>more and more millenials are deciding to put off having kids, getting sacked with student debt, dropping out of the workforce, not buying a home and move back in with their parents, and facing major depression/suicide
How fucked are we?
More and more millenials are deciding to put off having kids, getting sacked with student debt...
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ay lad, did you make sure to
B O Y C O T T I S R A E L ?
>Kids are too expensive!
>Drops 400 dollars here, 100 dollars there and useless shit for the animal
Hmm... really made me think
I wouldn't even go so far to say that student debt is crippling the family-potential of millennials. It's crippled across the Western world, even where there's little to no problem with student debt and you get paid to have children.
Enjoy socialism, boomer
who wants a furbaby
>dog cucks
The lowest form of human, almost nigger tier but more pathetic.
but they wont reproduce and be removed from the gene pool
soon leftists will cease to exist feelsgoodman
>designer animal clothes
What is the fucking point of dog clothes? Don't buy dogs that aren't suited to live in your climate.
>i cant afford anything
lets buy 400$ cloth for my furniture destroyer!
these kind of people deserve it
Many buy dogs that aren't suited to live in the first place.
>croatian nigger doesnt like dogs
Checks out.
Seeing how a woman takes care of their dog is a solid indicator if she is even remotely fit to be a parent.
millenials having huge debts and shitty parents is another reason for not having kids.
>Doesnt care about a living creature
>Does care about his furniture
Yup, you're either a nigger or a kebab, so nothing of value is lost once croatia is glassed.
Who the fuck are these millennials they keep talking about? I don’t know anyone who eats avocado toast and buys expensive dog clothes and I’m a millennial
He is prolly whiter than you, kike.
That is only partly to blame for the decline of birthrates:
>minimum wage hasnt been adjusted in over half a century
>an AVERAGE Joe out of highschool cant afford university/college
>he cant afford a nice place to rent, let alone live "comfortably" with a minimum wage job
>The average guy cant afford children, its that simple
>The average Joe out of highschool also doesnt have children on his mind, because most girls around him arent interested in having children or let alone settle down
>The girls straight out of higschool spend their prime years on booze, drugs, sex, "education"..
>Their formative years are essentially when young adults tend to make everlasting habits and women make habits that would make our grandparents squirm
>Now add to that the advent of technological advances like tinder and smartphones and women now not only fuck the top dog in their university, they also want to fuck ALL THE TOP DOGS
>That means that average Joe has not only no financial backbone to start a family with, but there are literally no women who see him as worthy to start a family with
>Women all expect to settle down with a pro athlete or CEO and average guys have problems getting laid LET ALONE START A FAMILY
>That doesnt even address the next problem: divorce
>75% of all divorces are initiated by women
>In 90% of the divorces, men pay alimony for the rest of their lives and child support for 18 years
>Not only that, but women can get these rewards, despite being the adulterer
>So even IF average Joe somehow manages to get a qt wife, she can wake up one day and take half his LIFE'S SAVINGS with her
>And pray that there are no kids involved
>If there are kids involved, all she needs to do is claim "child abuse" or "abuse" and hes essentially restricted from ever spending time with his children again
>Not only that, but even if she cheated, the court still appoints her sole custody, which sets a dangerous precedent for her own children
Oh great, now doggo suicides are going to skyrocket as well
Nobody, she is making fun of white people for being incapable of making the right choices. (((They))) love to rub your nose in the situation they created so as to draw attention away from their own.
Or have you not seen this bitches side profile yet?
dogs are wonderful companions but any white person with two brain cells would focus first on having children.
Instead they'll import millions of shitskins, that'll outbreed the few normal people left.
That dog is not her surrogate for a child but for her lack of boyfriend, American.
You are either a shepherd or one of the sheep brother, you either look after things or require looking after.
Their isn't an areola at the end of everyone's tunnel.
Thank boomers for doing this, without them America would be far whiter.
why do people think raising a kid is SO expensive. I spend about 700$ p/month on childcare and baby supplies
pets are parasites.
> In our present social context, marked by a dramatic struggle between the "culture of life" and the "culture of death", there is need to develop a deep critical sense, capable of discerning true values and authentic needs.[29]
thats pretty expensive lmao $700 for your kid, another $1000+ for rent, another $300-400 for car insurance/gas...haven't even paid utility bills or bought food yet...
