>more and more extreme weather events every. single. year.
>HURRR DURRR climate change isn't real@!
Why are right wing retards like this?
'unprecedented' midwest flooding
Funny how the people who don't believe in it always are the ones to get fucked the most by it
>extreme weather events correspond with schumann resonance going wild
Fuck off haarpfag
Recycling and banning plastic straws don't help, faggot.
Does more than you've ever done or ever will do
What do you want to do about it? Nuke India and China to stop them from polluting?
Letting my dog shit on your lawn and not cleaning it up does more than the nothing you're doing.
Freak weather has been happening as long as humans have kept records.
El nino is going on right now idiot
>it snows a lot
>snow melts
It's not climate change. It's God punishing those responsible for the midwest sex trafficking system.
Nice try though degenerate.
I recycle, compost and try to avoid disposable plastics when I can. Just because I don't buy the whole global warming/carbon scam doesn't mean I don't care about the environment. You are the retard pointing at weather events waiting for the government to intervene with scam projects that do more harm than good.
Climate change is real in that the Earth's climate gradually cools and warms over time. Blaming this on mankind, however, is incorrect and no amount of carbon taxes will change that.
Lel i remember people with your mindset preparing for more intense and a larger quantity of hurricane after the 2004 season. What happened? Why weren't the models right? Maybe meteorologists aren't infallible?
You have absolutely no fucking clue what you're talking about.
I live in the U.P. - the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
Oftentimes, we get snow. The amount can vary, but usually it is a lot. Very much snow, yes, a big big amount.
Snow is water. Snow can melt. When snow melts, it turns into liquid water.
This year, we had a lot of snow. It so happened to rain, and the rain was kind of warm, so the water made it melt, and created even more water.
>HURRR DURRR climate change isn't real
If you have had the coldest weather this winter, then expect to have a lot of ice melting. This shit is perfectly normal and expected except if you are an ameriretard.
but, where did the water go?
into rivers, flooding their banks
Good, I've had plenty of laughs at the faggots in Nebraska over this. Keep it coming.
>Higher taxes will save the Erf!
- Every fucking idiot leftist ever
Go back.
>have historically cold winter
>all the snow melts after winter is over
>this must be global warming
It's global cooling now sweety. What, are you some kind of rural or suburban retard?
> Record snowfall.
> Hurr durr muh global warming.
but but... muh droughts
The Arctic has warmed significantly, which fucks up wind and weather patterns which changes the climate for the rest of the world.
'member when the climate was fixed and never changed?
Record flooding but okay
So mid west and the planes furtile soil, where did it come from. Possibly flood deposits over millions of years? Oh don’t forget melting glacier made the great lakes. Damn cave man and his global warming causing fire?
If you don’t believe in anthropogenic climate change, that means you reject one or more of these three points: human industry releases large amounts of greenhouse gasses, the atmosphere traps greenhouse gasses, and increased levels of greenhouse gasses result in rising global temperatures. Which do you reject?
>The Arctic has warmed significantly,
Caused by weather modification using cloud seeding and HAARP to “steer” jet stream north over Alaska. On the other side dipping jet south causes “polar vortex” completely man made. But has nothing to do with CO2 emissions.
its because a damn broke and all the huge ass chunks of ice then broke 20 some levees... i dont blame you they havent said shit but here is one example from northern Nebraska
Do you have any proof of that? I’m perfectly willing to accept your explanation if you have some evidence.
The other retard factor is how they strawmen all pollution into climate change isn't real.
Even if it's totally fake are can they dispute the science about every other compound that gets released.
I believe in climate change, but not that it has anything to do with what anything humanity has done. Nor do I believe we can change it in any way.
It's funny how certain people are pushing this agenda, where we need to pay more taxes to somehow control the weather. But here's the kicker... you won't see or feel the change as it's meant to stop something from happening hundreds of years down the line.
Or 12 years if your name is Ocasio-Cortez.
More taxes are not the answer. We need a complete overhaul of our (((economy)))
Why would I be opposed to this faggot?
Global warming is a hoax.
Weather ebbs and flows and changes from year to year. Maybe stop building your cardboard shanty house two feet from the river bank and stop stomping your millenial feet when waters wash away your tendies
>guys you can't say global warming isn't happening because it snowed, that's weather not climate
>guys look at these hurricanes and floods, it's evidence of global warming
Natural selection
This particular storm devastated the heartland from an agricultural perspective. Almost targeted precision. Almost as targeted as China’s retaliatory tariffs that they explicitly stated would target our farming industry.
Don’t look down there at Zimbabwe and Mozambique getting ass blasted. It’s not like Zimbabwe has fallen behind on their debt payments to the mother country, or are they?
Remember how weird and extraordinary the build up of Florence was. How about the equivalent storm we sent China’s direction at the exact same time (Mangkhut)? China had to evacuate millions from their coasts.
Weather wars, nigga. Grab an umbrella.
if only we tax plane tickets 10 dollars more! that'll safe the earth!
Climate change can be real or not real.
Doesn't change the fact that the solutions are not political.
Stop being so fucking lazy and build the Dyson swarm, ffs.
Get fucked bitch
>get a lot of snow
>snow melts
>OMG this is extreme weather
What did they mean by this?
