Why the fuck are women so stupid? if she just played dead there might have been a chance he'd ignore her
Why the fuck are women so stupid? if she just played dead there might have been a chance he'd ignore her
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Seeing that muzzie's head getting shot was the best part of the entire video.
>AHAHAHA this is so funny guys
>pol humor thread
>Plays dead
>Gets run the fuck over
>Dies anyway
He drove 4 km/h speed over her you can survive it but maybe broken bones
Nigger the guy unloaded on the “dead”
Bodies at the mosque like what 3 fucking times? No way and hell he would’ve forgotten to double tap her
>why didn't someone at the scene of a mass murder watching their friends and loved ones be killed violently act in a perfectly rational manner
not everyone's an emotionless autist like you, user
>if she just played dead there might have been a chance he'd ignore her
wrong, he put at least bullets in the head of everyone to make sure they were dead
she should've brought a rocket launcher
I was wondering why he did that, maybe because he didn’t want to leave any survivors, didn’t want to give them the satisfaction of being some hero who survived le evil white nazi. Or maybe because he was planning on burning the whole shitheap to the ground and didn’t want to burn them alive. Even in the heat of extreme violence, the white man retains a semblance of his humanity