But muh European IQ!

But muh European IQ!

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Wow an outlier

hey burger, do you need some gas?

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>be 6 yo refugee kid
>too dumb to speak english
>be put into kidnergarten with 3 year olds
>beat them at chess

>Everyone is falling in love with this Mentally Retarded man who solves puzzle cubes!


nice b8

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OP blown the fuck out, how the fuck will niggers recover?

Blacks tend to develop much faster than whites and Asians as well... they sit up at an earlier age, they speak first at an earlier age, they walk first at an earlier age... they simply mature faster. But keep watching. Once the other kids start catching up, they will leave him in the dust. After 3rd grade, he'll be in a new tier, and all the kids will be smarter than he could ever be.

>Please ignore that the last 7000 such champions have been white and focus on this one being a nigger as if that is at all common.
And I'm betting they cheated to get him the title, too.


>chest requires high iq

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Meanwhile asians from poor backgrounds everywhere in the nation winning prices in all sorts of competition after years of hard work, but nobody gives a shit.

so what, niggers with high IQs still have victimhood fetishes, and lap up kike slavery lies!

>But muh European IQ!


Chess is the biggest waste of human creativity that has ever been devised. Imagine creating a game that sucks in the most intelligent people in society, and they waste millions of hours, collectively, over little Masonic floorboard game. For what? Meanwhile nuclear fusion is still decades away.
That said, Nigerians are by far the smartest of the black tribes, so no surprise one is doing good.

Learn to spell med baby

>but muh token
There are literally a billion africans, a few are bound to be smart you shitskin

Its retarded to say that blacks are inherently unintelligent. Lets not forget the mighty empires in West Africa, they were literally centres of knowledge and economic wealth in those times, much more advanced than Western Europe. Sadly those times will never return for them tho.


Lmao I thought it would be another nigger putting a clock in a box and claiming he made it before clicking on the image.

Low level chess isn't an good indicator of intelligence, teach the kid a couple of basic moves and he'll already be years ahead of his competition.

>Chinese men are short? Heh nice try kid watch THIS

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he's 15 playing with 6 year olds


Based and NAXALTfallacy pilled.

Chess has been around for centuries you fucking spaz

wow a nigger in the left jew controlled media.

we tottaly belive it.


I read somewhere that chess doesn’t require much intelligence and is just about experience. I walk by homeless looking niggers that challenge people to play them at the park everyday.

I bet this lil nigga just flipped the board over every time, called his opponent racist, and declared himself the winner.

No one denies that smart people exist, regardless of race. Blacks are just generally dumber than whites.

>leisure is bad
>Meanwhile nuclear fusion is still decades away.
>every intelligent person is into nuclear physics

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Wow you're right blacks ARE just as smart as whites.....still the extremely high crime rates and poverty are worrying huh? Must just be whites holdin the black man down

He looks ten years old

Lol. He probably played toddlers in is much older than the parents claimed.
Age difference is a huge thing in chess. I was in the chess club from age 12 onwards, and the older ones always creamed the younger ones, even if the younger player was more talented.

if it's not a fraud, i deem this child's life worthier than those of 10.000 americans or italians, whether immigrants or black or whites or muslim or christian.


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So has masonry. Why do masons have extensive Moorish iconography?

This. Lie about his age, put him in a younger group and then marvel at his accomplishment of beating younger children.

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lol, you didn't know how right you were.
I just looked him up. He's the kindergarten champion and he's 8, EIGHT, years old.

And that's true for most of life: the simpler a species, the faster it develops.

Mice are fully mature within a month or so.
Gazelle can run after a few hours and are mature at about 18 months.
Chimps are swinging around within a few months and mature at 16ish.
Niglets are walking and talking around 1 year.
Whites take a little longer, but plateau, of course, than they're counterparts who are faster out of the gate.

>but user
one might say
>those are adaptations bc of environmental pressures!
>you can't use that to assign value!

Fine. God loves everyone. But when bleeding hearts tell you WHY niggers are retarded, they're inadvertently still admitting that they are, in fact, retarded.

Leisure activities represent we bother doing more than just surviving. Jews know Whites are called to elevate themselves. That's why they're pushing this so hard; because it is important.

After centuries, or thousands of years really, obviously we have figured out the most efficient moves and their counters and so on. At this point, high level chess really is just about memorizing all the moves and then being able to remember them while playing.

Niggers, abos and whatnot are better at remembering raw data partially because of brain structure and partially because of education/environment.
Western countries tend to focus on problem solving on the fly, wheras 3rd world countries tend to focus on memorizing premade solutions to common problems.

It's kind of a whole thing. A huge example is war machine repair.
US troops are notorious for not reading the manual on anything, but are great at jerry-rigging their tanks when they break down in BFE.
Muslim soldiers memorize the repair manual, but if all the tools and parts needed aren't available, they just abandon the tank.

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>Man bites dog

This is just acception. Anyone can just take one instance and take that as a rule. Dont be stupid OP

It’s kindergarten through 3rd grade. He is in 3rd grade


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Scroll up

no u

Well good for him then.

Everything else is still true though.

I actually know quite a few Africans, mostly Nigerian and Ugandans, and the Nigerians are a bit different from everyone else.
The other Africans consider them "cheats" and whatnot.

I've noticed most Ugandans really are pretty stupid. I literally only know one that is qhat I'd consider of average intelligence. They cling to the one thing they know and get upset when you introduce new things.

The Nigerians are a lot more adaptable, but often untrustworthy.

A Nigerian friend something interesting at a party.
A White friend was virtue-signaling about racism, colonialism, etc. I responded with basic Jow Forums talking points and he got upset.
I was kinda surprised and the White guy was upset when the Nigerian friend agreed with me and added the fucking gem that he thinks White people should be in charge of everything. He said every African country run by Africans he's been in has been a mess. The only time they were worth anything was under White rule. He thinks Whites should be exported everywhere to serve as the ruling class of every country and the world would be better off for it. White guy just about had a heart attack but couldn't say shit bc, well, you're not supposed to disagree with minorities on socio-political opinions.

inb4 cool story bro


Nigerians seem to be the most Intelligent african group, I met a Nigerian Professor and A Nigerian Chemical Engineer, both really cool and smart guys, Nothing at all like the negroes in america. Both of them believed in themselves and didn't worry about if they were "black enough" for everyone else.

I know a guy named Jev from the Congo, he shares a similar viewpoint. His college dorm buddies have been slightly redpilled by his stories about the congo.