Was Brent "Muslim Deterrent" Tarrant in fact a mercenary?

Was Brent "Muslim Deterrent" Tarrant in fact a mercenary?

>didnt bat an eye throughout the whole shooting
>stays calm and collected even though this is officially his first mass murder
>professional, almost surgical, precision - no survivors, all bodies double tapped etc
>has visited israel

The plot thickens:
>jews try to infiltrate china and make them hate muslims
>mission accomplished, muslim work camps activated
>the chinkchonks main exchange with western countries are through... australia and nz!
>create a heinous attack there
>the chinamen hate muslims even more

So basically, is this just a powergrab from israel? It makes sense that they want to put the largest ethnic group in the world (chichis) against their main enemy the muslims and I believe that the NZ attack would have such an effect.

More importantly, that would mean that the subjects of the mind war has shifted from the west to china.. Very interesting if thats the case.

This brings us to the next part of this post, where is the inevitable retaliatory attack going to take place? I think China. I think 3/22.

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>calm and collected

Dude he was fumbling reloads and dropping ammo did you even watch the video? Or did you skim over it like a pussy.

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Ok maybe so, but my (albeit amateur) eye see him as relatively controlled throughout the event - considering that he's conducting a mass murder on completely innocent human beings, some of which were children.

I think that a non-professional would act differently, but then again I'm just speculating because I know literally nothing.

What about the lazy ecofascist rhetoric? It's feels like brent was some sort of newfag who just discovered memes, although he does put forth a solid philosophical case in his manifesto..

Furthermore, isn't accelerationism basically israels ideology? That is, accelerate the cultural divide and co-destruction of christians and muslims by force and mind war, such as 911 and NZ?

Where there's smoke, there's Israel

lol you paranoid retards are no better than Alex Jones retards

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Great argument. To me there is no doubt that israel manipulated the US to send christian soldiers, a vanguard if you will, to destabilize the muslim world and bring rapefugees to take care of the european christian stock all in one move. So it comes to no surprise that you are defending your own mind control, but to be serious, what's your argument that this theory is pure paranoia?

Another red flag would be the fact that israel and the jews are not even mentioned in his manifesto. What kind of white nationalist ecofacist wouldn't even mention the jewish influence? Isn't that kind of suspicious?

Yes they are.

>Were/are you an anti-semite?
No. A jew living in israel is no enemy of mine, so long as they do not seek
to subvert or harm my people.

Idk if that counts, m8

im a white nationalist that doesnt give a shit about jews.

Don't disrespect the wheel with that kikery

Israel intelligence did a number on you then, eh?

It's meant to spark rage to whomever sympathizes with the wheel, sorry for being disrespectful

You mean Brent Muslim DeTarrant haha

Dude the biggest religion in China is Islam.

They’re mentioned. His whole shtick is just he doesn’t hate anyone as long as they fuck off and leave everyone else alone. He’s an ethnonationalist.

Jews stand for none of those principles. It's obnoxious to see that jew shit in the middle of it. I didn't read the thread, I'm just being reactionary.

Makes sense, but do you honestly believe that Israel does not interfere with western nations in any way? If so, you're either as stupid as he is, or paid by the same hand that paid DeTarrant.

oh dont forget that whomever they perceive as a threat is always in their crosshairs. It is natural I guess. One day they target china, the other day us again. But yea, it is most likely a power play of sorts. They may focus more on china since china is becoming a larger nation.

I think that they may play an angle of "Ego supplication" on the chinese, because the chinese are feeling inferior of sorts, compared to the west, and they are trying their best to compete. So whomever supplies them with "you are the best, u are rly good ppls look at these things" the chinese will like more.

Each nation, and each race has collective emotions that rule them as a majority so to speak, with media one can prime them one way or another. The noosphere, the memesphere. They are all tailored specifically to language, race, nation and culture. If you were to make maps of each nation, each of their main emotions, I bet you could manipulate them fairly well.

because just look at this


It is already being done most likely. If you wish to compete, well you need to draw maps of all the races and nations.

Traveled the world for 7 years with no visible means of support. I’m still waiting for an explanation of just how that works.

someone post the response about how he is calm because he is at peace for he is fulfilling his duty to god and country

You're an idiot. Do you bat an eye when swatting a fly or stepping on a cockroach?

I do think you are really right about (somebody) actually having a PsyOP script the kike media plays as a narrative. Not necessarily The Jews but soembody or somebodies who do have the power to do what you describe. Most of you are too young but I do remember when the COld War ended almost everybody in the West was celebrating that finally we could be friends with Russians and it did look like they wanted to be friends with the West. Look at that huge concert the Metal guys did in Russia. 2 million people waving AMerican flags in RUSSIA of all paces. For a couple years it seemed Peace was gonna be a real thing all over the world. Then after a few years we woke up and everything was fucked up again.


Interesting. I agree with your analysis, and indeed, each culture has it's own emotionality, with pride, ancient rivalry and hatred. Of course social media is used to herd to masses emotionally.

