What a true world leader looks like. The prime minister of New Zealand put on a hijab, said “They are us...

>What a true world leader looks like. The prime minister of New Zealand put on a hijab, said “They are us,” announced the gun laws we’re going to change and called out white supremacists, haters and Donald Trump. She’s 38. SHE.

Attached: 1553071677921.png (606x731, 648K)

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Do these traitors think the military will protect them?

Michael Moore will make a womanly daycare attempt at peace and then the pot will boil over because he forgets that 90% of men aren't like he is.

"She" is an Anti-White

> she’s 38
She looks 50 on a good day

Ugly women turn traitor before hot roasties do.


Did she call out Muslims?

She looks like a bitch.

Attached: 1553085809031.jpg (618x786, 120K)

thats what cock deprivation look like