Everyone lets thank USA for giving us Freedom of Speech and this platform where we can express ourselves freely without fear of prosecution, which no country has honor to say it has!
Without USA we would be deep into Censorship

We must cherish this Freedom.

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based burger anons

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>fuck your faggot laws.
-An American with free speech

If only the other posters on this basket weaving forum who aren't in the US or US citizens would realize that they don't have free speech.

I am so sorry American for being Pathetic Cuck of nation, FORGIVE ME. BOMB ME PLEASE, SEND CARPET BOMBERS!

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lmao, the little island is gonna be a fun place in like a decade

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Unironcally though, god bless America. Never ever take a single step back, any attempt to curtail any freedom will be the thin end of a wedge that ends in the nullification of the constitution. Never give an inch, not one god damn inch.

shucks ‘twernt nothing

I will never understand fully what does it mean to live in Free country where you are able to defend yourself and not go to Gulag!!
>We have FAGGOT laws

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msnbc is sampling conga fury and telling you when the next shooting will be
watch for the trees

Shut up nigger, no one cares what you think unless you’re American

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Finally, the USA gets the respect it deserves around here.

yeah nice sentiment but we all know you're just gonna go back to calling us mutts and jew slaves and laughing every time we get a mass shooting or how we don't have universal healthcare or whatever

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Youre right . THE REAL USA is fucking awesome. But, youtube is a censor pit. Twitter is A censorship shit hole. So... I guess REAL AMERICA is in the strength of REAL AMERICANS. Not the cucks pretending to be American. Fucking cowardice has no place on earth.

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I am SO SO SO SO SORRY my American Overlord, those are all beaten cuckolds or Communist Shills who want to destroy American freedoms.
Those are pathetic faggots who insult USA yet they would sell their mother to come and live in USA

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we don't call them carpet bombers here, we call them freedom distributors

USA USA USA (In a deep voice)

hear hear

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YOU HAVE BEST PRESIDENT EVER. He doesn't give shit to say what he means, First EVER president who openly gives middle finger to Globalist Shills, Spics, Niggers, SandNiggers and other vile creatures.

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how the fuck is a gun going to help you on the internet dumbass?

there is a difference between saying something and be bullied by MSM and the NPC in US and being arrested for a twitt

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We have illusion of Rights!
Our countries are sucking Saudi Arabia donors dick and let them rape our women on masses-


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All the alphas left that fairy country and killed so many of you cunts and you guys are still our friends. We have a near continent sized country and you guys are a little island. Even your old prison colony is more alpha than you. You say cheese toasty instead of grilled cheese, that's so lame. Your food sucks and a 10 woman in your country is a 3 in America. We allow guns to all, just in case the government needs to let us remind them where their place is. You guys can't even have a knife to butter your toast without Constable Patel in your ass, tweeting out pictures of bicycle tires as weapons. America can go on 1000 years without you guys and we wouldn't even remember who the fuck you were. We literally think of you guys as Austin Powers. We can tell time without a big public clock that wakes everyone up in your entire country every hour, except when the Muslims have to pray. Sad! And who eats beans with breakfast? Even our retards don't do that haha. You guys have always been faories and it won't change ever. Have fun being known as Americas fag brother (not a cigarette, but a butt slammer).

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That’s just not right.
I don’t have time to correct you on what’s actually happening.
They might be needed for plutocrat security reasons so are allowed to keep that for a short time. Then the constitution will go. Just like our similar stuff (common law) vanished since 97. The media will not ever talk about it in clear terms. America they think is do Babylonian they can do it without too much fuss but they are extra colonising her right now just to make sure.
They have a short time. That’s all any of us have now.
Pity I’ve been mostly ignored by normi’s for 15 years. We’ve got to this stage but we are hardly ready to deal with what’s happening, to comfortably free ourselves from central bank plutocracy. The hour is so late.
Reminds me a bit of LOTR everyone’s only beginning to twig to the situation st the very last moment.

The reason you have to even explain that someone was being arrested for tweet tells to much.

USA PLEASE TAKE OVER THE WORLD, Nuke ButterKnife country

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Actually he's a nihilist twat who fists himself with a log splitter and who revels in degrading himself as a means of degrading us.

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Fuck of you Communist shill you are not American. You are fat digusting spic.

Time stamp color of your skin and your ear rings!

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God Bless the USA
Annex us already

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We do have a nice constitution. Free speech and a right to kill offenders that don’t respect it.

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>absolute state of kurvatia
Pathetic not even Serb nationalist suck Russian dick this hard.

