Christchurch Analysis

ITT we expose the sloppy Mossad Psy Op that was the Christchurch shooting.

Video related is from the 2nd Mosque
Note the guy in the green-blue jacket sitting in the beginning, camera moves around next scene he is lying on the floor as if dead except you see his foot moving. Then at 1:30 you see him walking around casually.
0:25 a gay playing dead while on his phone comes into view
Around 0:50 you also see a guy (fat and bald nigger with wide and white clothes) that is appearently „shot“ in the chest, (patch of blood on the chest, barely any smears nor droplets to be seen, but soked in blood, meaning it must have flown out of that area) close or into the heart (at least lungs would be rip) walking around the scene in the middle
>people think this is real

Its confirmed the from the Christchurch shooting as you see him here on the cover

And just out of interest

Attached: christchurch 2nd mosque.webm (320x564, 2.07M)

Other urls found in this thread: In Connecticut COMPLETE 2012.pdf

Wounded, on his phone reaching to relatives and loved ones.

>smock guy

Helped carries dead bodies out, not wounded


Not wounded, bloodied by dead bodies he has helped carry out

Is this really the best you can muster up, faggot?

Hello Mossad.



Attached: faggotshit.png (508x728, 747K)

appearently mods dont want you to post that "dead" woman as last time i made this pic with image resulted in the post getting deleted, so this time without the women, but you know which.
makes me think how all the gore webms otherwise are never an issue but this gets deleted.

So here the post without pic
She was shot 11:45 (on the go pro stream) on the street and the guy walks to her right afterwards. Look how the shoes were put off conveniently. Either she took them off or took her time to search for them during the shooting instead of running for her life. Gets shot in the head and then bullet blows open the shoulder it seems (or reveals a bloodbag)
Also a woman doesnt go into the Mosque without a hijab, yet no Hijab around.
Additionally of all things nike shoes lying around, the hook being a homage to saturns rings

He walks into the mosque in the beginning and they all are seemingly already piled up as corpses in the corners into which he simply fires
Before he walks in he is seen by many, with rifle and battle gear, but noone even bothers to react like the cars around the shot woman too.
The disinterest of the passerbys are the most suspcious thing regarding the footage.

>ignores the guy sitting, then laying dead when the camera comes around and then walks around causally
either there is the second Jesus on cam or its staged.

On the Go Pro footage:
7:05 he is tackled where he seemingly drops a magazine at the entrance to the room at the end of the hallways accidently. you see it lying there in the middle (seen from left to right middle) pretty clearly.
7:13 he drops a magazine to reload in the middle (entrance to end middle)
7:31 he picks up the magazine he lost when tackled. 8:32 he picks up some magazine lying on the floor he dropped at 7:13 again and seemingly uses this previously emptied magazin to reload and continues to pump out about 20 shots
since people say there was already a magazine in there before he came. he did drop it but it should be empty

when the woman is shot at 11:45 there are also couple cars driving next to her. noone seems to care and drives of full speed, but really casually keeping in mind all the traffic laws
she also gets appearently 2 headshots, but no visible deformation of the head but her shoulder bursts open (suggested to be a bloodbag) even though such bullets should blow some of you head away, especially when lying against the ground with the force having no way to exit and can only disperse
Also note no headscarf on her which is required for women in the mosque and had time to search for her shoes

12:50 he shoots through the windshield of his car with his rifle point blank, twice, with a shotgun and the windshield gets so few damage you barely see the cracks in the stream.
right after a car crosses his path between him and the guy shot, but doesnt care and just drives along casually
then drives couple meters, not even 50, fires a shot to the front left, drives another 5 meter aiming right to his left where he previously shot at where you then see a guy casually walking around before getting shot but being all casual before when the shot must have gone close by.