Bitconnect? lol

Humans are inherently abhorred by gore, murder and violence - at least when it's not a reaction to direct threat - so even though he hates muslims or whatever, his natural insticts would hold him from perpetrating such violence. Either he has fully dehumanized muslims in his mind by meditation, self-hypnosis or some such, OR he is in fact a trained professional killer who has been trained not to feel, or at least minimize sympathy for his victims.

Yes, the cold war was just an appetizer for the global mind war to come and now is fully implemented. Interesting thoughts.

He’s simply stating he has no issue with them if they do not subvert his people. I agree. If they don’t subvert us then who cares. They do subvert is currently though

He also fumbled with his jerry cans in the back of his car forgetting that he intended to burn the place down before his escape and mentions it during his escape.

Exactly. They do, so why is he pretending that they dont?

He missed a guy on the floor next to the bench on the left side of the room, guy never got shot.

Drugs were in play. I assume he was stimmed out of his mind.

>another schizo thread by a fat Jew

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Quite likely, actually. Good point. What drugs are we talking? Benzos + amphetamines probably?

Even professionals make mistakes.

He’s not. He clearly states,”Were/are you an anti-semite?
No. A jew living in israel is no enemy of mine, so long as they do not seek
to subvert or harm my people.”
The implication is he hates the ones subverting, but he’s not a anti Semitic because he doesn’t hate them unless they’re subverting, which obviously not all Jews do.

its semi intentional, meaning that if they knew that they were herded, they would react, so its kinda like that, but more like "providing a service" so to speak. As its main plot of sorts. With an underlying, more deceptive current of subversion running through it.

But yea, being so long here, seeing the meme currents, feeling the noosphere, I managed to get a basic awareness of it, probably with a handful of other individuals, including kikes. Well more like a couple of thousand. Not sure if it can be taught that easily, but just go outside, speak to people, diverse people and you will know that they have the same emotions running through them. Then go back to the internet and see how it connects to them. Slowly you may be able to map out the main driving emotions, and make a map out of them.

A real time map could even be possible if you were so autistic. I already have a crude one internalized inside of me, but if you wanted to you could find more detail to it. This macro map. Any jew besides me wants to help me make one though? I feel like a predator of sorts. While these dumbass faggots are wailing their tears off, we know why, we saw what triggered them, and how retarded they are to fall for such shit. With a little bit of effort, each and every emotion can be hijacked by its own rock-paper-scizzors counter emotion into certain directions. It would be just hilarious to guide these idiots into certain ways. Not many whites would be willing to do that as they are moral. So yea.

Maybe we should have a test case where we make these people wear stupid hats to see if we are effective.

exactly. the low IQ "mossad shill!" tards don't have 2 brain cells to rub together to figure this out.

on a breeding platform for all sorts of mental diseases

Honestly, if you don't think that's an absurdly weak way of naming the jew, you're nuts.

It's like funnels in ecommerce, but with thoughts. Make it the easiest for the masses to think the "correct" thoughts.

Nah man.
When youre pushed, killings as easy as breathing.
Besides, he had over three hundred confirmed kills, in multiple actions.

Orly? Can you provide some sauce? I believe you, but I want to learn more.

imagine you get to do the thing you wanted to do all the time because that one thing was getting on your nerves for so goddamn long. you would be super hyped yourself.

Its being able to distance one self from the emotions, either through repetition, maturity, IQ or other factors, to such an extent where you can see emotions as math. One emotion is susceptible to other emotions. Anger is vulnerable to sadness (and a few others). Righteousness to compassion. And so forth. Lets say for example that you are angry, would it be logical for you to be happy? No, because happiness is not a logical emotion to have while you are angry. Well it occurs less often at least. The human brain is retarded like that, it has a state, and that state often goes into another state, almost...ALMOST regardless of outside influence. Part of it is taught, part of it is biology, and history.

But its "the drama of life" the karmic cycle so to speak. If you truly wish to escape from it, Buddhism would be a great thing (I also do it), biologically speaking, meditation also strengthens the prefrontal cortext. Which is unemotional by nature, which allows you to distance yourself more from these retarded and useless ideas (which also allows you to become a predator instead of prey). Because I am certainly not the first to think these thoughts, and also not the last.

>completely innocent human beings
These are muslims we're talking about
I bet it felt cathartic

Just because he wasn't advocating "gas 6 trillion jews!", and said he'd have no problem with Jews if they were in Israel and minding their own business, doesn't mean he's okay with what they're doing currently.

He's got the mindset of deal with the "invaders" in his land and has most of his anger aimed towards them, seeing as they're the ones suicide bombing, torturing, and beheading Europeans. Wouldn't you be more pissed off at the people doing all of that stuff vs some so called shadowy, pulling all the strings behind the scenes Jew.

I mean most of us haven't even met a Jew in real life before, and it's not like they're the ones in Europe blowing themselves up and mass immigrating, even if they really are responsible for that happening.