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>A-a-at least I am not sucking USA cock
*eats rats from bin

Go being proud of your hobo country and go eat from Trash bin you proud brainlet

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Even if you post on US sites, you're still subject to your country's laws.

Only if Gook would give out my IP address if they asked.
But I guess Gook Moot isn't not that big of Jew
>R-r-right guys?

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Britain is trash. This isn't banter. Deal with it bongs.

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Thank you founding fathers
Thank you usa for freedom of speech.
God bless your country

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Kek cunt

You're welcome Croatia

Please O' Mighty Americans (excluding spics, Niggers, women,trannies and Jannies) Liberate my Land. I BEG YOU I BEG YOU

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I keep hearing about this shit but there is no info anywhere on how many people are actually jailed for thought crimes in the UK.
Any experts know how many poms are banged up with this shit right now?

>Authorised by Senator Fraser Anning
fucking kek I dont even know if its parody

Oi m8 you got Loisence to question and ask for UK government statistics by provisions of section 50 of the Policing Act 2008,

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Oi m8 ya silly cunt reposting Fraser Anning is Felony, hand ya hard disc and your children

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I honestly can't believe 1st world christian countries people are being locked up for saying things...this is that part when governments should be being strung up

We just want you to fight for your own freedom.

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I get BONER every time American posts (Excluding spics, women, Niggers, trannies and Jannies)

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What country are you from?

does it russtle your jimmies when we do that?

some of you mutts are allright, may your 56% be 57% soon

It's good that America has freedom of speech and guns, otherwise they could be 56% white. But there's no way that would happen if they keep their free speech and guns.

Thank you USA! Stay awesome and Lord blessed!

Greatest freedom fighters of all time.

I really don't know, they teach us in School that we are called Kurwatians, we have been selling our asses to who ever came here.
We were whores of Turks, Germans, Austrians and many more while now parading as being independant while sucking EU cocks.

we suffer from Dunning Kruger effect where we think we are smarter than Americans and others and laugh how stupid everyone is unlike us extremely smart croatian and yes unlike stupid AMERICANS we have "FREE" healthcare and education(its what actually Dumbkratians believe).

Please just sterilize us already. My biggest honor would be to wash toilets for Americans even for free. I understand I can't do better than that. I am very humble

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based croat. Come to america we need people like you

lol bongistanis being arrested for PC incorrect shitposting

what a glorious timeline.

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Please please give me job, I will work for free just for real American (excluding Spics, Women, Niggers, trannies and Jannies).
I will serve American best I can, because this is best thing I can hope to achieve in my pathetic communist raped life!!!

please contact me dankomalon00 gmail , I will serve you till death!

If I were to enter the US Embassy and ask for asylum because the English authorities want to jail me for posting something they find offensive.
Would you guys help me?

You mean, ask a foreign allied power to subvert your nations laws by asking them to bail you out, thus creating a diplomatic incident. I dunno user, what do ya think. I’d totally swing by on a boat or something and give ya a lift tho, but I’m a private citizen

Jesus dude, even we're not that bad

Also you’re not a U.S citizens so the constitution doesn’t apply to you. And what you said before wouldn’t only subvert the law, but also your nations sovereignty

Yes they take free speech laws seriously, They would probably send few aircraft carriers around your pathetic Island and commence to fire guided missles up your ugly queens ass and her family and flying her over london clock and detonating it. Her special elite force of Bobbies would probably ask Incoming missles for Loisence until they are blown into smithereens.

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I don't think we're gonna make it much longer... Just remember 1776 frens...

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What’s the crime?

I wish America could do more desu.
They have so much sway over their allies, and internet corporations. Imagine if they started using their weight to convince them to give their SUBJECTS basic unfuckable rights and freedoms.

Your post gave me a boner, we should ally with usa and crush worthless bongs and their small island.


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don't worry user our judiciary is so hilariously slow and inept that at the very least, the statute of limitations would expire and there is a non zero possibility the defendant would die of old age before a valid sentence was actually produced

Nigga, many of us are begging for the U.S to do LESS not more. Ever since our country involved itself in the world, the world dragged it down. We don’t need to bully other countries into doing stuff they don’t wanna just cause we said so or “we know better”
>Imagine if they started using their weight to convince them to give their SUBJECTS basic unfuckable rights and freedoms.
No one’s going to hand anything over to you, take it.
t. Former subjects

Why not invade us and give us our freedoms.
Remember the English tried to take your freedoms once. This would be great payback and give the message America never forgets no matter how long ago it happened. Just do it, save us USA USA USA.

Thank you the U.S.A.

Remember it isn't ever free.

