Yang gang

I want to support yang and I absolutely want my NEETbux but the leftists in the movement and yangs gay PR team are really making me rethink my support for yang

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>Supporting a non-White, anti-White Democrat because you want to act like a nigger with your "gibs me dat".

Yes fuck you and fuck this shitty degenerate country I just want my NEETbux so you fags can slave away while I enjoy doing nothing all day

Shut up yangger

>Yes fuck you and fuck this shitty degenerate country I just want my NEETbux so you fags can slave away while I enjoy doing nothing all day
"Y...Yang will give me free money! He promised! No politician has ever failed to live up to a promise before! Voting works! That's why I keep doing it over and over and over expecting a different result..."


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Trump will 100% not give me NEETbux
Yang will 99% not give me NEETbux logically I would vote for yang but unfortunately most of the people who support him are faggots and normalfags

So basically we may get nothing with Yang or we can continue to get nothing with Trump. No national reciprocity, no wall, no immigration reform. I want SOMETHING, I can continue to get nothing from the boomer emperor or I can take my bag.

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Then don’t vote cause you are too easily swayed by dumb shit if you decide to pick by who’s alongside u