Refute this

Our world is dying, THINK GREEN.

Attached: 1280px-2000_Year_Temperature_Comparison.png (1280x961, 389K)

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Fun fact, emissions are turning trees greener and helps the grow faster.

Squiggly line from mystery source...Jow Forums btfo!
Try harder faggot.


Reveal your real flag

We cant make it un fucked

How are these graphs even created?
Someone pulling it out their ass?

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>Our world is dying, THINK GREEN.
fuck thinking green
think depopulation

temperature is not even a slight problem in comparison to pullotion, but whaddya expect from a memeflaggot

Just wear shorts you fat sweaty fuck


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I un-ironically oppose mass-immigration into western countries on environmental grounds.

>reconstructed temperature


Source and methodology please?

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This. Look to the Georgia Guidestones.

Meming, but Thanos was right.

Come up with scheme to extract cash from western countries population = check
Post squiggley line graph as proof=check
Go fug yourself I'm not buying it...

>graph of hundreds of millions of years is relevant when discussing changes on the scales of 200 at most
You refuted nothing.

Too late probably.
Bane's about to kill 6 billion people since we failed to control birth-rates.

Then why do every single climate change prediction fail to produce a correct prediction of climate's conditions?

The medieval warm was as warm or warmer than it is currently. It occurred over just as sudden a time period. It lasted longer than the modern warm.

Attached: modern warm model.png (829x521, 231K)

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[citation needed]

Duh you know, during the Hadean period, earth's temperatures were about 250 degrees, so now it's actually way colder!

oy vey

Your descendants you fucking ignorant nignog. Unlike you others actually care about the future.

>Our world is dying
I just showed you we saved it.
That is a prime example of a refutation.

lol I love this shit, "scientists" are not even completely sure how lightening is created..."we are pretty sure it has something to do with ice rubbing against itself", yet they have somehow figured out climate cycles that last longer than human civilization has existed.

>posting the hockey stick graph

Did you cut your genitals? Asking for a friend.

Nope, circimsision is not usual here

Excellent, if the white race is doomed might as well destroy the entire planet so there's nothing left for the niggers and jews.

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Zoom out nigger

No one ever claimed we figured out climate cycles you dumb illiterate fag.

You don't need to know everything about climate to measure CO2 and average temperatures.

Trannies are above Jews. I mean everybody in the know knows.

Wish this thread was.

>Getting this assmad on a turkish basketweaving board.

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>lol just stop being mad that you're ruining the entire earth for every other generation
t. Jew and/or boomer

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A pic from Nasa. So it has to be good, right? In the right bottom corner are 2 arrows with 65% of earths surface cooling by evaporation and convection. 2 highly negative feedbacks that nobody wants to talk about. Why? Is it mayba tha 2 inches of extra rain per year qould negate 5W blocked by CO2.

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But you do in order to realize that your dataset has tropical islands at subzero temperatures in it, apparently


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At this point no one denies climate change, but it is rather odd that the UN's idea of it starts at the same time the next grand solar minimum starts. Yet it's our co2

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I think no one disagrees the climate is changing, its just that people argue on how much of it is man made or the solution to it.

I am not impressed by leftist arguments for it since none of it is feasible, such as really expensive solutions that only a few nations could adopt or reverting to the stone age.

That said, America has done a very good job reducing emissions on its own despite not being in the Paris Accords. We are not the problem, developing countries like China and India are. They need unclean energy in order to industrialize because other cleaner alternatives aren't feasible as of now.

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oh no no no

Attached: Temp11000yr.jpg (818x416, 67K)

Check the shift of the magnetic poles. They are moving by more and more each year. Something is coming

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>Producing a graph hundreds of millions of years into the past and decades into the future based on a century or two of actual data and geological data which has an optimistic accuracy in the order of magnitudes

Kill yourself kike. I build models for water and sewer systems and have access to significant amounts of current data. The models are at best an estimation of historical flows in each pipe (since there are only flow data for treatment plants and pumping stations), and the model will probably need to be updated every 10 years because there are so many variables. The environment is far more complex, so to build models based on a few years of data for a few variables and then extrapolate it backwards hundreds of millions of years is total bullshit.

