than the depressing, half-inflated garden slip-N-slide into a blender that is the UK palimentary system. God bless America.

Fuck off from my Polish deathcamp oganiser forum!

I watched this for three minutes waiting for the dick to burst through.
I'm disappoint.

Because everyone wants to be an American or be in America. USA ALL THE WAY!!! USA #1

american politics directly affect the world at large. we all have our own sovereignty but realistically we're living in the american empire

Why do you keep commenting on straight shit when you're clearly a faggot?

Yup, Earth = America


I just don't get it, how did it get so bad over there? The silent majority seems so content, I guess revolution really won't come until the lights are off and the tap is dry. Bread and circuses.

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Das rite

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I dont know about you OP, but I'm not voting Trump 2020

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>always brags about being the most powerful country in the world
>why do the rest of the world care about what we do?

What happens in America affects all of us, our families etc. Such is the price of being the most important nation on Earth.

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lol the bongs have never had a revolution. they live and die for their queen like literal bug men.

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I met a normie European on a trip there and he said that Europeans look to America for political leadership and was going aggro about how Trump means Europe is going to be bigoted next.
You have more spineless cucks than you think. I sincerely hope he wasn't telling me the truth.

The burning torch of western civilization is currently in the hands of the United States

>their opinion literally does not matter

Also this is directly untrue - if I were brown I could sneak in and vote and the Democrats would fucking DEMAND that my vote count.

All this week I'm ashamed that the American conspirsharts are relishing in the opportunity to invent nonsense to disrupt rational analysis of the NZ shooting. An non-American event. I don't know why more NZ and AU are not more annoyed and embarrassed by this shamelessness.

As for the American politics, I would love to avoid it entirely but I have no choice, everyone insisted around from around February 2016 that I HAVE TO MAKE A CHOICE, WHO DO YOU STAND WITH, THIS IS THE END THIS IS THE END.

At least with a monarchy you know who to point the finger at, I'd take a monarchy over a soulless class of patrician overlords that speak a made up jargon language and trade their people and culture for cheap labor. I guess we can't say much though huh.

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If it makes you feel any better the American media are pretty much pretending it happened here in America. People are talking about gun control again like American gun law would somehow apply to New Zealand. Also the media is blaming Trump for some reason.

>especially on the election and who theyre supporting. their opinion literally does not matter

you are giving vote right to illegal immigrants and you are complaining why all world is involving to USA politics ?

You asked for this ;)

p.s. leftists can't meme for only one reason

republicans and right wind politicians are not crazy and want a good and healthy middle class while leftists-democrats hate middle class and they want ... workers and rich people only !

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>if I were brown I could sneak in and vote and the Democrats would fucking DEMAND that my vote count
clearly dont know how citizenship and voting works in america
its not canada you fcking leaf. You need to get sponsored just to get a green card. and even with a green card you need like 5 years before you getting voting rights. democrats went too far with obama and thats why they lost. repbulicans will prob go to far with trump and dems might win 2024. not sure about 2020. both parties are getting extreme though and we might see new parties soon

>Why do non-americans keep commenting on american politics
coz you are the biggest economy and you're going down the shithole buddy.. i don't want the tide gonna hurt my country too.. so i try to give my opinion too. i know it doesn't really matter..

but then again where you faggots will run to when your titanic sinks?? here?? i'll fuck you up randy. i don't wonna see your dumb yanki ass here. fix you shithole first. then come visit.

do you realize that you're all-in on this one you dumb fucking faggot?? i seriously don't want the usa to fail.. but it looks like you're turning into something really fucked up.. i can't really tell the difference now if the USA is the new USSR, a subdivision of China, nigger paradize or non-stop gay porn video

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Eh, I comment on theirs and when I let some South American know what I think about X or some German what I think about Y, the thing I'm talking about is probably unlikely to eventually affect policy or economics in my country. Political changes in the US have that possibility in theirs, it's only natural that they would share opinions on it, even if they don't really have a firm grasp on what it's like here or they're just trolling for fun.

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All the good men died. Flat out, all the good men died. 1945 marked the beginning of the end for the UK, it’s been in a steady spiral ever since. Nobody cares about the future for Britain anymore, our political class are traitors and schemers to the last and we have literal thought crime devisions for our police departments. Hell, our government is so authoritarian they have instituted a wank tax and no one seems to care. The United Kingdom is lost. I hope you don’t make our mistakes.

