>mfw we are literally becoming first world
>mfw we are literally joining NATO and OECD
>mfw we are literally going to protect the Western Civilization and Christianity
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Good! (: keep up the good work brothers!
Why the fuck do you want to join Globohomo enforcer NATO?
you tell us hue
What has Bolsonaro done in fucking 3 months? lol
more than any president has done in like 30 years already
We don’t care about protecting Christianity or even “western culture” we care about preserving the white race , a battle Brazil lost a long time ago.
So if the entire world becomes communistic but the white race still survives with artificial wombs or other shit, you will be happy?
What's your beer like? Mind if I come for a visit if I promise to fuck off after a few weeks?
Are we? All i see is rampant unemployment and violence everywhere. Everything is expensive as fuck and leftists are still free to roam universities/the media in general doing what they want. Not to mention the insane amount of taxes raping every citizen butthole. Seems the same smelly shit to me.
OP is an Uncle Tom
Hail Bolsonaro and Hail Brazil
>I just care about propagating genetic material and nothing more
like what? give examples
But Brazil is a white country
No we are not, retard.
Bolsonaro won't do anything about the supreme Court and his sons are corrupt.
Not to mention the military wanting more money for doing nothing
tfw there is a province in Brazil that is more white% than most Western European countries.
>Bolsonaro won't do anything about the supreme Court and his sons are corrupt.
>he doesn't realize that bolsonaro has the ultimate weapon against the supreme court
Latin America is not Western Civilization and Catholicism is not Christianity. Try again, monkey.
I'm glad our germanic sperm donation to you lads have brought you wonders.
>Latin America is not Western Civilization and Catholicism is not Christianity.
It is now my friend get used to it
honored the holocaust and gone to israel
Yay, now we get to fight wars for Israel!
Yay, now we get a bunch of globalists to shit rules on our market policies!
At least then you'll finally get a cheaper playstation, kek.
Yes i cant wait for us to be israel's new lapdog
playstation + 400 more taxes
Yay, we also get some bread and circus to stop me from complaining too!
>he doesn't understand what the OECD is about
JFL at you OP
We're not going anywhere unless we deal with our corrupt supreme court and senate.
that can easily be solved with an emperor m8
Actually pretty good, because it implies that it's possible to recover even if the shitlibs turn your country brown.
>mfw we are literally becoming first world
ZOG neo-liberalism at full throttle (70% throttle with Dilma)
>mfw we are literally joining NATO and OECD
Joining the gang of pitiful, feminine, nihilistic ZOG mercenaries
>mfw we are literally going to protect the Western Civilization and Christianity
Same old degeneracy but with "In God and Israel we trust"...Sarah Palin style of ZOGery
Better than the entire world become Christian shitskins.
>>mfw we are literally becoming first world
>>mfw we are literally joining NATO and OECD
>>mfw we are literally going to protect the Western Civilization and Christianity
>Implying that any of these are good things
Eh is it really going to be worse than being Chinas old lapdog?
There are other things to preserve besides the race, but you do have a point.
Brazil needs capitalism. I've heard from many Brazilians that taxes are too high. Any Brazilians that actually want to do something are burdened with ridiculous taxes.
Also, I've heard from Brazilians that America has the best roads they've ever driven on. I think America's roads are dogshit, so Brazil's must be really bad. Brazil needs more capitalism and roads.
fucking hues
There won't be an Emperor. Not now, not ever.
Bragança was shoved aside in favor of an Olavian minister and the successor to Bolsonaro's government - in case it goes well - is his son Eduardo, not Bragança.
>elects zionist proto junta leader, doesn't get the junta but gets the subversion and still stays a shithole
Many such cases! Sad!
>Bragança was shoved aside in favor of an Olavian minister and the successor to Bolsonaro's government
Ernesto Araujo is a hardcore monarchist you fucktard. He even invited and mentioned Dom Bertrand at his inauguration speech. All of the Olavo ministers are Monarchists
>that's what monarchists unironically believe
>what is the moderator power
Why doesn't the brazilian government enter every prison and execute everyone?
Would anyone really care?
They're pure savages and literal demon spawns
Brazil is so beautiful, i want to live in south america one day but not around niggers and swarthy mutts.
but you aren't going to do anything of that so I don't feel anything
This isn't true I want the white race to survive. But without any moral backing we're nothing more than beasts wearing human skin.
>literally boasting about becoming a Jewish puppet state
And I thought you guys were cool for electing Big Balls Bolly.
>thinking only the moderator power can do anything to save this country
Even back in the empire it didn't avoid our doom actually.
Hey retard, the army, the President and the population have no interest in restoring the Monarchy.
You'll die of old age and without an Emperor, period.
No, fuck off with your laissez-faire vomit. We need a nationalist economical system. That's what made America take off, a protectionist, infrastructure-focused system. That's what got Trump elected, Americans are done with laissez-faire, they can't stand that shit anymore, they want the return of the American system. With economists like Alexander Hamilton, Friedrich List and Henry Charles Carey, America became strong.
You had this: en.wikipedia.org
What did the laissez-faire bullshit of kike economists like (((von Mises))) and (((Rothbard))) that Reagan adopted did to you guys? It ruined your blue-collar class by exporting your entire manufacturing base and (((indebted))) your citizens and your country for life.
Sure taxes need to go down, but we don't need no stinking capitalism. You unwittingly admitted that when you said our infrastructure sucks (you mentioned our roads, but our railways and airports also suck, not to mention our telecommunications). We need better infrastructure, and that requires state investments. We need a Brazilian system.
I'll care when you fucks stop hacking each other with machetes and eating each other regularly.
