Modern. Women

>Its a miracle Im carrying
>Should I kill it?


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Reddit is satanic

They really, unironically are.

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Women are like children and giving them suffrage was the biggest shit test that the West failed. Maybe Islam can do a better job with the stoning and the beating, etc

Wow what an absolutely shit human being.

God is dead

Muslims . . . Avenge us.

Avenge what was good . . . in us . . .

Women aren't even human.

Fuck this dumb planet.

On the one hand, her hubby died just a week ago and her first worry is to abort the baby, which probably means she's a roastie and her husband was a beta cuck meal ticket, on the other hand even if she loved him she would be a single mother and no man would touch her with a ten foot pole.

Why couldn't she have the child and just give it to the parents? It seems like her lame ass just doesn't want to raise the kid, I'm sure they'd be more than willing considering how pissed they got at her.

Mods need to make a reporting option for threads based on a single random Reddit post or Tweet. This shit is retarded and not politics. If I want to know what's up on fag ass Reddit, I'll browse Reddit.

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>murder babies
>You go gurl
>Murder sleeper agents
What the fuck is their problem?

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hahahaha women really are just selfish morons. women are retarded children but without innocence.

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Did the husband leave her with a house and Money?...enough to raise a child to the age of 10-12 depending on his iq and hers.
Did his family that yelled at her first offered support for her and the child? like written down and done right with a notary
Even then the kid needs a father and the only father she will ever find is someone cucked and beta enough to take in a roastie with a child thats not his seed.

Unfortunately this is true.
I think they sold out to Satanic pedo fags back in 2016. I bet Sam Altman had mega skeletons. I can only hope they get BT'd

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Degenerate women are sadists.
They commonly do horrible acts of sexual sadism for relief while claiming men are abusers.
e.g. the woman in Germany who anally raped a baby boy so badly he had to have an artificial anus inserted.
Abortion is largely the same phenomenon. This is what happens when we mislead women.


having children is morally wrong

These degenerate women all have avoidant and borderline personality disorder.
That's what happens when they do not receive the truth, are not told the truth, and do not accept or fall in true love with a man who is their leader.

Both are pieces of shit. But when it’s MUDSLIMES anything goes right?

It was probably a false flag anyway you faggot.

this but unironically

>and no man would touch her with a ten foot pole.
If her husband died there is no blame for her. Kid needs a father to grow up a man and not a white trash school shooter.

If she doesn't abort the baby the odds of her finding love again are reduced significantly. It's a hard choice but if she wants to live a happy life she should abort the baby.

>husband died literally one week ago
>already decided to move on, and abort his child
Do women even care?

Leftism is a disease of the soul.

Or she could give the baby to the parents of her dead husband.

widows =/= cock-carousel single moms


She could tell them that she wants to move on with her life and start over, but is willing to carry the baby to term if they raise it as their own.

Thats a fair offer

Not this one

just give the baby to his grandparents? Do we need rocket scientists to reach an obvious solution?

She just wants to be "free" so she can ride the carousel, doesn't she

please tell me this is satire.
and they think Jow Forums is considered evil. we are living in a nightmare

To women, men aren't real beings; we're a utility. Men are just a means of getting STUFF. This kid is going to be a hindrance to getting a new STUFFGIVER and she instinctively knows it.

>wow that's a lot of pressure for that kid!
>better chop him up and suck him out!
fucking reddit

As if she wouldn't change her mind closer to term or when she's holding the baby in her arms.

She doesn't want to go through the pregnancy. There's no time to lose. There are cocks to ride and vacations to take. You can't even drink wine when you're pregnant. Have a little empathy would you?

this 100%

it's time to end women's rights.

If she aborted that child I would kill her if it was my brother

>nix reddit posts
>nix tweet posts
>nix eceleb posts
All we'd have left is WMAF threads.

You'd kill your own mom?!

>being in a relationship with a woman who uses Reddit
Why on Earth would you fuck yourself like this?

>muh next chapta
>muh next chapta muhfugga

These cunts think they are being poetic when in fact they are just iterating what every other slut says. Marriage literally means nothing anymore to women. I say kill the baby, the husband was a dumb cuck anyway for trusting a woman enough to marry her

What race was the husband?

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Now I know why men treated women like objects for most of human history.

Idk man for me it'd be different if the mom was single because the husband died and not because he left her/she divorced him

Frankly Jow Forums I don’t know how much more I can take

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>widow not buried with husband

Aborting it would be selfish and evil, but trying to get a nice man as a single mother isnt going to be easy either. People dont assume you're a widow, they assume youre a shitty divorcee.

Can you imagine looking to FUCKING REDDIT for validation on whether or not to erase your husband's genetic legacy from existence?

Women are often characterized as more empathetic, but I don't see it. They only destroy.

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Lots of men would still want her w/a child if she wasn’t the cunt in the post! What moral man who wants a good wife and children is going to think less of a widow with a child from her marriage that ended in her spouse’s death? Life happens, spouses die. At least there’s no baggage from a divorce or the father still in the picture.

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How is a widow with her dead husband’s child a roastie? Sure, this cunt in the post sounds like one, but that’s off topic.

"This slave is mine to do with as I please. It is my property"

-The slave owner.

"This unborn child is mine to do with as I please. It is my property"

-The expectant leftist mother.

