A recent research paper done at Berkerly reported that white women have melanin receptors all over the surface of their pussy walls. They have concluded from this that White Women sub consciously seek out darker men and cum more intensely when having intercourse with brown and black cocks. Even Bill Nye has gone on record supporting this fact.
A recent research paper done at Berkerly reported that white women have melanin receptors all over the surface of their...
She can clap with her tits.
daily reminder that buttblasted Turks make these threads
>White Women sub consciously seek out darker men and cum more intensely when having intercourse with brown and black cocks.
>posts a white woman paid to simulate an orgasm while facing social stigma for the rest of her life.
i hate how that made me hard and now i dont know what to do with this raging hard-on. Shameful
White women are trash, if you disagree you are a faggot.
I'm a white boy and I want one black dick in my mouth and one deep inside my ass
It's spelt Berkeley you illiterate third world shitter.
>A recent research paper
>Doesn't provide a citation
Fuck off nigger. Saged and reported.
I have also heard that white women have melanin receptors. Science is so amazing!!!!
Daily reminder a Turk makes these threads
Here's some stuff I done made up.
Ps, we know your white.
Sorry dude, the woman I know don't like black men at all.
Only the roasties do and ppl laugh with them.
Once they go black no white man wants them back!
maybe they dont want white men either
I didn't need any fancy shmancy science to tell me that, God tells us as much in the Bible.
Ezekial 23:20
There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.
So you longed for the lewdness of your youth, when in Egypt your bosom was caressed and your young breasts fondled.
You’re the fucking nigger from earlier
Sauce quick
Hahahaha sandnigger seething
>skin has pigment chemical organelles
Wow surprising would never have thought.
Clearly this means I must let my girlfriend fuck the darkest men.
Did you know testicles have taste buds?
Clearly this means I must dip my balls into every soup, sauce and souffle to savor the flavor.
Lol nice. Remember to sage
provide link to the shit you made up retard
White women have melanin receptors in their vagina. That’s a fact!
You fags could just start tanning your dick.
chick's name?
as we all know, during sex melanin flies off the nigger's dick during sex. white women's vaginas are lined with "melanin receptors" to collect said melanin which results in their vaginas turning purple.
Are you retarded? Even if there were melanin receptors (lol no) you don't secrete melanin so there would be none for the receptors to receive.
My fists have faggot ass receptors. What a coincidence that your flag is D&C and demoralizing in every thread. Get to work shucking monkey spunk and fuck off my board, bitch.
Check and based.
Trudeau? I thought you were done your Florida vacation?
>I'm a white boy
You aren't white you are just an albino faggot
I'd presume white men also have this feature plastered around their feminine pink toned orifices as well.
What's the difference?
God she's so beautiful. Why do they take these jobs bros. She could be in a wheat field somewhere taking care of little white kids
Research shows that OP has semen receptors in his mouth and tastebuds in his asshole which is why he can't stop sucking cock and stuff his ass with fruits and vegetables.
Black dick and sexual satisfaction probably takes priority over such trivial things, if I had to guess why.
p.s. fuck canada
Since you're a Mongoloid hybrid, do you shit yourself bleeding because of the tightness of your rectum? Is said rectum also pink toned like your cousins in the west?
If you're Somali why would you sympathize with US blacks. They make fun of you behind your back and call you big ol eggheads
a recent research paper done at berkerly reported that niggers heads explode when bullets enter the cranium just like everyone elses. They have concluded from this that niggers should shut the fuck up before time runs even bill nye has gone on record supporting this fact.
hitler should've ended what he started
This picture should be mandatory viewing on Jow Forums
I'm alright with banter, and we generally tend to get along. So I can't see why we wouldn't sympathize with each other for a common cause.
somalis are the inferior muslims, you are the bottom of the bottom
I've seen this Jew selling this bullshit as 'scientific research' over and over again. Go get a real job Soros bitch
50 posts and not a single one of you has named the bitch.
Come on, Jow Forums. I know y'all spend at least three hours a day fapping to this stuff.
Oh look the 5th blacked thread of the day.
There's no hierarchy within the Islamic theology, in regards to what you're spouting. So as long as we fulfil the rituals required, we pretty much already done our part and ascended to the highest rank(which is achieved just by being muslim). Nice d@c though.
kike op with a different ip bumping the thread
why hasnt this been deleted, we all know its the same old shit with the same old communist demons peddling it
Shes a cokey air head with no other options. Remember, they pay these whores more because they know if the pay was the same as whites, they wouldnt do it.
You heard him guys. Even Bill Nye's gone on record.
based and serbpilled
Source for this claim, coping faggot
Research also shows that brown people are a net drain on society.
Still got bigger dicks, whitey lol
Keep posting your statistics while we fuck all your women lmao
Jow Forums back to normal I see.
Tranny mods burn in hellfire forever!
lmao this dude cant even get one up.
why the jews keep hiring impotent niggersß
>muh dick
Nigger-roach poster detected.
At least provide links to a fake study that blacks have bigger dicks so I can refute it with actual empirical studies.