Yes, but I'm asking for asylum.
You have to grant me that under UN resolution blah blah blah........

Imagine if America stopped funding all the shit in foreign nations and instead rerouted money into space engineering.

>implying wypipo get asylum
asylum is so oppressed PoCs can escape their oppresive homelands in order to settle in the west where they are oppressed by wh*tes

Do you think our shitty LITERALLY WHO country could force Jow Forums to hand over data to LITERALLY WHO country.
Most they could do it would be that Kolinda Grabar Kitarovič (Croatian WHORE) (FUCK YOU BITCH message from me, arrest me I dare you) goes to USA and gives blow job to GOOK MOOT begging her for my IP that is behind 10 boxxies.

Also our shitty police force don't know how to format Hard disc

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youre FREE to eat or not eat dumb nigger

Send over a couple hundred q.t chavs as tribute and we might consider user.
That’s exactly what I was going for too. All that money disguised as aid, wasted proping up nato, buy out foreign politicians and bribe countries into doing our bidding. Wasted in shelling nations and people stuck in the Middle Ages. Imagine if all of those billions were used to fulfill the promise of a new frontier in space, that goes for your country too btw. We could have gopnik certified cowboys hearding cattle in Mars within 20-50 years. Talk about waste eh

You can't remove American influence because many countries are in a state where they cannot exist without it. America can't be rejected, so we should at least get the benefits of it.

Jam the spoon of castor oil into our mouths senpai, there's no alternative left for us.

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Why do you Euros tolerate your leaders? Aren't there any guillotines in your museums? So that you may remember your proud histories?
Push your masters into the sea.

Isn't Birmingham the Melbourne of Britain?

Using identifying information on social media of any kind is not really acceptable and now a very important lesson has been learned, apart from it hasn't.

Shut up jew kys

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Jow Forums is owned by a Jap you fucking ustasi

Amerikkka has no free speech, hey have persecuted a gazilion journalists under spurious espionage charges. Chelsea Manning for example is once again in jail.

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Why does USA have to Nanny stupid, lazy nations from killing each other. FUCK HUMAN RIGHTs, Stupid people should exterminated, let them die like RATS that they deserve.
These same countries and people always vote for more government and tyranny because they are literally to lazy and stupid to think for themself.

USA CUT THE FUCKING CORD, let them suffocate on their own STUPIDITY. imagine poor american worker having to be 3-4 times more productive just so some Somali Nigger can get food because he is to stupid to understand what do Laws and living in society means.

Its almost like Americans have magical powers and sheer quantity of how productive they are is unbelievable.
White americans can support NIGGERS, SPICS , WOMEN, TRANNIES and other shitskins, While simultaneously send Billions in foreign aid and having largest Military in world.
Its FOCKING crazy how they achieve that. AMERICANS (white ones with exception of Honorrary whites) are truly MASTER RACE


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The leaf gets it

Reminder to always have a hidden gun that you never tell anyone about. Never give up your weapons.

Yea you can. You need to seriously disrupt the status quo, but I believe America will once again become isolationist, as god intended her to be. I’ve even heard normies call for isolationism, that should tell ya something.
Having social media at all is a travesty. But, even not having any they can still make a decently accurate profile on you

Best I can do is a couple of lovely scousers.
They will do anything, sex wise that is.

To be fair Chelsea Manning should have been shot. He picked his specific career path while in the military service. He had one job to do but instead went with leaking confidential information. Now I no way support what they were doing either but as I said he went into that field full knowing there was shady shit that might go down. There is a time and a place for reporting those in the wrong. This was not it.

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Fuck of Belgium you are lecturing someone about freedom while being literally center Central of European Communism and Marxism.
Get a fucking grip you FAGGOT, its almost like you made it law to import bottom trash people in your country.

Go FUCK YOUR SELF, when Brexit comes true, and when Greece doesn't pay you Denbts and tells you to fuck off you will collapse left only with Niggers and BaconNiggers to rape you to death.


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When you go to the grocery store or almost any other store, know that it is stocked almost exclusively by the will of the US Navy who protects global trade routes. There's a reason no country has a military base in the US.

>There is a time and a place for reporting those in the wrong.
No that attitude is cucked. We’ve had a history of shit like this dating to the very first presidents and every time we allow them to subvert our constitution, they do even worse the next. The worst offenders being Wilson, FDR and Bush

More than half the world relies on America as the load-bearing pillar of their defence and intelligence.
They won't allow you to retreat, you've been in the shit since Britain let your ships get sunk during WWI and short of bankruptcy you're not ever getting out of it.