Try to defeat our nepotism, Jow Forums
You cannot.
Try to defeat our nepotism, Jow Forums
You cannot.
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>be "fact checker"
>can't even properly identify the windmill
Literally who
Outside of the med and film school there isnt much of worth here
Holy FUCKING ding-dong diddly Yuck
Stern is pretty good... r-right?
Greasy Fat Kike
>jew nepotism
And NPCs says that it's not real...
A (((psychologist))) named (((Jonathan metzl))) just wrote a new book called Dying of Whiteness, his Jewish friends at CNN did an interview with him. His Jewish friends at NPR also did an interview with him. I saw an article about the book on (((vox))). Jews will give each other unlimited free promotion to make sure white people are villified
what a punchable face
hold my beer
we'll be brainwashing your kids and march you to the gulag while you crack wise about our relevance.
"Literally who?", he chuckled, just before the guillotine blade came down.
she learned from her mistakes.
Pretty funny. Teaching a class for a job that doesn't exist.
We've subverted your entire government. Even now they are twisting themselves into a pretzel to justify war with Iran. More of your young and more of your treasure, spent, so that my people can prosper.
Yeah you totally owned us bro.
American media is a Jew talking with another Jew about what the other Jew has said.
She did and she's entitled to make six figures a year teaching this important topic.
>We've subverted your entire government
Hillary lost lol
>zionist nazis are mad that i post jokez while they genocide the west and the middle east and waste trillions of dollars and fund terrorists in the process
the only reassurance is that humanity focused faculties aren't directly dangerous.
I think I made some post about it but I've been attending various left-ish events on campus and although the views are startling, ie: math, physics, chem are racist, the action proposed is generally quite harmless, ie: witchcraft, self harm, etc
the only reassurance is that humanity focused faculties aren't directly dangerous.
I think I made some post about it but I've been attending various left-ish events on campus and although the views are startling, ie: math, physics, chem are racist, the action proposed is generally quite harmless, ie: witchcraft, self harm, etc
No need to be afraid of these people, you just have to help them find the light
She will make 88 grand a year lamo
still would
free palistine lamo
also known as greasy fat kike
Some greasy fat kike
Literally npr, Jew Steve inskeep talking to Jew David green about what their Jew correspondent Sam Sanders said about Jew Disney or Jew Krugman or whatever Jew is in the (((news))) that day
Can't have nepotism without any government
she'll be wishing she learned how to code instead
betray whiteness
What an absolutly pompous windbag
She'll do fine on a professor's salary.
The thought of Israel bombing innocent Palestinian children makes me LOL
>free palistine
journalism school teaches how to properly report on far right ahahah max cucked
Dude... stop.
Literally a whole college course on how to screencap Jow Forums posts lol
I bet there gonna be some counselling when some fag gets PTSD from here
This is exactly why universal basic income would be a better choice than free universities that way pompous windbags like her don't get paid by the state we can choose what we want to do with our money (and our minds)
Also, you type like a girl post bobs plz and i will "betray my whiteness"
I wanna see her
>incidentally quite taut
labia, for some reason I don't believe her
I said bobs damnit, what is this MIGA nonsense
When Israel is doing well, America will be doing well. Say, don't you feel tired? Wouldn't you do better with a
Reminder that US foreign aid to Israel is used to ethnically cleanse Palestinians. I am glad to pay taxes for this simple fact.
Israel doing well means DEAD MUSLIMS top kek
I think you're just jealous that we get to post whatever we want on social media, while your kind are continuously censored for the dangers they are.
You got me.
Lol whats your twitter?
>be us soldier
>fight for jewish ethnostate
>survive only to be slandered by the same kikes you bled for
Such is life
anyone who has ever listened to NPR has heard this scenario. it's common on NPR to have a jewish host interviewing a jewish author about a book he wrote about another jewish writer who wrote books mostly about jews.
the new york times is full this kind of jewish circle jerking too.
jews always use whatever influence they have to promote the hell out of other jews. they all promote each other's careers and that's how they take over institutions.
The important thing is that very few Jews have died in the war on terror. We're worth like 1000 of you.
No way anyone would ever have sex with you lol people are incels because they don't want to sleep with fat disgusting cows. Not like this is you anyway lamo
>holocaust survivors
Amazing how many of them there are. In fact there's more of them every year!
>Jews have died in the war on terror
So did all the jews just not come to work at the world trade center on 9/11? Sounds like you're pushing far right jewish conspiracy theories to me. And you post trump in Israel like its a bad think lol you dirty antisemite.
How does it feel that you get to work bagging groceries and I get to make six figures turning the next generation of children against your sick ideology?
You have a white collar salary slave job with no actual skills. Hmmmm
glad to see the literally who meme really sets commie trannies off lol, gonna post it in every one of your gay shill twatter threads now
Nyu is a cokoo hotbed. Keep pressure on her, as in in public imagination.
Ain't it cool? Imagine if your people weren't busy dying of opiate addictions. You'd have the spare capital for this sort of thing, too.
Howard Stern hasn’t been funny for fucking two decades
>next generation of children
If they take a journalism class they will be the ones bagging groceries!
Easy. Just don't subscribe to their birdcage liner delivery service.
I am teaching the next generation of young people. Every time one of you gets your face split open by someone knocking one of those stupid red hats off your head, i'll know I will have played some marginal role in making it happen.
fuck, it gets me wet
Imagine paying thousands of dollars to be indoctrinated by this rabid imbecile.
Yep, so I'm listening to Joe Rogan, yeah I know, but he had Dave Foley on and I love Dave from back in kids in the hall days. So some nobody Jew is on there too just ruining the interview. Who the fuck is this guy, but because he's Jewish I guess he has to have an honorary career in comedy. He's talking about how he likes this or that woody Alan movie, of course. So he mentions some book called The Third Wave and I automatically knew it was by a Jew just because this kike was mentioning it. Lo and behold the author, Toffler, is a tribesman
White men get you wet? Are you just angry they would rather die virgins than sleep with you? haha
>t.buttblasted pseudo-intellectual unemployed college freshman sociology major
tranny assholes don't get wet like pussies do, you probably shit yourself lol
>it's a tranny flaggot post
We have plans later tonight to make some diverse, out-of-wedlock babies. Chauncey and Tyrone are going to spit roast me and have agreed to raise the child as coparents.
the only white boys that get me wet are the ones that kill themselves out of despair arising from a system that abandoned them years ago.
be sure to abort that nigger for me whore
but then how would Chauncey / Tyrone collect benefits?
It's all a conspiracy theory, you stupid goyim! HAHAHAHHAHAHA
kek if you jokers go in one of her classes and troll
I appreciate the fluffing from all the engagement boys. I am properly sloppy wet. Going to flick my bean for about 3 hours to thoughts of white genocide. c u
>25 posts by this ID
ok see you in the next slide thread thanks for the laughs
Sum dum kike teaching propaganda
An edgy teen faggot getting off on (you)s. And idiots giving them to him
This but unironically