Why do you care about euro politics.
[spoiler]OP is a tremendous...ly uninformed individual[spoiler]

Welcome to the...
Forbidden Board

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I like tacos

The British monarch is a relic of a bygone age, the position is almost entirely for decoration. Sure she has meetings with diplomats and dignitaries but the last time the royal blood got even remotely close to common politics Was when Trump came to visit. For queen and country is an antiquated phrase, now the amorphous mass of self-destructive walking corpses known as Parliament calls the shots. It’s a shambles.

This, with the exception of Israel (for obvious reasons) and the UK (because they're salty faggots).

>(((American empire)))

We are the best and they are just in awe

Because america is the strongest pawn in the world and if the rest of the other pawns are going to make it they need the strong one to wake up first.

yeah i know it's deep state, israel, cults. but it's all run from america. puppet empire i suppose

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enjoy your hypothyroidism

Sike. Would trade in my citizenship for Japanese if Is poke their language.

>Gay nigger doesn't know what white looks like

That's a common symptom all over the Western world, that doesn't make it any less of a shame though. When powerful entities wage endless war it's never the cowardly and weak willed that are lost because those types are in surplus. There's a mural that was painted in 1922 at my university that details this, the men in it drop their ambitions and scholarly future they planned for themselves and go to shoot at somebody they would probably get along with under normal circumstances. It's a shame we all had to be born in the shadow of such a powerful climax, but I figure our awful political classes are the same shit, different century; maybe a new wave of aristocrats will see the value in liberty once all of our old reptiles have croaked.

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when trump was running there were hundreds of 1 post by this ID foreign flags shitting on trump

it's literally pajeets on leftist payroll

they've even infested the liveleak comment sections and most of them cant speak proper english, they upvote each others comments then leave and they just get downvoted into oblivion

I'll be on holidays around then and though I might vote a few times while I'm in California.

if you think that is normal, definitely get your thyroid checked

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>when the first post is the best post
Too bad Trump will destroy this country beyond repair

You have no idea how influential your faggot media is and your Hollywood propaganda.

Australia is a mini extension of you douche bag country.

Suck me off

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Why do none germans keep interfering in german politics?

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Misty got THICC

Things that happen in America echo around the world, I for one think their opinion matters and they should be able to join in as they want. That's the power of the digital age. They can't vote directly but they can influence possibly.

they are jealous

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>Gay nigger doesn't have an overactive thyroid for the immune system benefit
Exploit your own weaknesses for strength.
This is how to be STRONG.

>maybe a new wave of aristocrats will see the value in liberty once all of our old reptiles have croaked.
I’m hopeful, but I wonder how many of us will make it? I doubt any European country will survive it’s current batch of traitors. America has me slightly more optimistic, provided nothing world-rendingly stupid happens. It’s just a sad time to be an Anglo I suppose.

This times a million.

hypothyroidism is LOW thyroid activity you retard


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maybe the same way non americans run the USA?

No it isn't. Not anymore.

You are disgusting

Why fuckinh americans always end up cpmmenting european politics??

Even better question...why do Americans give a fuck about their own politics?
>American politics: 3 groups incessantly bitching, crying, arguing, killing, kidnapping, silencing, censoring pieces of corrupt paid off shit that manipulate stupid fucking people into believing there is a mass mutually agreed system that works for everyone.

I would end this earth without question if the opportunity arose

American politics and economics affects all of the world.

It’s like he’s trying to speak to me, I know it!

I'm not sure, I'm hoping it won't come to any sort of massive, decade sprawling depression or hysteria. The elites house of cards will cave when English, Irish, and German identity rapidly falls here, at least that's what I think; tribalism will kick in. I would say Europe as a whole has a decent chance given its history and general homogeneity. I don't mean to bring down your optimism, but many Americans are golems in every way. We care little for history, geography, or philosophy, and our political world is run on fear and moral robbery (you're not a racist, are you?). We've got our hands deep into international problems and half of our citizens don't even ask themselves why...the only thing holding us slightly above the water is our historical population's patriotism and endurance, but I don't think I have to tell you that things are heating up.



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>Why do non-citizens keep commenting on Roman politics
>especially on the senate election and who theyre supporting. their opinion literally does not matter
>like dont you have to fix your own germanic shithole provinces or something.

This is you, a few decades before those barbarians come a-knockin'.