Alaska has UBI

Why don't you move to Alaska user?
>Residents get 1000-2000$ a month after living in Alaska for a year. Each member of your household gets this due to oil dividends.
>CHEAP housing. You can get a luxury cabin in the woods for 20,000$ or rent out a 1 bedroom apartment for as low as 100-200$ a month.
>Lots of jobs for earning extra income until your UBI kicks in and you can live for free
>Beautiful scenery and wildlife
I'll be doing some welding work there in the near future. I only have a few years experience TIG welding but will be earning 40$ an hour.

Attached: alas52385-bw.jpg (576x393, 47K)

boycott israel

boycott israel

I'm gonna grab a sandwich. can everyone else post boycott israel for a while?

They get money from oil & gas. Also everything is expensive in Alaska. Even in Anchorage it’s stupidly expensive compared to lower 48.

I used to live in Alaska and there’s alottttt more niggers there than anyone let’s on about
>boycott Israel

Where in?

I agree I agree what is this though? I just woke up.
Boycott Israel
and check out this thread it's important

That's a year not a month

Alaska creates value from petroleum. Socialist faggots do not create value.

Alaska is completely white