Everyone here supports him, right?

if you are not alt right you have no business on this board.

would he accept me in the ethnostate, i am half european (german,anglo,albanian) and half turk.

i look fully white. i think those that look legit white and adhere to white culture should partake in the ethnostate...otherwise too many whites like me would not be allowed in because of some autistic one drop rule.

i acknowledge the white race as the most superior but hold turkic peoples second. i am a kemalist and hate the goverment of modern turkey.

anyway, richard spencer, is he our guy?
i think so. on an unrelated note he is such classy articulate guy. the left give him a hard time, which is ironic because the far left are more violent then he is...

Attached: 220px-Richard_b_spencer_cropped_retouched.jpg (220x295, 22K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>i look fully white. i think those that look legit white and adhere to white culture should partake in the ethnostate
Not everyone will, but I agree.
I'm Celt/Germanic, like most whites in the U.S.

>satanic liberal gf
>cowpat haircut

i see what u did there nice self beating btw u acknowledge white race is superior just to make them accept u
u will never be one of them u are a subhuman

Attached: alt-right.png (620x335, 327K)

there would be nothing wrong with the jews having their own ethnostate so long as they dont socially and economicly interfere with white people

>jihadi flag
>opinion discarded

I would gladly see them quarantined to Israel.
As long as it's the original borders specified by the UN.

>a plant with no kids on his own

That Israel quote was taken out of context.

Richard Spencer has done much more good than harm for our movement.

My problem with him is he's a fag.

No, fuck off you mutt. You are hte product of those we DON'T want. However you can be allied with us in the fight for our survival, turkmutt.

Nice try faggot op

I'm half german and half turkish too. I look fully white too. I'm living the white culture too. But I don't need to crawl some people in the ass, so they say that I can live in their ethnostate.

They're actively trying to destroy Europe and the USA to become the leaders, I don't think they'll be isolated just like that specially since things like tech and secret service is all merged together.

hell no he is faggot

fair enough, even though i look like an englishman, i acknowledge tht the 100% whites are superior and will let them hve a position over me in the ethnostate

and even if im not allowed, id still be happy to be an ally

Feels a little glowwie

i can respect that

If he's a plant he is a shit one

2016 newfag here. Without Clinton making that retarded speech on the Alt Right I would still be a libertarian who never listened to Spencer's content

>everyone here supports him, right?
Never did.
Seemed like controlled op from the first day I saw him posted on here.
He's only further proved it with his actions since.

This is the point.
If you have enough white genetics that no one can tell the difference, and you're living by white standards, then you're white.
Who the hell could say you're not?
And if you breed with whites, your children will be even more white, and their children, even more, until the percentage of non-white genetics is so trace it doesn't matter.

We get this with people in the U.S., that llok entirely white, but claim their great-great-great-grandmother was Indian, so they think they're Indians.
It's hilarious and pathetic.

Your mother is German right and father turkish? I bet

Well, godspeed to you then. Based turkmutt.

Yes you are right. I know that this is a fucking cliche.

So many retards of Jow Forums think he’s a plant, so yes, Richard Spencer is legit

same for me

Pol is a gay yang board now

Die of aids.

Thanks to socialized medicine I won't anymore! Best of all, your tax dollars pay for it!

> Australian claiming who doesn't belong here.

Can you believe this faggot?

There's no other board than Jow Forums where you can state your conservative views on topics without getting banned by some libtard.

Where will you get the medicine, when the economy crashes?
It's coming.

>fringe political viewpoint
>the only valid viewpoint on a board for discussing politics
Yeah, sure

>implying faggots won’t be hanged too when the day of the rope finally comes

Jow Forums is filled with semi-literate 16 year olds who can neither write a logical proof nor recognize the fallacies and philosophers on the top of their board. They believe anything you put in an infographic with minimal research of their own and believe conspiracy theories that easily fall to Occam's razor(I'm talking about the (((Jews))) obviously). I'm pretty sure they would suck cock if you put it in an infographic.
If you look at site statistics you will realize that Jow Forums is literally all newfags trying hard to be neckbeards. Weird, why would anyone aspire to be a loser from Jow Forums? The site's population has tripled since gamergate in 2014 and Jow Forums has risen with the influx of all the newfags. The existence of this place is testament to the lack of quality education and critical thinking nowadays and our inability to take the internet seriously.

You've heard us complain about the cancer killing Jow Forums for years. Well, now we've reached stage 4 and that tumor's name is Jow Forums


They think they are redpilled(cringe) but dont understand "redpilling" is just low-effort political indoctrination. They likely have no real understanding of world history, critical thinking, or philosophy. Their entire worldview is Jow Forums posts, infographics, and memes. They probably spend too much time on the internet and confuse trying to "btfo" an opponent with how an actual respectful argument should work in real life where they try and help the other person and their mother won't feel the need to smack their ass. These younger kids growing up on the internet are confusing banter for how arguments actually work or are never learning how to handle themselves in a discussion in the first place.

Attached: dork ass loser.png (632x2378, 1.1M)

I'll sell my aids-riddled butthole to the post-apocalyptic rednecks.

>implying faggots won't do the hanging

Would I get accepted as pure blood pale blonde Slavic pole with dark blonde hair and blue eyes?

Spencer is based

Not this Kike again, Fuck off Dickie

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Shut the fuck up you lefty.
The great replacement is real, factually.

I guess you can get an amnesty if you menage to execute a fair number of niggers

I'll translate this post, guys...*ahem*...
Boo-hoo, we're losing our dupes! I hate you Jow Forums, you poopy-head!!

You're welcome.

They'll be the one's hanging you.

Got a sister?

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They will def be hung

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He is right. Homsexuality is hardly the problem we stand before. It's the great invasion of our country.

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That doesn't work, try again.

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>lgbt is not a problem

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Ok shlomo

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Yeah, don't let anyone ever tell you that homsexuality is the real problem and not the invasion. The invasion of Europe is nr 1.

The few percent who are homsexuals doesn't affect the birthrates anything pretty much. So why should I care? I'm not obsessed with homosexuals, only other homosexuals are.

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>pro baby murder
>not a nationalist
>propped up by kike media


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>Mom, I posted it again

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uh. Back up retard.

"Alt-right" was invented by the people screeching that everyone is a nazi by CNN. Divide and conquer. There are probably less than 10,000 white supremacists on earth, good luck with your mission from god.

All you're doing is providing material for cringe farmers.

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>dick spencer
go back to r/altright

Fuck that kike

I’m ok with anyone who has European blood that wishes to put the interests of European stock ahead of everyone else’s interests. To me, that makes you my brother.

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Hahahaha fuck off op, all public figures are fully controlled

he's a globalist you fool. The gobal-homo common market run by his pedophile New Order listening elite is all Dickie cares about. White people could be race mixied out of existence for all he cares

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the jews were cursed by God to wander this Earth for the rest of their days, deprived of a homeland

He'd jew you, dumbass

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Bruh you could put all of the jews on the moon and they'd still be jewing you

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no because your happy to please doggie personality is untermensch as hell

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