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so you just completely attribute all climate change to co2 levels without having a complete understanding of how the climate cycle works, most of you fucking retards think that the giant nuclear furnace that formed our solar system plays less of a roll on climate than co2.

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>Our world is dying
This is the hard reset we need.

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WTF Does "Sequestered Carbon Death" Mean?
Do you think we might run out of Carbon? C02?

Are you a zika baby or something?

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Why bother posting AGW threads on Jow Forums? You'll get every kind of fallacious argument that dodges the evidence and complains how it's a secret Jewish conspiracy and all other kinds of dumb shit. This board is full of scientifically illiterate fucking retards that aren't interested in facts.

This image plus Earth's inclination cycling (don't remember the exact name) having a better match for prehistoric atmospheric oxygen concentration, and methane levels matching almost exactly as CO2 levels for all the Vostok Ice Core data should tell you our understanding of climate is flawed at best.

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this is the common and sadly very inaccurate conservative position. First, america has not done a good job at all, it is the most carbon-polluting, wasteful country on Earth per capita. When examining solutions, we should be thinking in terms of what's the most effective, not "what's the least amount we can improve compared to another country". With only 330 million people, for America's pollution to be on par with India or China we'd all be suffocating/drowning.

second, international climate agreements are motivated by diplomacy and or economic incentive, if the US does not make a good example, the rest of the world has no motivation to improve and the situation will only get worse.

they're shills, nothing more.

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>2000 years
>time: millions of years

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guess what, climatologists are less fucking retarded than you are and figured out it's not variations in solar output causing the modern temperature changes

help a dumb engineer out, it seems that this data may indicate that global warming is a result of the sun going through some sort of cycle. Is that right? I have always wondered why no one ever mentions the sun.

Real redpill: Human caused climate change is real, not only that but is worse than most people are willing to admit publically (goverments don't want mass panic or despair) however there is no solution, we are doomed. No carbon tax or recycling programs are going to do shit.

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Sorry to dissapoint you. It is a dud. We are currently greening the earth.

Geoengineering is inevitable, we are doing it now just unintentionally. One billionaire would be enough to make it happen. Not to worry

Addition to this - Trump knows this. Of course he does, his denial of climate change is based on the fact he knows it can't be stopped anyway.

Why are AGW alarmists like yourself only capable of arguing using rhetoric?

look guys, we have a living breathing mongoloid retard, your kind are so rare!
we're heading into a grand solar minimum, my posts are in order from Zharkova's latest work, you should watch it, maybe 2-3 times even. Our winters are going to suck, our summers are going to suck.

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>We are currently greening the earth.

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Haha helps to up the board IQ a little tho

Carbon levels are a limiting factor for the total lifemass. More Carbon means more life. Too little means biosphere collapse. It would have happened in a few hundred milion years as more Carbon got turned into bog and others.

Yeah I agree with you, I'm watching most of the states experience record amounts of rain which is leaching all the minerals/nutrients out of the soil and killing off the trees in my state it's extremely noticeable.

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Stop spamming the thread with your out of context graphs and pictures you mong

Oldfag here, I remember the limits to growth population bomb scare from the 70s. Humans are way more ingenious than most reporters

>Out of context
>stop spamming the truth as to why the earth is 'dying' goy
fuck off faggot, I'll be here all night with my dick in my hand if I want to

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Too dumb to comprehend bong?

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You ain't convincing anyone of anything, make a few posts explaining your point with links or whatever - nobody will even look at your graphs if you spam

>projecting 800 years into the future
kek what is this nonsense

>meme flag
you kinda forget to mention why i should take the opinion of a subverting useless coward serious?

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That's okay.

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>I just showed you we saved it.
You showed literally nothing.

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There's no arguing the facts of AGW when you're outnumbered 10 to 1 by morons with an irrational hatred of facts and any proposed solutions to a problem they believe doesn't exist. You get drowned in a sea of bullshit. For being so redpilled you dumb niggers sure fell fast for fossil fuel disinfo. Here's some data for you bitch, not that you give a shit.
>inb4 muh 150 years why weren't thermometers invented sooner
>inb4 another 50 graphs of bad proxy reconstructions that aren't representative of global mean
>inb4 another 50 graphs of solar activity that have a miniscule effect on the temperature change but this fact is of course not conveyed

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