We are in a war between those who are human and those who are white

Blue Tick Wanker

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>Blue Tick Wanker
It's actually a White Tick.

Details don't matter to people like you.

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Can you really choose to be white when it's determined by genetics

>peter krothotkin

this is a parody account, r-right?

The tick chose to be human. Can't say the same about you

Go for it fag, the hicks out in the bushes are always ready. I'm sure you'll have a better chance with your dense urban niggers that can't even feed themselves without handouts

Be either


the fuck is that word salad?

these people get more and more unhinged from reality each and every day. we really are living in a clown world. except the clown is fucking terrifying instead of funny.

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Holy fuck, screenshots of social media trash should be a bannable offense.

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she's literally saying that white people aren't human, isn't she?

We are in a war between those who are human and those who are non-white.

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>This is okay
Black Pride
Islamic Pride
Jewish Pride
Hispanic Pride
Trans Pride
Gay Pride
Leftist Identitarian Pride
>This is not okay
White Pride
Why is this? Why is this blatant racism allowed to happen? But if you so much as bring up any provable statistics that welfare causes minority communities to collapse into a crime ridden shithole, and try to call those minorities out to stop being leeches and take responsibility, you're racist? What the fuck is this clown world I'm living in?

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She’s not wrong

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>submitting to someone else
>begging the state to take away your rights and replace you with a lower caste of violent invaders
you're an insect at most, quit pretending you're anything else

You're all either idiots, or you're intentionally misinterpreting what she said.

She is not anti white, she is against people who identify as "white" instead of "human". And she is right that those people are garbage.

On the other hand, patriarchy and class oppression are not exclusively white people problems. India is a good example of that.

That piece of garbage is unironically calling White people subhumans.

>Why is this?

Why the fuck do you think this is? Is it maybe because people chanting white pride were hanging black people from trees? Is it perhaps because people who chant white pride also chant "jews will not replace us" while carrying swastika flags?

gee I fucking wonder what the difference is.

Identify as black and be proud: A-OK
Identify as Asian and be proud: A-OK
Identify as gay and be proud: A-OK
Identify as Muslim and be proud: A-OK


Nothing like a good ol' bag of double standards.

I got a gift for you, you cuck (pic related)

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That picture should use average citizens instead of models vs the worst of niglets. It detracts from the message which is true so it doest need to get the outliers as examples.
As it is it is bad for showing to normies because they'll take refuge pointing out that cherry picking and evade addressing the truth.

I bet she exclusively fucks white men, resents them because she wasn't a relationship but it's un feminist.

Why you think patriarchy is bad ? Are you a fag or a woman?

Many people identify as their race or religion primarily (Black-first, Muslim-first) - I wonder why these people or cucks like you never comment on that?

Those are average niggers.

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And she is fine with people who identify as jews, muslims, chineese or blacks instead of human.

Yeah, she is not anti white.


and that picture is exactly why you don't get to be white and proud.

>white people aren't human

gas all humans
Nordic alien master race

Like those screaming black/african pride while lynching, raping and murdering whites in S.A? All of those groups mentioned have systems of oppression that include a fuck ton of violence against people who aren't part of their status quo, only leftist self hating vermin like you ignore all other cases

I don't think there's anything gayer than a slavic feminist globalist.

Anyone who is white is also human but not every human is white. Then again it could be argued whether or not one should consider non-whites human.

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I wouldn't say that identifying as your race instead of identifying as human is a good thing, but black and muslim people never SYSTEMATICALLY oppressed white people.

That picture is exactly why I get to be white and proud. We will end you traitorous fuckers.

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>Like those screaming black/african pride while lynching, raping and murdering whites in S.A?

If that happened, it happened as a response to years of oppression from white people. Doesn't make it right, but it is justified.

How about those who choose to be Jewish?

Ethnic Europeans were raped, enslaved and killed for hundreds of years by non-Europeans in the middle ages. You Croats yourselves are Slavs, the word "slave" literally comes from that you fucking idiot - also stop using US-centric caste systems when these issues are happening across Europe and elsewhere too

oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were actually 15 years old

looks like glowniggers got control of my pc. gotta reinstall. stay safe

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On the one hand we have kikes demonising us for being white, then we have these other kikes telling us not to identify as white. How can we launch a resistance to the first kikes if we follow the advice of the second kikes? And why do kikes get to identify as kikes?

whiteness is a social construct

I wish lanklets would step up to the plate and start the game already.


