Why the hell are you people so edgy?

Why the hell are you people so edgy?
Celebrating and enjoying the fact that 50 people who never did anything were shot dead isn't cool, no matter who they are.

Have a bit more tact folks.

I'm being serious by the way

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That shit was like soooo last week man. Go with the time granpa.

>on Jow Forums
>"Why the hell are you people so edgy?"

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There's still 9/11 jokes circulating today.

Fuck off if you can't handle the much deserved bants

Because Fuck Shitskins

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In all wars there must be casualties. A victory for your cause is a victory none the less. The real tragedy is that we have arrived at a point where this is necessary.


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Why do you believe anyone cares what you think?

>Celebrating and enjoying the fact that 50 people who never did anything were shot dead isn't cool
Says the user whose nation's entire history is a celebration of slaughtering millions of people who never did anything.

Shut up moose shagga..

Says the user who's country was literally built on slavery and genocide.

If I wanted my own comeback, I'd hoover your mum's asshole.
Come up with something original, faggot.

Read the manifesto. He talks of stirring right/left anger. Look what’s happening with censorship, etc.
that’s the story. The uptights fell for it.

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This the fact it doesn't happen more often already boggles my mind

>never did anything
Yea ok

You couldn't hoover shit my diabetes suffering mate, I on the other hand would pop your mam's fart pipe like a Piñata at the typical modern American child's birthday party.

>Invade a country
>Didn't do anything
Fuck off, faggot. They should have stayed in the desert.

>never did anything
What were they doing in New Zealand then? That's suspicious by its self. The Mosque was practically a military base for an occupying enemy force.

Never did anything
Supported an active terrorist recruitment center
Were killed inside active terrorist recruitment center
Never did anything

she kinda cute desu

Who hosts that footage nowadays? Even LiveLeak took it down.

Says the user who's country is literally a cucked nightmare police state dystopia.

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>legally immigrate to a country
>be considered an invader by incels radicalized on shitty forums such as this one

No seriously, fuck you. The victims in the attack are innocent human beings. People who post those edited webms of the attack as if it were some kind of joke should face legal cosequences.

Stop it

What happened was not a joke, it should not be celebrated.

Shut the fuck up Paki. You're next

Terrorism is a central tenant of Islam. There are no peaceful Muslims, and you would know this if you studied.
Other anons can share archived news that that mosque was recruiting terrorists.

I can't wait until you faggots are banned like Australia, coward.

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fuck off kike

If raping you was made legal would you think raping you is an okay thing to do? No? Then stfu with your retard 'legal' argument. They're INVADERS. Also that mosque had links to terrorists anyway, it's a military base. 'May our Mosques be our barracks' - remember that line?

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Its what everybody asked for including the left by mass importing foreigners, shit theres not a single time in history such a confrontation of different people have ever gone smoothly, dont ask for tears or sympathy you where warned a thousand times and the only arguement is muh facism or muh natzees.

You ignored objective facts society started to crumble and your political rivals enterprised on it, now we all reap what we have sowed.

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The attack was not a joke but a cinematographic and comic masterpiece. All nonretarded westerners will not only admit it was a long time coming but that they enjoyed it as long as they know the thought police aren't around.


Those that glorify the massacre and those that make these "how can you be so inhumane" threads are the same people.

You can just smell the libtard

>If raping you was made legal would you think raping you is an okay thing to do?

The two are not comparable. They legally immigrated and have their own lives, their own families and faith. They do not control your life.

There only terrorist was the white supremacist, he deserves the death penalty, and boards like this shouldn't exist.

Pretending every brand of nigger on earth should be our neighbors is the edgiest most extremist position in human history.

Mental illnesses

fuck off discord tranny

>Stop being such meanies!
Faggot much, lol?

'legally' stealing someone else's country and genociding the inhabitants HOW NICE AND PEACEFUL OF THEM
they could make the good conscious decision to not do that.
what's the difference between 'legally' conquering someone else's land and illegally doing it?
Technically, all past colonialism was 'legal'. The League of Nations greenlighted the race for Africa, for example. So that means you supported all past colonialism of Africa too, by your own logic.

how was your daughter's day at the kebab shop? How many Pakis did she serve today???

shut the fuck up you dumb cunt

They where armed Muslims on the mosque,
Just waiting for a wacko to go all jihad

>There only terrorist was the white supremacist, he deserves the death penalty, and boards like this shouldn't exist.
You cant say that with certainty, this Mosque has produced more than one terrorist in the past.

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>'legally' stealing someone else's country and genociding the inhabitants

What genocide? Yes they have higher birth rates but why are white people blaming them instead of having more kids themselves? At the end of the day we're all human anyway.

The way i see it, they were allowed to move there legally and live their lives with their families. The fact that they are more conservative means they have stronger families and more offspring. Don't blame them for whites being degenerate losers. Also it's not an invasion if they're given an invite. Fuck you're stupid as fuck man, but then again most xenophobes are.

>What happened was not a joke, it should not be celebrated.
I laughed you cuck.

>50 people who never did anything