France to deploy army to fight yellow vests

You yellow vesters really fucked shit up now. Discuss the total massacre that will happen this weekend as soldiers will fire at will at frogs.

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Other urls found in this thread:^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet

>the people want a change in government
>government sends lapdogs to kill the people
>government opens borders to allow for new people
>new people are violent muslims and devour the government while simultaneously helping the jews by instilling a caliphate in europe which forces america to go to war for the 3rd time on a continent that they left as forsaken over 200 years ago
and yet, nobody on earth except me sees it.

Good. It's time we see some deaths. Yellow West generals are pretty boring with the same pictures and webms reposted over and over

I sold my yellow vest stock too early DAMMIT

May the spirit of St. Brenton Tarrant be with the Yellow Vests!

The EU would never stand for this !!!

>as soldiers will fire at will at frogs
Only way that's happening is if it's the Foreign Legion.

That's one advantage of having your own international merc force - no loyalty to your people.

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The elites or only afraid when the mob turns violent.

>Using army against their own people
Macron has already lost

so will the French man up and destroy the roads to make barricades?

>The EU would never stand for this !!!
they have to stand, their buttholes are sore from all the buttsechs

France... wake up... France... wake.... up...

chill the fuck out, they will just keep sensible sites, they wont participate in riots control.
Stop misinterpreting news and relaying your faggot logic

storm the bastille

Tiananmen - Part Deux

Maybe this time the shit will hit the fan.

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stop sitting on a dildo, a video alone wont do shit the (((psychiatrists))) know it wont do jack fuck. The manifesto did infinitely more than the video.

Stop shilling :
> The GJ will be considered now as rioters

It's okay, human rights don't apply when it's to defend the EU.

>Le secrétaire d'Etat à l'Intérieur a brandi la menace de peines de prison pour ceux qui refuseraient de se disperser.
Liberty of association: gone.

After brexit the EU will collapse. Yellow vests won’t stopped any time soon. Macron probably dead by the end of May

They will just stand there, or do the same shit the police are doing already.

No way in hell they are going to start shooting up protesters. It's actually kind of a bad move, because if something unusual happens and the Army DOES shoot people... it's going to cause a major shitshow.

They should send the army, but I would never give them guns. Give them pepper spray/shields or whatever... but even an accidental situation where the army shoots protestors will have a symbolic meaning that will be really bad news for the French Authorities.

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It will be the Sentinelles... And they got guns.
What can we do against a professional army...

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it only shows you know nothing about the foreign legion....

Only vests left are glow in the dark and menas.

Yes they would, in fact it's probably their idea. They applaud leftist governments shooting right-wing movements on sight
The EU is Europe's greatest enemy

Sounds like Les Miserable Part Deux is back on the menu, boys.

All it took for the Northern Irish civil rights movement to turn violent was bloody sunday. If French troops fire on French civilians there will be war.

Well I assume many of you saw the Euromaidan become a constant protest once police started killing protesters, I assume many of you know about Tiananmen Square. It's one thing to protest but once the military is deployed and starts firing on people, then it goes from a protest to a rebellion. Once you start shooting people, no longer are the people showing displeasure with the goverment but are in active rebellion agianst the state.

We've seen this before anons and well... It might just be happening. The world might actually be hitting it's tipping point. Be ready anons and stay safe!

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frog troops are here to protect the yellow vest against the police, not macaroni and his shills.

A few french generals already said they won't do shit because they know their soldiers support the movement.

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Everyone here sees it.

Guerrilla warfare in the streets of Paris soon?

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Once a government starts killing its own shit generally gets out of hand.



History is a flat circle. The same mistakes are made ad infinitum and the same consequences occur in lockstep.

Secure arms and ammo, secure food and water caches. Secure means of transportation and local mapping. The day of the rope comes soon and it'll be a global holiday.

Thanks Burgerbro. Have a meme

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>thinking any squaddie would do that

Based Fritebro posting the Pic of truth

French pussies. Should have never given up your guns

Mate as long as you don't directly antagonize the squaddies (ala bloody sunday) they wont harm you. No NCO is going to obey an order to harm citizens.

They're on your side.



>Everyone here sees it.

There will be a European war again. They will call it a "civil" war, but it will involve France and England fighting against Germany. Unlike WW2, this time Germany will make the declarations first.

USA should stay the fuck out of it. We have enough problems as it is.