Vid related shows 2 additional gunmen where this guy was arrested

Attached: Christchurch additional gunmen no sound.webm (532x1080, 2.23M)

post link to 2nd vid

So i read through more or less the whole thing (skipped some small parts that i deemed unimportant on first glance).
Across the entire thing he makes it seem like the Muslims and other foreigners just happen to come into the country without any specific reason and white people allowing it because they either hate whites themselves or are too stupid.
Not once goes he into the greater sheme that is played. Not once does he talk that the cause for the immigrations are the wars that are led on the account of Israel. Not once does he mention the prevailent racemix propaganda in the jewish owned media. In fact the only point he gets actually close to the truth is
>Pedophile politicians,pedophile priests and pedophile popstars, demonstrating to all the true depravity of our age
But even that completely ignores the outside influences that bring these people into power.
He goes into the NGOs fucking shit up, but then stops conveniently the moment the next logical step would be to explain (((who))) is funding these and who controlls them.

All this accomplishes is causing fights between Whites and Muslim while the Kike will seize power and property in the chaos like with every war they kick off.
Either he merely took babies first redpill on race at which point i would say its unbelievable he actually went out to shoot people, or he actually is meaning to hide it, as in is on their side.
Looking at what this will accomplish ultimately (namely nothing aside from painting whites as bad, immigration criticism as evil racism, giving ammunition to shill against guns, and creating sympathy for muslim) I would say its a psy op. But who knows, lots of retarded folks around.

what second Video? There is no GoPro footage of the second mosque shooting afaik if you mean that as the stream cut. That footage in the OP is made after the shooting by one of the "victims"

Attached: Shooter blame.png (622x184, 39K)

Literally his entire point is that the real problem is that white people just roll over and let themselves be used and replaced. Do you think kikes and commies could ruin white countries if the white people actually stood up against it?

Yep. Nothing to see here. Looks totally legit.

Attached: bucketbooga.png (318x558, 91K)

To save everyone time, just read the same thread here.

Lets decide this

Yes, im sure that guy that has a 95% of being castrated as a child prevailed his sexual desires.
happens to coincide with the recent shilling against MJ on here too.
>Sony/ATV Music Publishing is an American music publisher owned by Sony Entertainment. The company was formed in 1995 with the merger of Sony Music Publishing and ATV Music, which was owned by entertainer Michael Jackson. Jackson had purchased ATV Music, which included the Lennon–McCartney song catalog, in 1985.
>The financial clout of Grade, their adversary in the bidding war, ensured that the songs written by the two Beatles passed into the control of ATV.[4]
>In January 2017, McCartney filed a suit in United States district court against Sony/ATV Music Publishing seeking to reclaim ownership of his share of the Lennon–McCartney song catalogue beginning in 2018. Under US copyright law, for works published before 1978 the author can reclaim copyrights assigned to a publisher after 56 years.[47][48] McCartney and Sony agreed to a confidential settlement in June 2017.[49][50]
i wonder why this is happening

Also Cobain has a good chance of having been suicided

do you think people would still support it if they realize the agenda behind it? yet he doesnt even mention there is an agenda, much less who is behind it. He rather has us fighting the symptom while the cause can fuck shit up even more. Every time kikes push 2 groups against another, then seize property and control in the ensuring chaos. The story behind every war in recent times

Attached: Shooter MJ.jpg (578x146, 48K)

About her shoes lying directlynext to her:
conveniently there is this mason initiation ritual ritual which involves having your shoes to be put off. and you see this in quite a lot of false flag attacks that the victims happen to be shot (or whatever) their shoes off. Just look at how many attacks there are where weirdly the shoes are missing on the victims.

Some info on Masonry:
The checkered board you see often with masonic imagery represents the duality of this world, and as such the world itself. Additionally like the chessboard they see the world to be played to win, they want to rise above the duality of this world and ascend to become a god/player outside of the pawns they control which they do by casting off the concept of good and evil, the duality (rising above the duality) and as a result not being held back by things like morals and laws like the lowly plebs

Now some speculation:
Now inside mosques and synagogues (in the past at least) you need to take off your shoes. Considering the checkered board in their temple is a stage (playingfield) we can extrapolate that if they move the stage (their temple symbolically) outside to make a theatreplay to move their pawns (us) they also are required to take the shoes off.