Moral backing comes from trial and error, not from some jew book.
>70 years of political stability and economic growth
>Hey retard, the army, the President and the population have no interest in restoring the Monarchy.
Then you havent paid attention enough to what is happening m8
>first world
kek nope
>imblying your country is first world with a murder rate that high
murder rates are going down already m8
Confirmed for shitskin with broken ethics LARPing as a racist white
>real life sopa
lol holy shit wtf, I guess that's a victim of that zika virus microcephaly.
>political stability
>literally being ruled by freemasons
I have nothing agaist a monarchy but you liberal monarchists are too delusional.
See: Colombia Supreme Court, 1985
There's a reason we call the Nips honorary whites. It's because they're behavior warrants it. Same can be true for anyone.
>Brazil was non-aligned and neutral in WWII
>Brazil is by definition, third world
>Brazilians film pissing on each other in public to cheers
>Brazilians are earth-grown monkey/human hybrids
>mfw we are literally becoming first world
>Brazilians actually believe this
No youre not.
New Zealanders are vip now. Please come to Brazil.
>implying high nigger murder rate is bad
>look guise he took a picture for political reasons
>OMG we're totally going back to being a Monarchy
>the army that staged the coup that took down the Monarchy is totally going to bring them back OMG
Extremely naive.
No, you are not. You are a shithole, you will always be a shithole. You will keep choking in your own shit.
That guy could get rich on the freakshow circuit, if it still existed. Its a shame that they've taken that opportunity from him, though.
>literally being ruled by freemasons
That is not the first republic m8, the empire kept both powers (Conservatives and Liberal) in check
The army republican faction was positivist back then my friend and it was a minority, through the beginning of the XX century they became the majority, but nowadays with the destruction of centralization and social democracy they have lost power, I mean for the first time since the empire we are experiencing economic liberalism which is diametrically opposed to positivism. Also, you don't realize the political implications of the current imperial dynasty and geopolitical concepts that actually favor them, especially the fact they are aligned with TFP.
>joining KIKE-O
>good thing
mfw guy verhofstadt posts on 4dude
good. Help us keep all those Mexicants inline.
Dude there's not going to be a Monarchy, why are you so fucking naive holy shit.
Go on.
new testiment was written by greeks who were influenced by greek culture and ethics. Why do you think the Synagogue of Satan rejected it's teachings?
>200 years of independence coming on
>Dom Bertrand all the time in Brasilia
>Luiz Philippe elected
>Presidentialism is destroyed since Dilma's impeachment
>Talks regarding Parliamentarism and a new constitution everywhere
>STF corruption literally giving a reason for the existence of a 4th power
>Imperial Palace burned down
B-but believe me!
Nah, man an organized identity is necessary and Christianity does provide it. That's why people have chosen to reject it now for degeneracy. It's not about what's new it's that we chose to forsaken our roots after a while.
Humans are not inherently moral, we're tempestuous and fickle. We need God; Christ as our father.
t. retarded
The same type of freemasons that formed the empire eventually destroyed it, we were already being cucked by masonic lodges and synagoges for a long time when we reached the republic coup.
>conservatives and liberal
Kek, knowing these were our only two party options should be enough to show how fucked we were already. Brazil ended in 1820 or even 1822, not in 1889.
Nothing. And that's why he's better than any other president we had.
Jannie are you Honky?
Christianity itself is the organized identity but "secular" policies like America ruined it.
But it still works on a small level even in America. The two healithiest American groups are the Mormons and the Amish.
>The same type of freemasons that formed the empire eventually destroyed it, we were already being cucked by masonic lodges and synagoges for a long time when we reached the republic coup.
Wrong, you are messing things up. Dom Pedro I and José Bonifácio were both from GOB (Grande Oriente do Brasil) whereas most republicans were affiliated with the Scottish Rite and the Americans m8. Hence why the monarchy permitted the influence of the Catholic Church and tried to unify them into a single thing, whereas the Republicans were adamant against its presence in the society, just like the freemasons are typically characterized
>new testiment was written by greeks
You mean Hellenized Jews.
>Why do you think the Synagogue of Satan rejected it's teachings?
Because they were dissidents.
People have rejected it because they realized it's nonsense. If the only thing preventing a person to become degenerate is Jewish national mythology then they're better off dead.
t. mutt who needs a semitic global religion to have a semblance of identity
>A white kike controlling a bunch of ape into their death for Israel
>The apes are happy
Wow what a surprise
>t. mutt who needs a semitic global religion to have a semblance of identity
You don't even know the definition of morality and its metaphysical implications and yet you say that morality is based on trial and error LMAo
Whadya fuckin call me cunt?!
>>mfw we are literally joining NATO
You got no nukes, what are you going to do if Russia attacks? You lot can't chuck spears that far.
>he thinks morality comes the magical realm of metaphysics and not from real world interactions
Imagine living in a third world shithole and still being this disconnected from reality.
Isn't Jow Forums banned in you cunt Bruce?
Imagine being so retarded that can't even understand the most basic concept of morality and civilization and yet be arrogant about it
They're all fremasons m8, they fight between each other but in the end they're all the same shitty jewish puppets.
The only acceptable monarchy is a traditional monarchy and the Empire was far from that, being ruled by less radical more moderate lodges doesn't make it a good period, just not as bad as others.
>They're all fremasons m8, they fight between each other but in the end they're all the same shitty jewish puppets.
>using Jow Forums buzzwords to prove yourself right
Just say you don't know what you are talking about, the mark of a person without knowledge is one that has to rely on buzzwords and empty rhetoric to prove himself right