Blacks in SA never had it better than under Apartheid. Read some fucking books, you retard.

Now, when the whites are outnumbered and the niggers have taken over everything down there, it's a fucking mess.

Just wait.. In less than five years, they'll purge the last whites from SA, and then less than a year later, they'll be begging for mercy because they're too fucking stupid to grow and farm their own food. It's gonna be Rhodesia 2.0

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woah. how do you respond to this?

The rates of murders etc. massively jumped *after* apartheid ended though, so that makes no sense.

>Whites are not human
How genocidal.

yes they were, but like you said, that happened in the fucking middle ages, and europeans did the same to muslims

but the difference is, which non European, non white culture enslaved a white population and oppressed them for hundreds of years?

>being a cuck


maybe, but it's their country, so it's their decision to make

Tell that to the Balkans, you lying, ignorant shit for brains.

Stop projecting.

Thing is, most of us NatSocs have actually been like you. That's why we know you're wrong. We have been where you are, but you haven't been where we are.

The political "spectrum" isn't really a spectrum. It's more a timeline of individual political evolution. You start out as a stupid, emotional Leftist.

Non-Europeans did it first, that's the point - and Moorish Spain? And don't you dare try to say it was "good" because they brought technological advancements, because that's exactly what White colonisers used to justify Africa

You will die a gruesome death

whites aren't humans dumbass they were created by the evil mad scientist Yakub.

Define white pride.

Chances are it's being proud of conquering other races and religions. Why the fuck would other races and people be ok with that?

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>She is not anti white, she is against people who identify as "white" instead of "human"

That'd be dandy except 1) every other racial identifier is allowed to be worn with pride and 2) left-wing assholes constantly identify us as white in order to condemn our imaginary "racism", "privilege", "fragility" etc.

What it comes down to is that only people who hate whites are allowed to identify others as white

Arab and turkish muslims.

>people chanting white pride were hanging black people from trees?

This literally never happened. Whites didn't hang blacks from trees for fun, you dumb fuck

That's just false, just look at South-Africa for example. Once they take power they don't forget their racial identity. The only ones taboo about their race are Europeans. Also Arabs/Muslims SYSTEMATICALLY oppress blacks right now in Libya with slavery.

Because war is a means of survival.

Whites should have killed off all other races back in the 19th century when we had the golden opportunity. Now, they're killing us.

Truth about life is.. Kill or get killed. At least in terms of race/tribe. It's always been like that, and it will always remain like that.

You Libtards seem to not understand that evolution and biology also includes humans. It's as if you somehow think we're exempted from it.

> hey, i'm a jewish anarco-communist.

> "I know that there are some Jews in the English colonies. These marranos go wherever there is money to be made... But whether these circumcised who sell old clothes claim that they are of the tribe of Naphtali or Issachar is not of the slightest importance. They are, simply, the biggest scoundrels who have ever dirtied the face of the earth."
"They are, all of them, born with raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and the Germans are born with blond hair. I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people would not some day become deadly to the human race"
> "You seem to me to be the maddest of the lot. The Kaffirs, the Hottentots, and the Negroes of Guinea are much more reasonable and more honest people than your ancestors, the Jews. You have surpassed all nations in impertinent fables in bad conduct and in barbarism. You deserve to be punished, for this is your destiny."
"The jewish nation dares spread an irreconcilable hatred against all nations; it revolts against all its masters. Always superstitious, always avid of the well-being enjoyed by others, always barbarous, crawling in misfortune, and insolent in prosperity. Here are what were the Jews in the eyes of the Greeks and the Romans who could read their books"
> "You have been calculating animals; try to become thinking animals"
"You will only find in the Jews an ignorant and barbarous people, who for a long time have joined the most sordid avarice to the most detestable superstition and to the most invincible hatred of all peoples which tolerate and enrich them"


Leftists redefining words again. Makes me fucking sick.

Chances are youre gonna catch a bullet someday.

> It's NOT OK to be white.

And the left wonders why people become radicalized

kys you marxist faggot

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Just no.

>Chances are it's being proud of conquering other races and religions.

