I'm looking forwad to start a little organization

I'm looking forwad to start a little organization,

>we won't do anything by now, just talking about the politics in Iraq, teach each other and learn from our history

>keep studying and travelling around the world, learn stuff and get knowledge

>publishing, after the shit ton of stressing we got, we will let the public knows about it, if you are smart enough to use this kind of site in this kind of country, i'm sure you will be able to make "the idea" as popular as you can


yes, my country is the greatest in this fucking world.
we have everyfucking thing but the gov is basically, iran, saudia, turkey, america and israel.

let's rise up again.

Attached: 72bc3b0714ac2e9d3a1b2045eab2334e.jpg (917x871, 129K)

Unless your organisation involves an exit bag, take your blog post and go back

Should Iraq become the 51st state? IT is the only way to stabilize your country..

Start another organization like ISIS and blow yourself up for Israel like European muslims.


do you want me to remind you we did to you fags in 1920?

Attached: Iraq army.webm (1280x720, 1.49M)

Attached: Arab animals in Iraq getting put down.webm (1280x720, 2.13M)

it's funny how we are the only country that fighted ISIS by itself, and not by helping from others.
killyourself meme flag

are you Shii or Sunni?

You guys gonna help them with that?