Good. These retards shouldn't be reproducing in the first place.
white millenials
You misunderstand, it is even a significant portion of the ones that CAN afford stuff that simply don't want children because of the long term monetary implications for them. The cost to raise a child from birth has almost doubled since I was born, and that is quite scary. God forbid you want to have more than one, or have some sort of disaster/complication in your life, because the cost only goes off the walls from there.
Don't forget a significant portion of the generation is crippled in terms of family making anyways because they will just be basement dwelling working poor.
A lot of millenials make less than 2-3k a month, and or lack a job that has enough security for them to want to build a family. There's a lot of entry level jobs, but not a ton of room for promotion and growth in many cases.
To be honest a lot of those things aren't all that bad
Last time I checked raising kids involves more then a 400 dollar lump sum.
Got two kids and doing just fine with 42k a year. Kids are cheap, learn to cook and shop for their clothes at thrift stores and goodwills. Can always find brandname and new stuff at thrifts and goodwills.
I have 3 kids. Its extremely cheap. The only people who ever say kids are expensive literally just want something to bitch about.
Walmart clothes and fucking cheerios are not expensive
I had dogs when I was a kid and they were useful to keep the house safe when we weren’t there and to raise alarm at night. Nowadays, dogs have become so pussified by their owners, they will not attack an intruder and will instead watch as their owner gets clubbed or simply run away in fear.
Dogs are property and a good friend but they aren’t children and should never be treated like your equal. Go ahead tell me how your dog is better than another human, try an rationalize it. You’re probably the type of faggot who allows your dog to lick your face after it’s done licking his balls.
>living atomized, renting and "independent"
>not living in a big 3br house of 19 people, on 22 acres with "unofficial comfy cottages", cozy livable vans and a giant tipi (me); where there are 11 siblings & cousins working OTR trucking, bringing in gargantuan combined annual household income (while diluting the cost of living into very extreme lows); enabling big savings and property purchases
t. since 2007, owner of mammoth funds and will retire next this year at age 33
I'm not fucked i've got a few rifles and over 5,000 boolets. It's those around me who can't get woth the new program who are fucked.
Fucking dog couples man. Well, I want to have a White family so bad but i gotta stop hating women.
>Capitalism literally impacts Americans' lives so detrimentally it's changing their social habits, living habits and even causing a drop in life expectancy
>Boomers: Let's blame the avocados!
Have baby boomers literally ever done anything right?
>spend just as much on a dog that they would on a kid
That really rotates my rigatoni
>walmart clothes and feeding your kids cereal
Found the white trash.
Lol found the broke ass... Only poor people spend their money on unnecessary shit. Youre fucked because you have no idea how to manage the pile of shit you call a paycheck
millennial's arent worth shit let them die off and breed some real humans
Huge black pill
Yep. Who couldn't see this coming?
>work retail for 11 years now because I'm not paying jacked prices for education
>gf owes $50k to learn to cut hair which she doesnt enjoy
>cant pay her share of the rent because she only makes $9/hr
>forced to move back into her parents place, paying $900/mo for 110sqft room
>this ain't even a major city (there isn't any in New Hampshire)
>her insane mother buys $20 hats on an often basis for the lapdog that cost $1200
This is what happens when you're paying 3/4 of someone's rent.
This is whats going on. Non whites are already the majority if you only consider those of prime breeding age
The media has pushed the idea that raising kids is the hardest and most expensive thing ever for the past few decades.
In reality all you need to do is cook a bit more food, drive a bit more, buy clothes and occasionally books/toys and help them with some homework. The whole high-investment parenting meme is what's collapsing birthrates; all the data says that as long as you aren't an abusive retard the kid will turn out fine and that all the piano lessons and competitive hockey and private school that the kid doesn't enjoy and burns a hole in your wallet doesn't improve their life outcomes at all.
not very, considering that millennials are dumbshit generation
get a birb that talks. they cost $5-20 at a swapmeet (flea market). Bird food cost 30 pounds for $5-10. you can teach them to yell nigger when someone rings the bell.