Attached: Mason ritual.jpg (600x460, 47K)

pic related. one leg of the pents pulled up like in that ritual, also the green wristband immitating the rope.
The pointing up is a thing muslims do, but might as well could be immitating Baphomets handgasture which also is often used by masonic imagry or to give to the wristband visibility

Attached: Mason Christchurch.jpg (700x525, 79K)
>Tanis was previously known to police. He has a varied criminal record that includes attempted manslaughter in 2013 — when he was accused of firing a gun at an apartment building in the same area as Monday's attack, according to local broadcaster RTV Utrecht. And earlier this month, Tanis appeared in court over a rape allegation from 2017, the agency reports.
is it coincidence that right after a Muslim goes on to kill people when that was known for various deeds that should have locked him away? What are the chances he stroke a deal?
Remember the Comet Ping Pong (((Shooter))) that ran someone over with his car shortly before shooting the place up?
>The Ides of March (/aJdz/; Latin: Idus Martiae, Late Latin: Idus Martii)[1] was a day in the Roman calendar that corresponds to 15 March. It was marked by several religious observances and was notable for the Romans as a deadline for settling debts.[2] In 44 BC, it became notorious as the date of the assassination of Julius Caesar which made the Ides of March a turning point in Roman history.
>The Ides of each month were sacred to Jupiter, the Romans' supreme deity. The Flamen Dialis, Jupiter's high priest, led the "Ides sheep" (ovis Idulis) in procession along the Via Sacra to the arx, where it was sacrificed.[4]
>In addition to the monthly sacrifice, the Ides of March was also the occasion of the Feast of Anna Perenna
>Macrobius records that offerings were made to her ut annare perannareque commode liceat, i.e. "that the circle of the year may be completed happily"[1] and that people sacrificed to her both publicly and privately.
Makes me think how it started right with the sacrifice season

Also pic related

Attached: Christchurch fish 14.jpg (966x676, 96K)

>Zionist (pic related)
>admitted contact to knights templars who gave them their blessing
>blames the white man for the immigration crisis not going as far as mention subversion at all
>wants to get rid of muslims, proceeds to shoot random people outside the mosque
>ignores the cause of the musliminvasion throughout the entire manifesto aka jews and zionists in high ranking politics and economy as well as the satanists and communists which also happen to be pedophiles
>goes to attack the symptom instead of the cause
>guy is extremely calm for doing his first murder and massmurder at it
>goes out of his way to make the immigration issue appear as caused by selfhating whites and whites that just dont know the consequenses without outside influence.
>video has lots of passerbies not carring about him carrying a weapon or shooting around
>possibly 2 or more shooters based on some video
>podesta visited NZ shortly before with the shooter having a fish like rune next to a 14 (like that podesta pic)
>footage from the second mosque is sloppy as fuck
>resembles Masonic initiation ritual
At the location you see the 2 guys with the rifles in that Vid they cought another third guy in camo. Allegedly this was some guy who shot back at the shooter, but since its the same location we can assume that Video is actually from the day and location of the shooting and thus legit

Christchurch had an unvovered Mossad spy ring in 2011 which, probably not dissolved.
Also it happening in a place called Christchurch sounds like some satanic ritual once again. especially since this time of the year is rumored to be important for satanic sacrifices.

