He killed 50 (((muslim)))
Remember Ebba Akerlund
Subscribe to Pewdiepie
Those are the facts, nobody can change that, no weak government trying to censor the internet, no shizo posters, nobody else. Try it, you will not succeed
He killed 50 (((muslim)))
Remember Ebba Akerlund
Subscribe to Pewdiepie
Those are the facts, nobody can change that, no weak government trying to censor the internet, no shizo posters, nobody else. Try it, you will not succeed
>We now know more about exactly what happened in the moments before the Christchurch attack, including the fact that the officers were at a training day, preparing for an event like Friday's tragedy.
>Police Association President Chris Cahill called it a "hell of a coincidence".
The shills want you to believe the guy who called for the expulsion of all semites is Jewish.
They are shills.
P.s. Brenton is quite literally a faggot.
Americans need to start doing the same to Illegal aliens
>lore ipsum
an archive of fake news doesn't gives it legitimacy shizo poster
>Brenton is a faggot
You're the crypto kikeshill here nigger.
>if you want jews out of europe you are a jew
Nice try concern trolling gaslight kike
I wonder what he's doing right now. Its about 1.00am so I guess hes sleeping well.
not sure how comfy kiwi jails are, but I assume they have quite a nice breakfast
>tfw you will never experience the curious glance of a 20 year old qt prison ward bringing you fresh fruits
Why even live
The amount of Divide and Conquer that's being enacted on Jow Forums right now is astonishing.
NZ is pozzed. Doesn't take a wild guess what their idea of prison is.
your flag though
He's busy writing his new manifesto.
F for Ebba and all the other souls
fuck muzzies
ofc he is a hero. all the onion redditors and moralfags are on suicide watch.
By next week no one will give a shit about him. And even sooner if a bigger happening happens before that.
Only Jow Forums will remember.
did they kick him in the kebab infested ones?
I bet Brenton has a bigger room, better food and better internet than I do, for free. Lads, I really consider shooting up a mosque to improve my living conditions
>How can we appeal to the goy. I know, they're Christians. We'll put our mossad agent's face on Jesus! Brilliant!
A nice edit of shooting with DOOM music added and DOOMSLAYER testaments.
Pastebin /34dwKke1
Whoa, so based fellow white man.
>IP grabbing link shortner in pastebin
sloppy job mossad
He is a hero.
This is very likely him. Her death pushed him over.
Wow, based, he's like a Knight Templar or something. Great meme bro
Literally an israeli hiding his flag lmao
This point kills the shill
Hes genuine
Fuck off.
Renegade Fag confirmed.
I would not do what he did because I am quite /comfy/ in my NEETdom, but he was a hero. Revolt against the modern world. He is guilty of nothing but rejecting the corrupt powers of the world and their vulgar human-capital-replacement scheme. He did what any of our ancestors would have in this situation. Universalist monotheism is a blight on the children of Europa, whether it comes carrying a sword in the name of submission, or comes with a stake in the name of love, it destroys ethnic culture and replaces it with sandnigger nonsense. Revolt against the modern world. Rage against the dying of the light.
>posts a glowie meme
>thinks its effective
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Yeah, I know. I'm down with the based white New Zealander who killed a bunch of MUD SLIMES. It was like so cool and totally filled with Jow Forums memes. And I realized Jews really ARE white people all along.
they are trying the meta play, it's transparent though
Yeah, if you don't love Jews you're a glowie right guys?
You're not even trying. Please leave
I support and criticize him.
I cant post thing here retard. It has 120mb
And if i post direct link to mega . Nz Jow Forums fucking says that its spam.
Sloppy job
>120 mb
jesus christ learn to compress and you could have put the mega link into the pastebin. Linkshortners are mossad
Aight nigga.
mega nz /#!M0pgVATD!rIJ2ly5bUuXmRTO_gcwTcXdY6HTK072AKJABTEfILM0
everyone point and laugh
Get out mossad
Nobody is buying it anymore
Forget all I said based kekistani mossad agent, fucking KNHO
Everyone is watching. You are going to burn in hell forever death worshiper
Ave Maria
what site is hosting the video?
a new site every hour
beware of pre pleaced magazines in your local mosque, they might me kosher
links for site?
Oy vey goyim Today is the day!
read the thread lazy kufar
>has literally the same solution to JQ as Hitler did (remove them away from Europe to their own place)
>shills: he was a mossad bro
Fucking hell, this is getting full debil tier.
Saint Tarrant is a hero and will be recognized as such.
Remember victims... Oh wait never mind they survived. Asian muslim dad protec son from bullets with his body. White mom was busy cooking. Get replaced!
you forgot the symbol of the most vicious group
The jews are subverters. They want you tp think whats real is fake, and whats fake is real
It happened and Mossad was not behind it.
Jews and their Mongoloid cousin America spend 20 years bombing Muslims to extract them from the Middle East or have a leader that is Israel’s bitch installed . Muslims flee into Europe . Muslims mad their countries are destroyed by the west and don’t have 600 billion shekel army so they do terrorist attacks. Morons blame Muslims . Tarrant was a legit moron
Morning FBI!
So you are saying, that muslim in the west are cowards who were too stupid to apply the methods of terrorism at home, but can do it just fine in the west, destabilizing the country for that the jews have more arguments to bait whites into genociding muslim and annihilating Islam. (((Muslim))) win again, clean job mossad
Good morning fellow user
I'm actually BMI, Austrian ministry of interior affairs, it is an R&D thing, nothing fancy. You CIA or NSA?
The three letter agency yanks fear most.
The top photo he’s walking into the building, the bottom he’s waking outside that’s why it’s brighter you fucking retard
that's the strobe light you fucking schizo.
The mass shooting in a completely different continent with a sub 1% Muslim population totally got people to remember her.
Aussies are going to be replaced by chinks and poos not muzzies.
user try this thread
don't be a shizo
He still doesn't get it
I wonder why the casualties at the second mosque were so limited compared to the first. I mean wikipoodia it says he only managed 7 kills there. What made the difference? Was it because he was out of ammo for his ar 15s?
please fuck off you cucky faggot
Bruce I think that is ironic mossad posting
>why the casualties at the second mosque were so limited
My guess, we will never know for sure. They already announced a no information policy and lets be honest 99% of the normies don't care. It is enough room for myth building
No u
>ironic mossad posting
Finally, someone who isn't a moron
It is night in down under, I wouldn't judge him too harsh, he is probably high on petrol looking for a road to sleep on. But the abo has a point, it is now upon external forces to build the myth around Brenton Tarrant. Those who manage to tell the best story that resonates most with the audience that cares for it wins
Sloppy job mossad
Brenton was one of /us/
Based schizo poster
Jews/Europe bomb,invade, conquer muslim countires for 30+ years, muslims have to flee after their country is blown up works out perfectly for jews , they go to europe, they attack soft targets because they don't have a 600 billion dollar goyim army . absolute retarded europeans like tarrant blame muslims for muslims getting fucked over and striking back.
also its not surprising someone who's ancestors were thrown out of europe for being degenerate criminals would do something like this, its ubdermensch genetics.
>30 years
user your (((muslim))) friends did that when they started to do terror attacks on european soil 40 years ago. And every muslim who came to the west since '45 can be considered a coward and a jew, working for Israel baiting whites into annihilating Islam, instead of fighting Israel in the ME.
No matter how you look at it, no muslim died, just (((muslim))), Brenton is a hero