>Justin Trudeau shuts down the Justice Committee and public investigation into his SNC-Lavalin scandal
>lies in Parliament that he is listening to the committee when he just shut them up and turned it into the Justin Committee
>spends $41 billion in tax hikes to cover up his corruption
>his family inheritance came from offshore tax havens revealed in the Panama Papers
>Stephen Bronfman, Trudeau's chief fundraiser and advisor, was involved in the Cayman Islands tax scheme revealed in the Paradise Papers
>Stephen Bronfman's father is billionaire Charles Bronfman, the brother of Edgar Bronfman, Sr., who was head of Seagram and president of the World Jewish Congress
>Edgar Bronfman, Sr. is the father of Clare and Sara Bronfman, who became heiresses to the Seagram fortune and helped run the NXIVM sex cult for Keith Raniere by using blackmail to scam money and power out of rich fools and get them entangled in their sex-slave trafficking ring, DOS (short for "master over the slave daughters" in Latin)
>Clare and Sara Bronfman bankrolled silencing lawsuits against NXIVM adversaries
Here's where it gets interesting:
>Sara Bronfman's husband is Basit Igtet, a Libyan national who founded the Swiss International Management and the Swiss Mideast Finance Group
>In 2011, her husband worked to support the Libyan revolution through international lobbying and was consequently appointed as a Special Envoy to the Libyan National Transitional Council
>Trudeau asked Jody Wilson-Raybould, the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada at the time, over ten times not to prosecute SNC-Lavalin
>SNC-Lavalin bribed several Libyan officials prior to the overthrow of Gaddafi
Justin Trudeau shuts down the Justice Committee and public investigation into his SNC-Lavalin scandal
Other urls found in this thread:
And here's where it gets really interesting:
>SNC-Lavalin procured very expensive prostitute entertainment for Gaddafi's son via NXIVM, through Stephen Bronfman
>Jody Wilson-Raybould realizes how deep this rabbit hole goes and continues forward with the prosecution
>Trudeau fires her
>he continues lying in Parliament that their parting was amicable and she said everything she wanted to say
>gets BTFO and stutters but muh economy is better!
>forgot he took the $1.4 billion budget surplus from the Conservatives and turned it into a $18 billion deficit while grocery store prices skyrocket
>Sara and Clare Bronfman are also members of the Clinton Global Initiative, which requires a $15,000 membership fee
>Trudeau's government handed over $20 million to the Clinton Foundation to "support projects that will provide critical sexual and reproduction health (SRH) services" in Nigeria
>NXIVM cultists also funded Hillary's presidential campaign
>Trudeau's SNC-Lavalin scandal is covering up for the Libyan War, Hillary Clinton's involvement in corruption, Stephen Bronfman and NXIVM
How long until he uses his Samson Option, assuming Canada doesn't collapse into Venezuela before the next election?
Watch the left defend this
NXIVM is also connected to Tony Podesta
theyre sick. imagine if canada had nukes
Can't slide it.
Ya think you're hot shit dontcha?
castro's mommy lost her mind dropping too much LSD as a Rolling Stones groupie now we KKKanadians all have to pay for the brain damage