Holy shit
Holy shit
Other urls found in this thread:
>bat bald neckbeard who gets bullied by furries on twitter talking tough all of a sudden
he's gonna an hero soon
I love the smell of fire
>is is
I don't get it.
top notch,commies Btfo
>207142560 {denied}
Your false opinion has been discarded
Pretty sure he's immune to the "dox and get him fired" tactic because of all the fuck you money he has.
>implying he will fire himself
It's going to be another Vavra situation
I said an hero, there is no way this blob isn't suffering from major depression.
>that's why is is
Also billionaire
Notch is poppin' off
notch here AMA
We need to encourage him to get Jow Forums and secure the existence of his people.
Are you gay?
For my legionaries has lots of great quotes
>That's why is is Legion
>is is
FFS guys, if you're gonna be lazy shits with your copypasting and such, you can at least proofread
this, imagine copying the typo too lmao, what a low IQ cucktard
Any proof that its a Codreanu quote?
>Supporting the fucker who bent over backwards for the Germans and Soviets to carve up his country
>Supporting the fucker who switched sides when the Germans needed them the most
for my fellow brainlets
>Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, commonly known as Corneliu Codreanu, was a Romanian politician who was the founder and charismatic leader of the Iron Guard, an ultranationalistic, antisemitic, Magyarophobic, and anti-gypsy organization active throughout most of the interwar period.
>any amount of bullying someone is actually you being mad
bet you think all the chads in high school are mad about your lack of gf too
>is is
Can't these retards write?
Statistically you will an hero first. Did you dialate your surgery hole today?
Oy vey, what a horrible goy! Someone find out where he works so we can contact his employer! He needs to be fired immediately!
I can’t find a single source for this being a Codreanu quote desu.
I remember when libshits were trying to bait replies out of him only to suddenly beg him for money when he did.
Do they still do this?
he wasnt even a fully formed idea in his parents head at that time. hell, his parents may well have not even been born.
>future far right wing bankroller will have gotten his money from an autistic childs game
based and poetry
is is?
>is is
Why do people make quotes retarded on purpose?
Same thing from the guy who said "i am become death"
>be euro neckbeard /v/irgin
>make shitty infiminer clone on java
>people buy this shit when its not even slightly close to my half baked promises
>get bank
>sell out and go back to be a neet
is notch /ourguy/
>mfw not a facist chad millionaire
Hold me Jow Forums its not fair
He just needs to HONK
Chad's are right wing, pencil arms.
i like mr butters the bean...
Jesus Christ kids need to read more
still nothing m8
This is the natural byproduct of being able to spend time learning independently. Everyone who is honest and has brains arrives at roughly the same place.
This is also why NEETs are the tip of the spear.
Commies on suicide watch. Based notch
I get it
lol that projection. Guy is on top of the world.
>Create a new game for the autism kids called fit craft where you have to pedal a bicycle to move your character
i cant find the quote anywhere by codreanu, is it made up?
>Same thing from the guy who said "i am become death"
god you are retarded
I'll give you a billion reasons he's not.
vad gör du för att rädda sverige
depends on what your definition of "is" is
-Billy Jeff
>>Supporting the fucker who bent over backwards for the Germans and Soviets to carve up his country
Can you even find his country on a map you fucking retard? Do you even know which country you're talking about?
I think he meant to say 'that's why the legion is' as in why it exists, but honestly i can't even find the romanian quote.
trigger the libs, own the libs