Alayhi s-salām (عليه السلام)

alayhi s-salām (عليه السلام)

You kafirs will pay for what you did to my brothers and sisters in New Zealand. Revenge is coming.

Death to the west

Attached: CUQqV.jpg (544x720, 59K)

That's a sihk. Muslims don't body build.

You beheaded 5000s innocent and Christians. What do you need more?

>so much of a coward you can't even show your real flag
Wow I'm scared


>posts Sikh(based kebab remover)

we do

Let me guess: That's a sikh

And you already did this shit yesterday. Allah must be very proud of you.

>gay turban nigger
I would be more afraid of your toxic haji stench

Attached: can't cuck the tuck.jpg (900x900, 67K)