
I like it. Why don't you? It's the spice of life.

Am I wrong or what?

Attached: degeneracy.webm (576x720, 1.4M)

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I like it too. I just larp as a moral fag on here like most

If I get pussy I will like it too.

you´re from niggerland so yeah , that´s why you like it

brazil dumping some bants on america... yet you fags have transvestite parades.

Nothing wrong with that other than these aren't men. Women are fucking disgusting. I used to fuck women, but they're just too filthy, loud and filled with all kinds of parasites, protozoa and STDs, besides vaginas are gross. I only fuck men at this point. Mostly cleaner, more passionate and more enjoyable as long as you stay away from the LGBTKike community.

Attached: wojak.jpg (900x900, 70K)

Nigga you gay


its their fault anyway

>Nigga you gay
So? Sucking a cock is more stimulating than licking a vagina ever will. If you prefer ramming your tongue up holes, you can always thrust it up a man's asshole. Unless you're fucking a fucking whore, rectum is tighter anyway, so it's all good.

Attached: 1543865026182.jpg (680x793, 57K)

>ramming your tongue up holes
t. incel