Biden considering announcing Stacey Abrams as his running mate early on

Biden-Abrams 2020!

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>Loser Picks Bigger Loser As Running Mate

Trump’s margin of victory will be even wider than that bitch’s gap

Lol. Biden you stupid fuck.

>stacy abrams
guaranteed loss lol

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So she's basically aiming for presidency since he'd be dead less than 2 years into his 1st term

Will be worse for Biden than Mccain picking Palin. At least she was a governor of a state.


lol is she still running for governor of georgia? did she ever concede?

>anyone under the age of 50 supporting Joe Biden
People really are retarded. Do they not know about this assclown? Well, makes sense. Hillary teamed with Jack Thompson back in the day to try and ban videogames and yet young people supported her in droves.

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Neolib millennials love him because muh obama

Stacey Abrams will make an excellent choice for our future President Biden's triumphant run to victory.

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The man's directly responsible for killing young people and being a gigantic wet blanket. Also, he's a fucking creepy asshole.'_Vulnerability_to_Ecstasy_Act

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Biden, Beta and Kamala will eat each other alive in the primaries.

>old + jewish
no thanks

please please let biden run, this pedo cunt should be in prison

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Weird flex

Open borders please...

Will Biden give me $1000/mo though? Important question.

Maybe he's trying to lose on purpose. Truly /our guy/

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Why are 80 year olds even running?

his entire platform will be 'i was obama's guy, remember me?'

"How to lose an election a year before it happens."

Why would he announce a VP this early? Isn't that something you do near the end of the primary.

>did she ever concede?

Yeah, took forever but she did. I actually think she displayed (slightly) more dignity in defeat than Bill Nelson.

>is an American politician, lawyer, and novelist

When I see too many things after a name, I know it's bullshit.

>Trump, unscrupulous businessman

Someone I can count on to be who he is no matter what position, for me, or against me

why do the Democrats worship literal losers like Beto and Abrams?

Biden is dying of brain cancer. He won't make it to office.

They're propping him up to lose

Locking in a ham planet that his creepy hands will never grope.

This is all just a big game to them....

> You know what will really fuck things up? Lets make that dumb fat nigger from Georgia VP

>brainlets who can't into politik

Look up the term "trial balloon". You're welcome.

It’s about getting the base all fired up. You use a young go getter to draw in the youth vote then have them drop out and the preferred candidate gathers those votes. They do it every time, though, Bernie didn’t drop out so they had to cheat him. You will notice he didn’t call them out on it though. They are all in on the con, and youth and people with soft hearts are the marks. Stacy will draw in the blacks and might even get a shot at veep. But the preferred candidate is Kamala Harris with Joe Biden as plan B. Watch how they go after Yang. It will get ugly.

Hopefully it won't come to that, I am looking for four more years, since that is a "sting" the establishment needs.

>I don't want blood

very obviously going for the "first black and female vp" bullshit. and she's ugly enough that Biden won't grope her in public.

Too old and too white. The dems are gonna rip him and Bernie apart in the primary.

If Biden runs his pedophile ass won't win, I can guarantee you of that