New Zealand and Canada are being booted from the Five Eyes network this year. They will still be able to share information but wont be able to lodge requests.
This will also prevent US deep state acolytes from accessing the databases using terminals in those countries.
It will also prevent the types of abuses that are occurring, for example: canada has been lodging spurious data access requests to find international food price posters. Over fifty percent of the requests logged from the great white north are food poster related. It has to stop.
A Major Political Shitstorm is on the Horizon involving the Canadian PM and other political figures. It's why he is on vacation for so many days. It's why he had cf-18s escorting him.
The Big Scoop is expected to drop later today, and is expected to consume a significant amount of attention. So if you have any scoops that you don't want to seem lackluster you better get them published soon because once this story breaks no one will even remember your scoop. This makes the grope story look like an irrelevancy.
This is a story so big that you will be able to parasite off it. It has everything; intrigue, statecraft, transcripts, videos - the works. The Bronfmans, Dalglish, Giustra and Uranium 1 those were just appetizers compared to this.
This scoop is so big it's gonna be like a brand for those who got in on the ground floor. This is Woodward and Bernstein times ten. You'll be the new Peter Mansbridge if your articles take off.
This scoop and how it is reacted to will be the divining rod that delineates the corrupt from the uncorrupt and the loyal from those just pretending. Trudeau is waiting for it to drop before he comes back from holiday.
I'm giving the friendlies in the media a heads up.
You can't stop the revelations that are coming. The PR people of all parties know this and are coming up with their own spin as we speak.
Gerald Butts is shitting himself now that he knows this is out there.
Gerald Butts doesnt look like his father used to work as a coalminer if you know what i mean
Carson Torres
give it a bump or two.
here's why: they are going to be shut out of the network but the jobsworths wont be told why.
now they know the why. or at least part of it.
Nathaniel Sanders
Nobody knows what the fuck you're talking about.
I'm also a fan of Telly btw, but I won't pretend I understand your jibber jabber because of it
Daniel Cook
Levi Russell
anyway Telly, are you like non retarded brother of Qanon or what?
Austin Morgan
as soon as they get booted, they will immediately turn to china to help them with their dataspying on their citizenry. They will do this because chinese have penetrated every system containing the data which they are after.
soon, the facade will crumble and the true extent of chinese penetration into these nations will be readily apparent from the cooperation that begins to take place.
Gabriel Roberts
Q is trump
Ryder Ross
Does this mean I won't be posted to surveillance on Tesco anymore?
it's not enough to strip the cabal of their clearances. They have to have the unlogged access points denied to them and this is the best way to do that.
Aaron Torres
just as long as it stops them from constantly silencing dissent online, i'm all for it.
The New Zealand shooting is a test run to see if Free Speech can be effectively banned on the internet. It matters not if the attack was genuine rage or a false flag. The point after the fact is to see if a single video can't be tracked and suppressed. Once they figure out how to do such a task, they can encroach further on inconvenient truths.
Benjamin Myers
Holy shit I member berries you posting that
Nathaniel Ramirez
you think it was agenda 21 related?
Brody Torres
everyone seems to talk in riddles these days
Brandon Richardson
That's awesome. Tell him we love him. Seriously, I love him like family for what he's done. All of the whitehats too. My children will have a country to inherit. Thank you!
If that happens, Meng Wangzhou walks and Huawei will build our new 5G network. It would mean a big shift in our leanings towards China.
Ethan Hernandez
>canada has been lodging spurious data access requests to find international food price posters Big Brother is terrified of beef prices I love this timeline
Jacob Powell
one of the best ways to protect knowledge and make sure it gets to the right people is to encode it. you can communicate things in plain sight despite the negative covfefe. everyone else just sees jibberish but a select few know what he meant...
Isaac Adams
the whole thing was staged btw nobody was harmed during the shooting of the shooting lol
Telly Savalas. Kojak. Who loves you, baby? Cmon, Burgerbro. You gotta brush up on your classic American Pop history. I love the Telly meme. I think it is because any meme using a male with genuine masculine traits and a unique style shows the stark contrast of what is considered masculine under today's matriarchy. Or people just like a bald, Greek detectives with a lollipop habit.
mam I don't care I want every country to nuke each other back to the stone age until they're landlocked so everyone can go back to minding their own fucking business
Just post the in store prices and the madness will end
Jeremiah Anderson
>Big Brother is terrified of beef prices I can tell you this:
/CiC/ is aka the largest crowdsourced opensource investigation/honeypot into abuses of the five eyes database AND the most complete documentation of canadian in-store prices in their nations history. Both by accident.
The government in canada stopped posting their numbers once the canada in collapse threads started keeping track of the real ones using actual photos from in the stores. You can verify this. It's both funny and saddening.
It would be hard for you to know if a few patsies were slain for the cause from your distant proximity to the events. Better to teach the Plebs about information control and (((who))) really runs everything.
You don't really think the (((Masters))) are above sacrificing a few pawns to win the game, do you?
Kevin Walker
What are we going to do about China? I see now why Trump harped on them so much during elections. How many more in our Congress are traitors like Feinstein?
have they told you how many of the christchurch victims were illegals yet? Did they tell you how many terrorists the mosque sent to the middle east to be drone striked?
Joseph Wilson
i would vote for skeletor
Dominic Richardson
they must confuse tempora for tempura and assume it's for food related stuff. i mean if they were smart they'd be in the private sector.
Jacob Wilson
i do...killing people leaves mess, its plain to see those are actors at all those "events" you can use them multiple times they get paid and everyone is happy...and i dont care really
there's a reason no mods are canadian. their security services penetrate all forums used by canadians. r/canada is a csis operation. Jow Forums is safe.
Landon Sullivan
Good. Canada's inclusion should be contingent on not having the Liberal Party in charge since they're the CCP's governmental 5th column.