>Wouldn't you be more pissed
Yeah, if I was a brainlet that couldn't see the shadowy figures pulling the strings. Sure, I don't like the invaders either, but at least I know why they are invading.

>>didnt bat an eye throughout the whole shooting
>>stays calm and collected even though this is officially his first mass murder
>>professional, almost surgical, precision - no survivors, all bodies double tapped etc
He said it himself that he trained prior to the shooting. Also, it isn't hard to not bat an eye because you're killing someone you abhor.

>doesn’t hate them unless they’re subverting, which obviously not all Jews do

>It's easy to kill someone you abhor
I don't think so, but it's certainly easier. So we agree on the point that he has had training. Now we need to find out what kind of training and from whom.

I wouldn't be surprised if he had connections to a blackwater-like company or something or that sort.

Humans have been brutalizing each other since our beginning throughout history without any form of "training", is it really that hard to believe?

>>jews try to infiltrate china and make them hate muslims

>doesn't understand that chinks hate jews for making them take opium

fuck off retarded mongrel

Of course, but what's hard to believe is the way he did it. Obviously humans have been protecting themselves both as an impulse and as a planned attack on a belligerent. But the way it was dont just reeks of a trained agent.

Here is a very crude visualization, I believe so that these elements are present in nearly 100% of the people.

Attached: metamap.jpg (1104x816, 66K)

This. There are a lot of suspicious details and like always, we may never know the truth. If he is a professional, I hope it proves to be a mistake for his bosses.

I thought the opium thing was blamed on british imperialists rather than jews? Can you explain more about chinese anti-semitism?

though I may be partly projecting right now. But you basically could just take a random thousand people right now, use the models of "typically sad brain scans" and see if they match not only them, but also others on the crude retard map.

Attached: metamap.jpg (1104x816, 84K)

>innocent human beings
i dont think that he did see them that way

to add to that, wouldnt it be stupidly easy to make a real time noosphere map? We already have stock market bots that scour twitter and other feeds to make adjustments. It would be extremely easy to make a crude, real time map of main emotions. Some words, and word usage in the english language are specifically tied to some emotions nearly 100% of the time.

So yea. Anyone wants to make a noosphere map? We would just need a crawler and some crude algorithms. But one should be able to predict the state of the average human outside like you would predict the weather. Before you go outside you should look at your feed and think "oh, the retards are mostly sad again? Well then, I guess I should adjust my sales (if you sell stuff), or my interactions with the local grocer because of that." If you travel to a foreign country, you could get a more localized map. Some people already do this as they try to ride on "trends", manually, but its such a chore, it should be automated. These people deserve nothing less than complete humiliation and exploitation, I would even invite the kikes to help us.

Take your meds schizo.

JEW, halp me, maek noosphere map now.

Wait, I need to do something first. Don't worry, it works every time.
amerca help

I know you guys have a thirst for destruction, and I may share it with you right now. If you make such a map open for the public it will create so much of it, god it will be glorious. Throw the nooshpere into turmoil through a heightened feedbackloop of one of the manipulators of it. Whatever stalemate we have now will be torn apart! Giving both of our sides chances to fuck with it.

Please get rid of your memeflag, I get the feeling that you live somewhere without proper education, I don't understand a thing you're saying.

booo, bad jew. You should have understood. Christ. Who shares me desire to destroy on this planet then? Must I lament to be alone?

If you're really isreali: What's the rhetoric on China over there?

>make them hate muslims
what a feat
near impossible, everyone loves muslims wherever they go!

Quit with the b8 m8
He was the king of Jow Forums end.

There's not much discussion when it comes to it, but most people here consider it as a really large business opportunity. Specifically when it comes to hi-tech and start-ups.
Lots of people end up learning chinese and starting business relationships with chinese companies.

Just as I thought. Obviously Israel, along with most other business-minded cultures, are trying to economically annex China. This means that it's absolutely imperative to shill Judaism and the semitic people there.

To some degree, isn't Israel kind of presenting themselves as a huwhite european country with similar values to the chinese? This is according to me rather fraudulent, but what do you think?

Just to clarify, I mean similar values to european countries, not china

He literally ran back and forth inside/outside of the first mosque panting hard.
He was simultaneously nervous and on an adrenaline kick.

>has visited israel
And half the world

Stop talking bullshit.

Kind of? Israel is trying to put up a front of both a european and middle eastern country, and with how much these two things conflict, I don't think it will ever work.

>>professional, almost surgical, precision - no survivors, all bodies double tapped etc
Ahahahah...no. The guy clearly had no experience with firearms outside a shooting range. Doubletapping is just common snese and it was done pretty sloppily in the video. This guy was an amateur.

I think he is a Ukraine civil war veteran

Of course the first shill in the thread is a mossad honk poster

>Dude he was fumbling reloads and dropping ammo did you even watch the video? Or did you skim over it like a pussy.

Ya this, I thought it was a meme at this point how clumsy he was. Too excited and filled with adrenaline surprised he didn't accidentally throw a magazine out of the window.