>If you don't like capitalism, then go live in the wild
>Try to live in a public park, get arrested
>Try to squat on private land, get shot
>If you don't like America, move to a communist nation!
>Literally the only socialist country left on Earth is Cuba because America has actively destroyed all others to leave no alternative to American empire, and which America has been actively trying to destroy for longer than I've been alive
If capitalism is so great, why are people not allowed a choice? Why does it have to be shoved down everyone's throats at literal gunpoint?
If you don't like capitalism, then go live in the wild
Ian Myers
Asher Bailey
>le wall of text leftie meme
Aiden Sullivan
>le literacy is an argument against you righty meme
Lol at being proud of retardation.
Anthony Ortiz
It has nothing to do with literacy.
A joke is not "I explain everything in detail without any punchline". The image isn't making fun of anything in that image, it's just ranting.
I hate ancraps btw.
Joshua Rivera
capitalist fundies are just as retarded as commies
Jace Ortiz
Kill yourself then, faggot.
Michael Kelly
"Capitalism or else" is a real great argument for the validity of capitalism.
Mason White
Yes it does. You can't read.
Bentley Gomez
If you don't like economic freedom, you're free to give as many resources as you want to the government.
Ryan Phillips
>no rebuttal
Concession accepted.