Ideal map of Europe

>Spain declares Portugal a failed state and liberates it

>United Ireland

>Great Britain now becomes Greater Scotland

>Belgium conquers France

>The Netherlands move their Southern border to old Belgium

>Balearic and Corsica islands now belong to Italy

>Switzerland stays the same

>Denmark and Austria become part of Germany

>Slovenia and Bosnia become part of Croatia

>Serbia takes back Kosovo and conquers Montenegro, Albania, and Macedonia

>Czechia stays the same

>Hungary conquers Slovakia

>Moldova becomes part of Romania again

>All of the Baltic countries, including the Kaliningrad Oblast, become part of Poland

>Nordic countries (excluding Denmark) are united under the Icelandic flag

>Finland stays the same

>Bulgaria stays the same

>Greece retakes Cyprus and the rest of Turkey

>Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan are now part of Russia

>Armenia conquers Azerbaijan and the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic

>Georgia stays the same


Attached: map.png (4592x3196, 1.31M)

>Belgium conquers France

Attached: dustin-played-by-gaten-matarazzo-in-stranger-things.png (597x617, 132K)

Why would Poland take the Baltics? There are some Polish minorities in Lithuania, but overall it would be a hostile population that's hard to defend geographically. Absolutely pointless

>Conquers albania
Please fuck no we have enough of alboniggers in our territory as is, Skadar MAYBE but that's it, Italy and Greece can have the rest

Just looked at the rest of the map nvm this is bait post


>Russia exists

>those balkans


Also boycott israel

>Le 56% face flies in
>"let me tell you what countries belong to Yurop"

Attached: 123144.jpg (683x681, 105K)