I talk to three girls on discord (one german...

I talk to three girls on discord (one german, one russian and one polish) and all 3 of them prefer pale skin on men and therefore hate italian shitskins like me.

The "med bull" meme is a bunch of nigger bullshit promoting racemixing between nordics and southern europeans and its not even true anyway. Nordic women prefer nordic men.

Attached: surname distribution .png (455x487, 250K)

Stick to mutt women, Todd

Where do you meet girls on Discord? Anime server?

Holy shit are you telling me cuckposting is actually just trolling? I am speechless

Where the fuck do you find women on discord

based and redpilled

>I talk to three girls on discord
>therefore all grils must be just like them

Attached: 15366193738003.jpg (1080x1080, 79K)

Attached: Cumskins_btfo_lulz_maga.jpg (1073x650, 261K)

as opposed to british women, am I right?

the russian and german ones are actually from russia and germany respectively. The polish one was from krakow but came to chimpcago for some reason.

Attached: anglos.jpg (707x748, 192K)

>and therefore hate american autistic lardasses like me