Attached: shooter zionist.jpg (593x137, 23K)


mix up your tactics

the fish 14 symbolism
The unification of the polar opposites is something that stretches itself across many cultures. Be it the marriage, uniting male and female, often dressed in black and white, resulting in the magic of a new kid being born. Or be it the solar eclipse uniting sun and moon together. In the egyptian mythology osiris dick (male) that gets eaten by a fish (female) (pic), or the Washington Monument (a dick, male) standing in the vesica pisces (female). The 2 pillars, Boaz and Jachin which stood before Solomons Temple and represent the sun and moon, and again the polar opposites. Sol, solar, sun. mon, moon. Sol-o-Mo(o)n. Even the "Star of David" is representing the male and female being united with the opposing triangles.
There is NO Star of David, it is the Seal of Solomon/Star of Remphan, Solomon used to commune with other spirits after his 700 wives tempted him. They called it Star of David because David is seen as a good king and thus tried to make this black magic symbol seem good

In case of the star we have the triangles that also additionaly symbolizes the 3, or with the 2 triangles the 33
All good things come in 3, the holy trinity, 3 nails used to crucify jesus, he came back from the dead on the 3rd day
33, 3 plus duality, good and evil, male and female (the "star of david", which originally is not a jewish symbol depicts the 33with 2 triangles coming together, the male and female energies coming together.) it is believed where polar opposites meet magic/miracles happen and especialy unification of male and female is a holy event in pretty much all cultures which creates the miracle of life, trannies are a perverted version of this most likely uniting in one body what god seperated mocking him and his creation
Jesus died on the 3rd april 33ad at the age of 33 at 3pm
Counting all the connections and connectionspoints including the hidden one on the tree of life/kaballah gives you 33. the number is also associated with gods promise

Attached: goldfish14.png (615x721, 539K)

Students from the sloppiest False Flag in recent history in the MOVIE EFFECTS WORSHOP suddenly involve themselves. Oh, also the (((names)))

Attached: Christchurch Parkland.jpg (817x677, 71K)

Different event, same weird stuff about the shoes

Attached: London Bridge shoes 2.jpg (590x350, 69K)

>but then stops conveniently the moment the next logical step would be to explain (((who)))
fuck off kike

Attached: 1552956100989.jpg (589x119, 51K)

another example from the same event

yes, he says there they should fuck off, but never says they are the ones pushing for it. big difference. through out the entire thing he frames it as if the muslims just happen so to come here as well as all the others, but completely forgets the ones pushing it or that there even are outside forces doing so.

Attached: London bridge shoes.jpg (422x449, 74K)

giving another thumbs up to mutually tell the other that everything is ready to go?

Attached: Christchurch Thumbs Up.jpg (1920x1080, 255K)


Don't forget that he managed to "stream" for a whopping 16 minutes without a single hiccup. Not a single frame dropped or even change in bitrate even though he was traveling in a car and entered/exited buildings. Maybe 5g is a thing over there?


Attached: MOSSAD HAND SIGNS.png (1134x619, 977K)

huh, thats actually something i didnt think about. i was wondering if it was actually streamed or recorded and then just streamed the record.

>ITT we expose the slippy mossad job shills

Attached: 20190321 1trim(1).jpg (8000x5374, 3.99M)

>bunch of circlejerks and debunking strawmen totally proves its real

Also when he walks outside the building for the first time there is a silver car parked right next to the entrance. You can hear it drive away when he walks around the street. Just thought it was a little weird that he didn't notice it or tried to shooting at it

Nazi UFOs

Ancient History

the occult principles behind 9/11

False Flags (9/11 included but not as detailed)

NASA being lying pieces of shit

MKUltra and other mindcontroll (earlier version of this)

Pizzagate (ctrl + f "hogg" or "paddock" dor the parkland shooting or vegas shooting)

Satanic and Occult Elite (focuses on freemasonry but otherwise essentially the same)

some bump


>attacks the image instead of it's contents
typical shill

i did attack its content. it debunks a bunch of shit i never said and then takes a bunch of people saying how based the guy is and how only shills speak against it.
so yes, its only circle jerking and strawmanning

some bump

Attached: untermensch christchurch.jpg (1074x677, 117K)

Why is a muzzy church named Christchurch?

what about the guy in the corner reading a magazine during the first volley. then he casually looks up and walks away. was that a mossad continuity error?

i dont think i did spot him. timestamp or pic? both?

some bump

The fact that there was little to no mention of the engineers of forced immigration or the kalergi plan in the ma'amafesto, proves to me right away this was a FF. All of you unironic white supremacists that read that crap and have some sort of resonation and are head over heels with this cockfag are either legitimately faggots, or not read up. And shills who as always can eat dick. Nice digits btw Kek is here.

