>Monopolies are only possible because of government intervention
Monopolies are only possible because of government intervention
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying the government and corporations are separate entities
Name one monopoly not enforced by a government.
They both serve (((them))), you are right my brother.
google, youtube
>patents & trademarks enforced by the government
Diamond and metal mining in african shitholes
So what you're saying is that if you could freely violate patents we wouldn't have monopolies
meme answer. That's not a government monopoly, and even if someone copied everything google had, they still wouldn't beat them - not to mention they would guard it as a trade secret themselves if they had to like how coke does it.
they are both unprofitable and only exist since they sell data to the govt
i would argue that in practice, monopoly is indistinguishable from government
These are massively subsidized by government.
They also aren't monopolies.
Oh no. But monopolies that do not require it are highly desirable. It means whatever is produced is as close to free as it can be.
>this is your mind on lolbertarianism
He did act like an white man, knowing that his children will have to grow up without the father. So he never made one.
That's what a patent is.
shieet wrong thread
Google, facebook, youtube, apple and basically all technology corporations registered in silicon valley are busted by us tax money. Stop with this "they are private companies they can do whatever they want" meme