Trump is a national disgrace because of his obesity, he is setting a terrible example, especially for kids watching him who think it's okay to be disgustingly overweight. He even brags about it by eating burger king non stop and posting pictures with unhealthy food like that.... Do you agree that Trump needs to stop being a fatass?

Attached: obese.jpg (584x565, 94K)

Imagine, fat shaming the POTUS

Why wouldn't you?

Fuck I weigh as much as him.

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Are you telling me you don't like cheezburgers?

Hahahahahaha what a fat orange fuck. Impeach him now.

I unironically don't like cheezburgers tbqh.
I only like vegetable burgers.

I don't understand why people go to Mcdonalds and Burger king, the food isn't good. There is fast food that's decent for what it is but not those...

Wtf I'm a liberal tranny now God damn you OP!!!!


no wonder migaloids love him

For example, if I was there in pic related I would have filled my plate up with sides or maybe a chickenburger infact (sometimes they're good). But cheezburgers I stay away from.
Fast food is okay once in a while but not all day long regardless of what type it is..

Attached: trump burgers.jpg (2016x1512, 523K)

Is being dangerously overweight grounds for impeachment? :(

Well, to be fair, Obama set a terrible example by being a nigger. think that the only cheeseburgers in existence are those sold at fast food joints?


Attached: hunh.jpg (184x184, 14K)

hes a 70+ year old with more money than youll make in 100 life times
Who cares what he looks like unless youre a lefty fagboy who want to guzzle down superior mens cocknballs
cope & sage

for impeachment no
for a whole peach pie yes

I love juicy burgers but MacDonald is pleb food.

No of course not.
But in this context I thought we mean the generic burgers sold at fast food joints.
I don't eat burgers very much in general, however, I have had good cheeseburgers before but those were homemade ones.

Making a proper burger by hand is a fine artform.

Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg (550x545, 30K)

>unimportant thing about Trump
>criticism of unimportant thing about Trump
>thread #2834
tiresome, so; it's all


So is OP. And ugly.


Rent free


As it should be. This is why we rebelled against the crown, to elect leaders that represent us.


faux news viewers are likely twice as heavy, didn't want to make them feel bad


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Hell yes 1488 heil hitler fatties can go in the gas chamber with the kikes am i right brother?

he should have smoked crack like obama and kept his weight down.

I must disagree, He is a mulatto, not a black. Blacks cannot actually attain presidency.

tick tock drumpf! impeachment soon!

How dare you fat shame someone? Fat is just as beautiful, if not more, as skinny. Also, there is no proof being obese isn't healthy.

243 pounds eats MacDonalds, meanwhile Hillary got sick even attempting to keep up with his campaign schedule in 2016


>Do you agree that Trump needs to stop being a fatass?

absolutely... nipples protruding, disgusting.

This is strange, just last week some jewish woman from NYT told me that anyone can be perfectly healthy at literally any size and now some jewish guy from NYT is telling me the president should be impeached for being a few pounds overweight. Which one is lying bros? I’m so confused

hopefully he dies of a heart attack.


no one cares zionist nigger. gtfo