Can you explain this, Jow Forums???
Can you explain this, Jow Forums???
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boycott israel
yes. the nation on the left has no 2nd amendment.
Conservatives bad!
If you touch my guns I will kill you
>I am silly
What's to explain. These three are all Jewish puppets.
Some boomer autism.
So are you saying that thoughts and prayers do work ?
If they couldn't do anything here when a Synagogue was shot up, they can't ever do anything here.
2a is pointless faggot when you won't do shit to protect it. You tardy would just give up your guns if the police asked boomer faggot
U R a silly dumb cunt. Explained.
i mean yes of course they are, just look at this list:
red states are quite literal 3rd world countries
We aren’t dumb faggots.
Sperg harder
The New Zealanders have no Bill of Rights.
I’m gonna laugh my ass off when protests happen in the future and the government can punitively shoot their own citizens with no fear of repercussions from the populace.
If you live in New Zealand, you are no longer a citizen, but a subject.
Yeah, New Zealand is cucked.
Don't forget to sage, lads.
"bold" action lol is neither good or bad you have to wait if it works, newsflash it doesnt because they already had no gun laws in the place the shooting was you retard.
Hope filled faggots wishing an island country will influence American politics (muh Russian influence tho). No mass shootings here did anything to change gunlaws, but hope theres will
I want gun control in america though
So did Brendon
The fuck is this shit? Looks like something my grandma would share on her facebook
Another strawman argument. Two different countries, two entirely different views on firearms.
Btw. why haven´t you called for banning islam from being practiced worldwide yet.
There have been for past 18 years. 34.747 separate radical muslim terrorist attacks worldwide in 50+ countries.
>1 guy in new zealand.
>ban guns.
Here´s a few from just this week.
>2019.03.18 (Nigeria)
Boko Haram aerate a bus with shrapnel, killing all eight passengers.
>2019.03.17 (DRC)
Three woman and a 9-year-old child are massacred by ADF Islamists.
>2019.03.17 (Israel)
A rabbi is among two Israelis shot to death by a Palestinian terrorist.
>2019.03.16 (India)
A female police officer is gunned down outside her home by Muslim terrorists.
>2019.03.15 (Mozambique)
Thirteen villagers are hacked to death by Sharia proponents.
>2019.03.15 (Syria)
Three female suicide bombers strike families fleeing the caliphate, killing six members.
Really activates the almond.
Gun laws will work as well as drug laws, especially in the US where there are more guns than people
Remember what happened when they tried to stop us from drinking?
He forgets why they call the black belt the black belt.
>2a is pointless faggot when you won't do shit to protect it
[[[The (((Human))) Development Index]]]
We have never been Citizens.
This is all virtue signalling though. Everyone here lives and breathes apathy.
Imagine being so cucked as a nation that one shooting is enough for your leaders to strip your rights while everyone cheers
god you are fucking stupid
Hardly bold, more like kneejerk panic reflex. Boo!
Wheres her hijab? She should be executed.