How Powerfull are Niggas as a race

How Powerfull are Niggas as a race

>Power Lvl:

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Jews>Asians>whites>Arabs>poos>blacks (American)>blacks (African) >>>>> British.

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Blacks rule, that's all you need to know!

Johann versus Lohengramm?

You are mostly literally retarded, IQ wise. You brag about being strong, but the vast majority of you are physically weak. Most of you can't fight, though are willing to engage in violence. Most of you can't shoot. You've never invented anything of note. You commit crimes in ridiculous numbers then complain that you're incarcerated in such numbers. Some of you are decent people, but most are moronic wastes of space. And most of you rely completely on whites to live.
Tl;dr, in America at least, starting from the day 25% of whites decide you're too much of a bother, your people have between a month to a year before you're extinct.

The real question is, is you mad cuz you dick is tiny and cute, or is you mad because yo dream girl is sitting on that bbc?

And why do you belive a nigga can't fight?

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It's funny how you only put whites against blacks as if there isn't more than one race in between. This is low level shit posting.

Sure schlomo

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Sorry champ.

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They literally don't and haven't.