So what is inevitably going to happen? Is this country going to swing extreme left, or extreme right...

So what is inevitably going to happen? Is this country going to swing extreme left, or extreme right? Or will it just outright collapse?

Attached: 1460623005667.png (1127x685, 37K)

Other urls found in this thread: migration conspiracy THEORY times&t=h_&iar=news&ia=news


why would you assume those are the only three options?

the pendulum meme is about partisanship not ideology.
jews always win no matter what. politics is theater.

What else could happen? Genuinely curious

my realist prediction is that nothing changes, nothing ever happens, and then one day a white guy wakes up and realizes he’s the only white guy left. but at least he has vidya and so he hardly cares. the end.

the people will try one half of the uni party and then go
>wtf next time Im voting for the other guy
it's all so tiresome

Attached: 1516409172268.jpg (900x600, 276K)

You will open borders and destroy the border "fence" right after demonrat wins the next election.

Nothing you moron.

>Or will it just outright collapse?
Collapse of not destroyed first.

Right now the social security trust is filled with Treasuries. They say there is $X in the social security trust because the market value of those Treasuries is $X. However, they have so many Treasuries in there that when they have to sell them to be able to send out the social security, they will be selling so many of them that it was totally fuck up the price. Then the price will go down to $Y and they will say, "Well, fuck. If we've only got $Y worth of Treasuries there's no way these people are going to get their social security."

Attached: TIMESAND___777777766666622doge.png (276x512, 134K)