Someone post the dog in burning house

More importantly, secure methods of food production! Don't just be prepared for the short term but also plan to be self sufficient for the long haul!

it really doesn't matter what they do, some idiot will throw something at them because they represent authority, and then its on.

No worries, our politicians keep using the EU as a scapegoat for all their shitty policies "the EU forced us to do this!" as if they wouldn't do it on their own anyway. But when the EU says they are worried about the repression against protestors in France, suddenly who gives a fuck about the EU? Now our politicians say the EU should mind its own business and France is a sovereign country.

Really makes one think

Some bitch from Macron's party litterally said on TV that the yellow vests are terrorists and should be killed by the military. But yeah, it's totally a misunderstanding right?

Yeah so?

The video in question, at 9:25

Her tweet on the issue^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet

Now see this how have a revolution not pretending to murder muslim children who inexplicable are hiding on a bench in the corner The French brought rhe army out have the country on the brink of real change based on virtue

If i find Anglin in his Adl bunker I will make sure he is in he blast radious

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France to its native citizens:

We must oppress you to keep you free

And europe will be left in ruins... again
This time not a single monument and building will stand

Please donate to the Kickstarter to free captured soldiers.

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Very good, use this as propaganda to gain more of you fellow patriots into yellow.

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>and then its on.
Yes, please.
Fucking YES!

let's hope some retard soldiers open fire and start a civil war

For your consideration

>If i find Anglin in his Adl bunker I will make sure he is in he blast radious


most frenchies just want less taxes and more gibs. they aren't trying to stop immigration and actually fix their country, as much as we all wish they would

The EU loves to finally get a test run of its European army.

This is like the first mission in Deus Ex for them, just an opportunity to test some new military projects on citizens

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God bless you faggots. I hope you have your 2nd Bastille day and carry around Macrone's head.

I would predict French troops would back down. They'll need someone with historical hatred to enforce their will; Poles, Germans or Albanian?

> Yes Goy. Fall for the media propaganda

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Finally, those goons will get shot at.
The real happening is coming soon.

They need white people money to house the millions and millions of shitskin we already have. Asking for less taxes and more gibs mean less white people money for the immigrants. If they don't have enough, they will start a civil war. Only option left is to cut immigration.


>If they don't have enough, they will start a civil war. Only option left is to cut immigration.

OR, kill the white people and take their money and give to your immigrant voters.

who works/produces? Pathetic

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>who works/produces? Pathetic

Do you honestly think they think that far ahead.
EVERY communist government leads to economic collapse as does socialism (but slower).

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The government called the yellow vests homophobic, racists, islamophobics and antisemitics. None of it stuck, the movement wasn't shook.
Now the government is calling them terrorists and sending the army to deal with them. Macron is so fucking lost it's amazing.

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wouldn't you just shoot back then? if they send the army itself in over a counter-tyranny protest phenomenon?

Lacks a Ben Garrison signature

Seems like a common revolutionary theme.....


I'm honestly impressed the protests have been continuous for this long. Based frogs

>thinks money is actually real without production

How jew of you

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Well, there is all the gold and silver that the Jews stole from us. Who knows where it is though.

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whats this fuckers name again?

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What a scumbag country

maybe you are not interily wrong. Sad! destination: shithole cloning


nice cia anarchist cookbook page you got there, faggot

Daniel Cohn-Bendit

i'm joining the army in two weeks, been waiting for this moment for 6 months, mfw when this happens just now

what do ?

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Ah yes, another illegal act by the so called "government".

Support your own kind and always do the right thing

Bold move. Let's see how it will turn out for them.

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>what do ?

Kill and die for Israel I suppose. Not much else to do for a modern western soldier.

This means the yellow vests are on the verge of winning.

Shah deploys army. Khumani wins.

Tsar deploys army. Bolshevicks win.

Soviet union deploys army, Soviet union collapses.
King Luie of France deploys the army. The French Republicans win.

King George deploys the army. America wins.....

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As a wise military leader once said: if you kill your enemy, they win.

I think you're missing the point. The ruling class has nothing to rule over if they have a nation of unruly and unwilling citizens.

Deploying the army to supress and even kill civillians has always proven to 100% gaurantee the complete disobedience from the public.

The us and them dichotomy becomes complete and unrefutable.

I hope they start killing frogs tiananmen square style,
It takes a couple of death yellow vests to start a real revolution

July 4th 2019, the Arc de Triomphe Massacre

Frog Army..what a Frightening prospect. YAWWWN

So we can grief when you celebrate?

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