Are East Asians white? I feel like classifying them as white would benefit us. Also Hapas aren’t bad looking

Are East Asians white? I feel like classifying them as white would benefit us. Also Hapas aren’t bad looking.

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are chinks white because many of them have lighter skin than italians?

Fuck off.

Yes they are white.

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Asian women > White women


Yes, they are white. So are Italians.

They have to go back.

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no we're not

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no , racially the closest to northern and western europeans are pajeets and iranians

Some Asians like Jap girls and some Chinese chicks are cute and kind of sexy, but Korean girls always and I mean always look plastic and artificial. I don't think I've ever seen a Korean girl that I would considered attractive.

Literally all of those labels are European. Fuck off faggot.

Ignore the looks. Asians are autistic and sociopathic. End of story.


who hurt u

I bet even Asian vomit doesn't stink

Just because their skin color is light, that doesn't mean that they're white. user.

Not genetically, but culturally. Socialization makes them just as dumb as a suburban white girl.

I did. My view still stands.


fuck you kike I was eating. I hope you get gassed

hapa women* aren't bad looking. Also they still come with cultural identity problem. I think making them religious could fix that, but I know most of you are atheistic heathens

>but Korean girls always and I mean always look plastic and artificial. I don't think I've ever seen a Korean girl that I would considered attractive.
Why do you think both China and Japan call gooks dogs. Their natural look is hideous.

Nips and gooks are honorary

Their eyes are fake.

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No, genetically. Asians are the way they are because that's the way Asians are. Their culture is an extension of their genetics. They prefer in-groups, their ego's relate to their social status, they don't have hearts, they can't create only emulate. Genetics.

Yes, they are white

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No not in any sense of the word.

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i'm not white despite being 100% european.

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they all look like they were born with defects, some mental disorder

>Hapas aren’t bad looking
No, they're obviously better looking cause chinx suck. With white blood they get hips, asses and tits.

We aren't talking about Brits right now

That map is hilariously wrong

you do realize Skoreans are #1 in plastic sugery

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Hey it's the chicken bone again!

I'd only be inclined to believe you if you had proper research material into this subject matter. I'm a firm believer that genetics does impact our behavior & personality, but I think it varies way more than being it being consistent across ethnic groups.

get kidney failure faggot

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East-Asian women are whiter than the niggered western white bitches

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Based. For once I agree with Israel.

My brother recently married a Japanese gal. I cant say I like it too much

What’s wrong with this? We have created technologies to improve something we couldn’t control before

Remember. 100 look-alike plastic Asian beauties is a lot better than 100 ugly poo people

>40 / 10 / 28 / 1 [Update] [Auto] [Sound] 7
fuck off kike

>East-Asian women are whiter than the niggered western white bitches
Finland, we get it, you're mongrelized with Asians. There's no need to take it out on us, though. Find a new way to cope.

Why would it benefit us? They're not special just because the Japanese and Koreans are successful.

God damn it Israel. I should have known better than to click on that.

>implying yoghurt and olive niggers built ancient civilizations

Stop spamming you cuck. Better not start posting you fucking legs again faggot.

Also you're white.

here's the accompanying table

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Not all Asians are the same, if they were, then all blacks would, and all whites would. Life has it's differences and anomalies, but it also has it's stereotypes and similarities. I don't need research papers. I use my eyes and my brain and the world gives me it's truth. Your genetics are a potential, but they still start out as the very thing you end up being. You were never not going to be you. My bias would be that I wish everyone were equal, but I can't be biased if I want the truth.

>no we're not
you post those results constantly. are you going to post your arm again, too?

i'm not white. This girl was in my class a few months ago. She's italian.

Is she white?

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look up dual inheritance theory

why not, anglonigger?

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Asians are white

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She's half-black, I think. Who knows if she's really Italian, though.

>half black
you're a fucking idiot.

But we will be the new white when mutts hit a new high percentage and Europe keeps getting islamified.

>I bet even Asian vomit doesn't stink
Pratyush, you are just desensitized to terrible smells.

muh roof koreans

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>Just because their skin color is light, that doesn't mean that they're white. user.
jealousy detected.

Show your dick

fuck you

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I talk to three girls on discord (one german, one russian and one polish) and all 3 of them prefer pale skin on men and therefore hate italian shitskins like me.

The "med bull" meme is a bunch of nigger bullshit promoting racemixing between nordics and southern europeans and its not even true anyway. Nordic women prefer nordic men.

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Yakuza cut off your toes and now you hate asians?

No, eating dogs is only for subhuman races.

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Yellow fever is a mental disorder

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And here we go. Italians are. Spaniards and Portuguese are definitely white. Get off cuck.

Lisa #1

she's italian.

How are italians white when spaniards cluster closer to irish, anglos and french people than any italian does?

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Are yellow fever fags so delusional that they think these plastic whores with colored contacts and bleached hair are actually white?

Just look at their sons.

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>muh nords
Roman empire >>>> Snowniggers

>When you use skin colour to determine if one is white or not.

This literally always "debated" upon in Jow Forums and we've already said that it's just Western European, Scandinavian and some East European states are white. (Of course North America, Australians and New Zealanders fall upon that catergory due to the history of colonisation. Such a common error to judge whether someone is "white" by the colour of their skin.

If you have an Indian parent who's light brown and a white parent and you have white skin, that doesn't make you white, you still have dirty brown inside your genes - pigments don't dictate your race/colour.

Asians are honorary whites when their numbers are a tiny fraction of a broader white population.
When they break double digits, they revert to their natural race, i.e. ants.

Stop playing dumb, kikey.

no disgusting yellow tanned gooks aren't white you sad fucking nip. Hapas are even worse than mulatos because they think that they are something when in fact they are just as bad as their mongrel ancestors

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>italians are only white when we do something important

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>Asians are autistic

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They think they'll be able to make a Dean Cain instead of the generic 95% Asian look that most hapas have

I wouldn't call them white
they are their own race
East Asians are equals though

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more whitealians

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Yes, we are white. Next question.

wh*Tes are inferior to east asians. east asians are not wh*Te.

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I know, I said in my first post that they're not white in any sense of the word. I've noticed a sort of "definition creep" where first it was east Asians that were strategically considered honorary Aryans 80 years ago, then it's all Asians are honorary Aryans, then it's all Asians are honorary whites. Some people are even trying to say that Asians are just straight up white and it's not racemixing or okay to racemix with them.

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