It's being proud of having built the modern world for the benefit of ungrateful cunts like you

That said, I never identified as generically "white" (I originally immigrated from Europe) until left-wingers started using it to describe me in a pejorative manner. The Left has done far more to create white identity politics than Hitler (who was only a German nationalist) ever could

Or maybe just loving your own and wanting a future.
Remember the 14 words ? What do they say ? Kill non whites ? Nope.
The moment you start your shitty strawman logical fallacy, you lose the debate. And you just did.

People like him are begging for the gallows. And they'll get it soon enough. Traitors never fare well in the long run.

Where's the cap of the one where she says she is a Jew?

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To anti-whites, even wanting the white race to continue to exist is "white supremacy"

>1) every other racial identifier is allowed to be worn with pride

I already said I don't think that's a good thing, and I also explained why it's different

>2) left-wing assholes constantly identify us as white in order to condemn our imaginary "racism", "privilege", "fragility" etc.

racism and privilege both exist, maybe not on the same level as those left wingers say, and the situation is much much better now than just like 30 years ago, but that doesn't mean we should ignore it

christians are not our friends. look at these disgusting faggots. "we're all in one jesus!" we are different races, and made-up bullshit about a guy who tried to tell the jews to stop being kikes, enveloped in a mythos borrowed from Mesopotamia that centers on the idea that the Jews are literally the most important people who have ever existed, is not /ourreligion/.

>Chances are

Fuck off with your brainwashed opinions faggot.

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>I already said I don't think that's a good thing

It doesn't matter whether or not you think it's a good thing, no black or Asian or Native American on the planet is going to ask permission of a Croat to identify with his own race, and neither will whites. So fuck off

Muslims oppressed white people and normal people of India. for 800 years or so

Croatians and other Balkans calling for mass immigration and a ban on "white pride" are essentially the champagne socialists of Europe. They got almost zero niggers and Muslims, so they don't really know what it entails.

We can only hope and pray that this degenerate Croat gets murdered and that his girlfriend gets gang raped by a bunch of niggers on top of his dead body. It's the only thing they understand.

Privilege is just novlang for "i want your place and your wealth that your ancestors gave you by their work and battles".
Sorry, nobody is entitilted to my inheritance. If you want things, work for them and transmit them to your children.

she be right tho'

Im ready. Lets do it

>white genocide isn't real!
>now let me emphasize that white people aren't human and it's okay to consider them an unperson so that your hatred of them is justified and acceptable

oh boy 1700 a month that is more fre money thank even yang
im gonna be bright and vote lambright
because in our time of need, overweight schizophrenics is what we need

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Not really. You'll have to surrender blackness, "Hispanic" people, and Judaism being a race first before we'll play this game.

I get 2300 dollars in Social benefits per month after taxes here in Denmark. They apparently think I'm a psycho, kek.

Why would I also want to be a kike slave?

If we freed ourselves from the kikes, I wouldn't mind working, and I'll also instantly become less of a psycho.

follow her advice and kill yourself desu.
We 'll make an exception even if you 're a nigger.


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They should have tried that excuse in Rwanda. "No no, we're not eradicating Tutsis, we're just eradicating Tutsi-ness"

low key based and redpilled.
Literally let the blacks murder, rape, get HIV and have their infrastructure fall apart due to affirmative action.

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>he actually believes this

Twitter is nigger mind control who cares.

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your benefits likely do not go to EVERY SINGLE PERSON
not to mention compared to the USA your country is quite small
and the global economy standard is the USD
to give out 2.5k to everyone in the USA simply isn't possible without printing a fuck ton more of money
it is a very poor reaction for automation/robots
a quick fix only brainlets feel would work in the long term
if it is forced, you create a permanent upper class, who own the robots, and a permanent bottom class, and that lasts forever under the system

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here, the leftmost screen

>Calling whites non-human
>There are humans, and there are blacks
That Ho Owes Taxes.

Are Irish, Finnish or Polish people allowed to have irish, finnish or polish pride? None if those were colonial nor genocidal (often on the recieving end). Why do we pity the native american or maori but say nothing about ireland, a country that's still occupied by the way.

>patriots fought nazis


Just bring on the final war, I want to watch the world burn.

This is spot on, sub the models for 2 average looking white people