This. But no, he was an accelerationist and fights the jews by promoting their agenda.
Also already wondered if im imagining the numbers since noone mentioned them

The one he picks up at 8:32 is NOT the one he drops at 7:13. If you pay attention to the relative positioning of the body it's near and the design of the carpet, you will see it is not the same mag. As for the mag seen at 8:32, he looks at it on his way in at 6:53.

I am glad some one else noticed this. It is just a bit odd.

The world deserves everything bad that happens to it. Fuck everyone.

well yes, deserving we all are, but we are also forgiven already user. Jesus loves you, dont forget that.

Until his followers pull their fucking heads out of their asses and turn this mess around then they are as good as cowards to me.

its not jesus fault that noone reads their bible anymore telling them how racemixing and mass immigration is bad. its like the middle ages where corrupt priest told the people what supposedly is written in the bible. if people would follow the bible there would be neither shitskins nor kikes around.

Slight sidenote but interesting that he surrendered just like the guy who went to comet ping pong.

Also interesting how fast 4chins, cripplechan and voat were attacked as retaliation. Almost instantly. The people looking into pizzagate. Also interesting that Podesta was in NZ during the time or just before

yeah, there is probably noone with more reason to shut Jow Forums down than skippy. i know is the odal rune, but it sure is a weird coincidence he has it right next to the 14 when it looks like a fish. Also 8/pol/ without the 88, yea right.

Nope, it's not fake, even tho you damage control troll factory has been spamming it for 3 days 24/7.

Kill yourself.

I mean even if it was, nobody would want to control the narrative as hard as you. Cause you are scared of copycaps, inspiration, that people read the truth in the manifest etc.

Where is your buddy with brazil / eu flag ?:D

Everybody who read this here is the manifesto:

I will upload it again and again and against, to just annoy these zionist troll factory shills.

The more they claim it's fake, the more I will put it out everywhere.

Attached: 1552954115834.jpg (2048x1412, 624K)

>a wild kike appears

Kys faggot

Do you think the killing was fake? Wouldn’t it be hard to convince medical staff etc?

I read somewhere that they were having a hard time identifying the people, which was weird

Not very strange. Illegal migrants probably.

Also the smoking gun is why ISP-ban voat? Wtf has voat got to do with the guy? They are the primary site still working on pizzagate. They managed to link the same lawyer who represented Alefantis and Brock in court with the Laura Sisby orphanage in Haiti


>I mean even if it was, nobody would want to control the narrative as hard as you. Cause you are scared of copycaps, inspiration, that people read the truth in the manifest etc.

The only people who stand to gain anything from this are the people who want to shutdown online freespeech.

By the way, something i noticed

Yang shills
>vote young because UBI will accellerate the collapse
Christchurch shills
>the guy was based because he accellerates the collapse

not if everyone we saw was an actor. we know the media is lying always either way, so its not hard to make them play along. police in most cases are full of masons too.

thanks for the link so everyone can see how he leaves out all the crucial information in there.

Attached: let me think about it.jpg (1280x720, 267K)

I know its not Jesus fault which is why every damn person on earth should be held to the fire.

No dude, this tarrant faggot was 100% for joos, by joos.

The fuck are you doing you dumb ass cabbage muncher? Check yourself before wasting perfectly good mememagic.

Attached: file.png (605x674, 118K)

Covering up fake murders on this scale would be a logistical nightmare though. You could imply masons in medical staff too, but that is a lot of people who need to be in on it which means a very high risk of it going wrong and info leaking out.

