every great empire through history eventually collapsed what u think will be the downfall of the american empire
The American Empire
When the 2nd civil war happens the USA we know will fall but a better, true USA will rise from its ashes
Trump's election proves that it's already happened....the body is still warm and slowly dieing
When our people were dumb enough to elect a homosexual Muslim nigger and his shemale i knew this country must die.
stfu stupid cuck
if any homosexual ever claimed to be a Muslim just call us we will take care of him
>what u think will be the downfall of the american empire
It's already happening, like most great empires it's a slow slide until it isn't
No 1 cause, like Rome, I'll do my best to list them
Military spread to thin, hiring mercenaries to cover
The government is too large, ineffective, and corrupt
The original population is dying off and we are letting in foreign populations
We are diluting the currency
The only thing keeping the masses from revolting is high fructose corn syrup, bud lite, and sportsball (used to be called bread and circus)
Internal divisions are great and growing
Segments of the population are losing their fucking minds (we don't even have the excuse of the pipes and muh lead poisoning)
Attempted femenization of the male population
A series of incompetent and or ineffective rulers
Elites that would rather make a sheckel than build up their civilization (Crassus)
Devolution of art into meaningless shit
Back then they had the slave population problem, I'd say the debtor problem is the closest we could equate it to.
I could go on and on
Our problems are endless
Solutions are rarely mentioned and never implemented
Rome it took some time for the final blows to be struck
For the US I think it'll be quicker, things in the age of the internet happen much faster. The power of the British empire crumbled much faster than the Roman. I think the power of the American empire will collapse even quicker. It will be much more chaotic with the home continent than UK given our demographic situation.
The left it always is roman greek ottomans all fell wen the men went soft.
Looks like his vision is perfect 20/20
I hope you guys are ready for an actual collapse situation because it won’t be pretty. Knowing how to make a fire and prurifying water are 2 skills everyone should know.