I want to boycott Israel but i dont know how

i want to boycott Israel but i dont know how.

what businesses are run by israel and/or businesses that support israel?

what major U.S. political figures support israel the most and how do we get them out of power?

what television shows are run by israel so i know to avoid them at all costs?

please help Jow Forums

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>i want to boycott Israel
>reddit spacing
we know who you faggots are.

You're both faggots. Stop spamming the board and fuck all Jews and Israel.


It has been suggested that one way to identify Israeli products is to look at the barcode. The first 3 digits of the EAN 13 digit barcode indicates the country in which the barcode was assigned, barcodes assigned in Israel start with the number 729.

>boycott Israel

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Use your rifle

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>t. r/t_d faggot

Spam this pic

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Wow! Such insight! Thank you so much for posting! I'm so glad you replied to OP's question! Wowzer how amazing! You've enlightened us all! I hope you get all the (you)'s you've always dreamed of! Thank you for defending us from reddit spacing! You're truly a hero! Thanks!