I'd she does, I hope she either dies from complications or gets hit by a bus on her way out of the clinic.

Jesus christ, widows with children from dead spouses won’t find good men? No divorce baggage, no father still in the picture because they died and the widows are somehow to blame, somehow less worthy of good men? What am I missing?

No, this woman did not love her husband, period. I’m so fucking disgusted by this cunt.

This is the worst thing I have ever read. The vanity of people is insane. I actually shed a single tear. This hit me in the feels so hard as someone who grew up without a dad. I pray this dumb broad keeps the baby and it grows up to be a wonderful human being. This is so wrong

If you think they are as desirable as women with no children...

This fuck reddit.
Now i posted to a secret jew slide thread i hope you're happy jannies.

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>men are often characterized as more empathetic
Biggest lie of Western society.

Read it again

Yeah this one broke me a little bit.

I can not wait for white people to die out

Muslims will be a majority of the worlds population (fastest growing religion, on pace to be half the global pop by 2050), and they would NEVER let women do this.

She would be STONED, raped, and whipped for 3 weeks straight for even thinking this.

But whites? Haha her body her CHOICE you BIGOT RACIST !!!!

i get why she's freaking out. the world tells her that she can "start over". it's a lie

We need to reintroduce concentration camps

She can? No baby no problem.

she's going to regret that decision so damn hard that she will kill herself if she goes ahead with it

I scrolled through like a hundred comments and not a single person told her to not murder her dead husband's baby. I'm actually shocked at how many people support this. What the fuck?

lol silly naive leaf, women love mens utility, not the man himself. This man is dead therefore he has no utility and she has no reason to care about him.

Alright guys let's discuss this even furthur:

Before y'all keep freaking out about this, consider she might be really young still, as in

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No seriously what the fuck is wrong with people? When did decency and morals go away? Maybe this is a western American thing where this degeneracy is ok. It's frightening how brainwashed people are getting.

as silly as it might be, thats where you can use the marriage certificate and death certificate


these fags couldnt possibly say they want the fall of the west any clearer

>Husband literally died one week ago
>"I want to kill this child and finish this chapter of my life NOW" AKA time to jump back on the carousel, my free ride is gone

this isnt a cute experiment. the baby lives period. what happens after that is nothing more than dressing. probably give to grandparents since she sounds younger and need support.

I know Jow Forums understandably doesn’t want women here but I feel compelled to say some women absolutely do care, hopefully even a lot of women, but I don’t know. I don’t have any female friends. My husband is my only and best friend (by choice. I could have friends, I just don’t connect w/women very much). If it were my wonderful husband who passed, the only thing I’d want to do is kill myself w/o him. However, if I found out I was pregnant, that would be the biggest blessing of all time and my only goal in life would be all about making sure I did everything I can to make sure the pregancy went to term, delivering a healthy baby, and being the best mom to our very special miracle baby who I’d hope would remind me of my dear husband every day. I wouldn’t give a shit about finding someone else or “moving on w/my life.” My husband has already made sure I’d be provided for in the event if his death, so no need to worry about attaching myself to someone out of desperation just for a paycheck. No man could ever live up to my husband anyway, so why would I bother? Jow Forums seems to have the right ideas about women/dating because my husband is my first and only and I started dating him at 16, married at 18. Best decision of my life. We are extremely close and bonded for life!

>Modern. Women.
pick one retard

Made my day a little better, thank you.

lol nice larp fag

Have a (you)

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> first answer has to be feminazi propaganda.

Why not surrender the child to his family? Sounds like the cunt just wants to jump back on the cock carousel

I hope she dies on the abortion

No, they’re not. I agree that that’s a fair assessment. But what if you dated this single, childless woman and found out she aborted her dead husband’s baby? Honestly, what’s she supposed to do in this situation? Life happens, people die. I’d think men would think her more honorable for keeping the baby if she explained the situation.

based femanon

yeah i can see why she'd want to do it

other than murdering her baby it's the best choice for her

link for that story?

>abortion is wro---

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no. it's just the modern version of sodom & gomorrah. god put it there for us to learn dear lessons from it.

Degenerate Reddit slut is not all women. What are OP and naysayers doing to find and breed with good, solid women? They're out there, just maybe not as vocal/visible, and they're certainly not dwelling on Reddshit.

assuming you're actually a femanon, this is proper and decent.
kudos to you love.

Funny how adoption is almost never mentioned as an option. Like ever...

> ugly people shouldn't have a right to live.
> as if such condition couldn't be fixed with simple procedures

unironically kys

It's almost like their fathers were right all along

Made me smile. God bless ya'll and your family. :)

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holy fucking shit are women pieces of shit
Husband is barely cold and she already wants to abort his baby so the child doesn't stand in the way of her whoring around.

It's what a post-Christian society looks like. The idea that you destroy the idea of God and you get to keep the wholesome ethics while eliminating all the "silly", archaic commandment stuff has been the biggest fucking con job in world history.

The fact that 99% of people cheer her murdering her baby so she can be the cool wine aunt going on trips to Paris and fucking strangers on Tinder isn't even surprising. You don't bargain with Satan and come out ahead in the end.

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there are no girls on the internet

tits or gtfo

>when the larp is better than the reality