if you are not alt right you have no business on this board.
would he accept me in the ethnostate, i am half european (german,anglo,albanian) and half turk.
i look fully white. i think those that look legit white and adhere to white culture should partake in the ethnostate...otherwise too many whites like me would not be allowed in because of some autistic one drop rule.
i acknowledge the white race as the most superior but hold turkic peoples second. i am a kemalist and hate the goverment of modern turkey.
anyway, richard spencer, is he our guy? i think so. on an unrelated note he is such classy articulate guy. the left give him a hard time, which is ironic because the far left are more violent then he is...
>i look fully white. i think those that look legit white and adhere to white culture should partake in the ethnostate Not everyone will, but I agree. I'm Celt/Germanic, like most whites in the U.S.
Nolan Reyes
>gay >satanic liberal gf >cowpat haircut
Brandon Price
i see what u did there nice self beating btw u acknowledge white race is superior just to make them accept u u will never be one of them u are a subhuman