>more extreme weather events
...or as the globe becomes more population dense and more connected, weather events are observed more than they were in the past and the damage is greater due to more physical structures.
>HURRR DURRR climate change isn't real@!
Why are leftards so fucking stupid? It's mind boggling.
Listen up, you retarded faggot, climate change is real and unending. The cycles of ice ages and polar caps melting over millions of years was not caused by us driving cars.
Now kill yourself you stupid homo
>lots of water after lots of snow
holy moly
somebody call Al Gore quick
Check out HAARPreport weatherwar101 mike morales utube
This isn't extreme in the slightest. The midwest has catastrophic floods every year we have snow.
>global warming
>really high snowfalls and extrwme cold
>oh my bad, i meant climate change
>"the statistics of weather over long periods of time"
>every single microcasm is indicative of my worldview because I said so, fuck the definitions of words n stuff
There's a reason it's 'unprecedented' vs "unprecedented"
climate change is good, despite the bad weather setbacks, every shitskin will get flooded
Flooding because the temperature has been 30 degrees below normal for the last couple months and no melting going on, but it's still global warming because the hotter it gets, the colder it gets or something.
Hurrr durr, weather was static before people came along.
Hurr durr, the giant nuclear furnace in the sky that happens to be at the cusp of a cycle has nothing to do with the weather.
Hurr durr.
>progressives have regressed to the point of aztec-tier paranoia about weather patterns dooming us all
Pretty soon they'll be sacrificing white males on the altar for the Science! (tm) gods to ensure it doesn't rain so much
That’s not really evidence, though. It’s a fun theory, but you haven’t convinced me. It’s definitely a possibility.
Climate change will happen regardless.
I wasn’t the person you replied to. Just commenting to get your mind jogging on the subject.
>watches my lawn eat co2
Evidence here. The best weather man I know. Not on MSM though.
He has multiple video showing how weather is manipulated through sat
image from NOAA
>we have to be in a special moment in history
I’ll definitely check that out later. I’m watching gay shit with my bluepilled gf right now.
Evidence here too
obviously fake, the globe is flat
>Recycling doesnt help
Well lets see:
>Recycling means less energy is used to make products because recycling is energy efficient
>At the same time less ressources are used
Atleast finish Highschool before coming here otehrwise its emberassing
>never was a problem before!
What a crock of shit. Mid-west plains flooding has been happening before man ever settled the area.
HAARP report
Mike Morales
Geoengineering watch
>burns hours of oil products to provide the energy to recycle a few plastic bottles
Frequently floods in the midwest. Tons of snow this winter, bc it was so god damn cold, melted then rain on top it gave us flooding. Happens a lot.
Especially when ground is frozen 6in under and water has no where to go
Made me LOL.
I had to repack the wheel bearings on my Bronco because of flooding years ago. it happens every few years. but algore needs his money from idiots screaming "MUH CLIMATE CHANGE HURRR"
>Recycling is less energyconsumptive
Jesus what are you learning in school
I could literally make you a Life Cycle Assesment showing that every recycled product is literally better for the enviroment than the same product made with new material
Actually, the only efficient recycling is that of metals. Plastics and glass are highly inefficient. This is why the government will pay for aluminum cans, but not plastic bottles.
No, that's why you, and all white people need to be taxed into poverty. It doesn't have shit to do with climate, and all to do with increasing global socialist power at the expense of whitey. Besides, only a brainlet thinks a local record, which covers a tiny portion of time, means jack shit. "Moar Xtreme Wetha-than-eva!" is the stupidest argument the climate socialists have.
>what are you learning in school
>thinks gov school never lies
I was taught global cooling.....then next gen was warming then just climate change
I could literally point out that your shit country went "green energy" tore down your infrastructure, found out windmills suck, and now merkel is putin's bitch because he can literally turn off you power by pushing a button and shutting off your oil. enjoy your arabs
Nationalist socialism is better than globalist (((capitalism)))
"extreme" weather ignores that these records were beaten repeatedly in recent human history and implies that the climate is supposed to behave in a certain way that's favorable to us
the world is not static and trying to keep it in a particular state is a fool's errand
>Nationalist socialism
How about just free exchange of ideas,services and goods? Or not.....
Nazi German word for National Socialist (Nationalsozialist) It means a member or adherent of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei - often abbreviated NSDAP). In English Nazi is also used as an adjective.
It's a contraction consisting of the first two syllables of the German word for National Socialist (NA)tionalso(ZI)alist NAZI
Mah weather....moaaaar power is what controlling elites has done since start of civilization
Yes, I am a Nazi. No shame.
You can Download a Programm called openLca that Shows Every Single Carbon print or Energyconsumption for thousands of different Materials.
Looking at the Data you will See that Every Single recycled Material is more Environmental friendly compared to new material Dude.
Fucking based
fuck your jewish carbon tax scheme bitch
>kike lover
here have some more
We still have better infrastructure than you guys lmao.
Our bridges dont collapse for example
Also are you stupid? Just asking because i wasnt talking about infrastructure but rather about Recycling
>implying the Jews don’t control the petroleum industry
cringe and bluepilled
haha germany is the size of one of our states
also you've been conquered. pay your debts
>Look there is snow therefore no climate change