His manifesto did have a lot of truth in it, but the evidence is in the stream, user. Don't you see? They faked it to discredit "his" end of the political spectrum on purpose. However, they slipped up and made it obvious. That's why they wish to hide it.

well, it did go wrong appearently, look the video in the OP. i dont think that was intended to get out.
also its better if everyone involved is controlled as then you dont have the problem of for example having a guy rush the guy down or drawing his own gun and having it come to an end prematurely. all they had to do was wait at the end of the corridor in a line left and right, and the moments he steps into the room rush him from both sides. he may would have gotten one guy shot, or 2, but after that no chance anymore. they could have used the windows to flee, but all they did was cower in the corner and let themselves get shot. not a typical fight or flight response. just as the woman without hijab in the mosques whos flight reflex involved searching out her shoes instead of running for her life. if it were just 2-3 of these weird behaviours i would say "well, maybe they just were retarded" but the amount of stuff that needs ridiculous assumptions to make the narrative hold up is ridiculous.

I find a lot of things suspicious too, but I just can’t imagine faking something on that scale. Maybe it explains why they chose NZ of all places? More easy to keep it covered up than US?

>sloppy Mossad Psy Op
What if it wasn't sloppy, what if Tarrant had gone rogue, and making it sloppy was part of his plan

good reason to assume for example that sandy hook was entirely fake too
Newtown (which sandy hook belongs to) features 0 "Murder and nonnegligent manslaughter"

Attached: Sandy hook no death.jpg (961x787, 193K)

Probably because then it would alert everyone inside or put people on edge

Town's called Christchurch

>false flagging as a mossad false flag
thats a new meta conspiracy i can get behind

Attached: Mad Hatter.png (425x921, 233K)

Well when half the people say
>Good times create weak men
And the other half spew blackpills on how (((they))) control every facet of society, its no fucking wonder the simplest solution is to tear it down and kill two birds with one stone (weak neutered men and (((them)))).

Can I get a link to a full video already? Does no one have it?

I actually want you to die.

Attached: Scaramucci.jpg (960x640, 105K)

interesting. whats the story of the character? does it relate to anything tarrant did?

some bump

another one

So basically (((They))) are in full damage control mode, claiming it didn't really happen (Crisis actors! Fake blood! CGI bullets!) and trying to undo all that the Absolute Madman accomplished.

Attached: face wtf is happening.gif (299x199, 1.18M)

almost a bit of raspberry jam back there

Attached: rasp.jpg (320x560, 17K)

user, I really recommend you use at least 5 seconds of research before reposting that shit here.

ok so In Connecticut COMPLETE 2012.pdf
page 14 on murder and manslaughter states
>º Includes 27 victims of Newtown mass shooting
doesnt come up in the other link though weirdly even though its included in the source statistic for some reason
yet it doesnt come up in that statistic on the FBI homepage? if anything that makes it more weird especially since the page i linked originally doesnt have any such footnotes




my last bump. i get some sleep now. good night.

Attached: Christchurch message.jpg (448x451, 78K)

Whichever mad lad compiled this is based, I've grown weary trying to constantly debunk these demoralized boomers with no grip on reality.

Actual last bump now.

I wonder (((who))) would make this collection to attacking anyone exposing a false flag. Perplexing.

Attached: Hasbarat shilling for the mass murderer.png (659x645, 142K)


Attached: The Maynstream Meydia.png (800x800, 462K)

>German shill
>mutt shill
>memeflaggot shill
>always one or two that jump in
All we need is the leaf, the UN flag, and Brazilian shill and the whole group is here.

>German shill samefagging

did they shoop out the poweraid bottle from the guys hand on the cover at the end of the video?

Attached: D1uvsFuWwAEJWuh.png (569x714, 775K)

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Jow Forums does this shit for fun, right?

Try to imagine that every major news event is fake, that is.

This is all just some low tier Jow Forums trolling, right?

A group of people this large cannot be comprised of this many idiots.

Cobain was killed by his wife

74 pages but claims he deleted 200.
00 looks like 8 sideways

I support you OP, far too many cohencidences, hopefully the truth is revealed someday.

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