in this thread we laugh at amerimutts
In this thread we laugh at amerimutts
Other urls found in this thread:
>one chance at life
>being born as a mutt
Here's a tip, shill; "In this thread" = ITT
Shut up.
>yes please take my and my children's foreskin master
if only you knew how bad things really are
It's always poland, Netherlands, and canada making and overwhelmingly contributing in mutt threads
>poland cannot into abbreviations
Imagine you wake up, everything seems normal, then you speak and you've transformed into a mutt. Genuinely makes your skin crawl.
I had a normie boss who was racist as they come (niggers are animals, etc) but when it came to preaching his "JUDEO-CHRISTIAN VALUES" he was 100% kiked, it was so obnoxious
tbf the american education system was 100% subverted with the gunpoint integration of apekin
let my mutty jowels be a warning lads, shoot in the butt or spawn the mutt, you have been put on notice
a ruined and terrible form of life... and now.... perfected
As a hard working libertarian asian american who constantly has to stand back up after getting knocked down - fuck you and your polish sausages
Based. West coast is hell.
What % asian?
>in this thread we laugh at amerimutts
They hate us 'cause they ain't us!
shut up mutt
100% Chinese
Nope. Got nuffin.
>a diet based on refined sugar is healthy
>paper houses are a wise investment
>white great grandfather means one is fully white
>healthcare is a requirement for first world status
>it is the vaccines, and not the retarded common core laden shitty education system, that are the cause of autism
>preventable diseases are not undesirable
>citizenship should even be necessary to vote
>military aid to Israel isn't a divine quest
>any mainstream news outlets aren't fake news
'Murica, yeehaw
this is some horror science fiction level shit
what do your knockdowns consist of?
i thank God everyday I'm not a filthy mutt
Most of the americans on this board have turned out to be nazis and have no place here. They've turned this board into some sort of haven for their radical views. There's a good chance that most of them aren't even educated, probably unemployed(or will be within a decade), and are fixed in their stance. I'm willing to bet most of these guys are trailerpark trash that have access to the internet. I miss the old days when we'd have actual discussions and ironically make fun of nazism. Now these insipid tools have taken over our board and turning it into some radicalization mechanism.
Fucking amerimutts.
Han China fell and was invaded by Mongols, Huns, Manchu, Tibetans, Japanese and countless others for centuries. Every time a new tribe invaded China, they would rape the women, burn the villages, purge anyone who spoke out against them and crown themselves emperors. These emperors would practice polygamy, breeding with hundreds more Chinese women. They would become "civilized", decadent and weak just in time for another invading horde to overthrow them and repeat the process. Chinese blood is diluted by thousands of years of every other race in Asia.
Chinese are the mutts of Asia.
Sure thing, roody-poo. But I know who you work for. Do you?
>they hate us cuz they aint us
>everyone is a shill if i dont like their opinions
half of american posters are mentally ill
I'm white but I'm leaving this song here because it's hilarious. We had to sing it in elementary school.
American Whites have the highest IQs and pisa reading scores among all the whites of the world. Suck on it polack.
Sort of (as into my resurgence on the chans), but I voted Trump 2016 and I don't actually think he's doing that poorly. A bit of deep state selling out, and his trade war is bad for my ethnic relation with whites, so I tactically shill for Yang to ease racial tensions ;)
Also I been on Jow Forums for 13 years, just usually not Jow Forums
imagine being from the UK and thinking right wing radicalization is a bad thing
Choose one and only one
plz gib gibraltar
You won’t say that to my face you fucking coward HAHAHAHhahaha fuck you
brits are cucks
Funny you mention I come from the NK border that used to be a British colony, then a Japanese colony, close to Mongolia, so I'm probably everything you imagine ;)
>american whites have the highest IQ and reading scores
>also some of the lowest comprehension and critical thinking skills
>zero historical awareness
I called him a shill because we would say ITT, brother...
Okie doike there moor.
Purebred Amerimutts
Eat my rancid ass, brit cuck
Sauce on that pal. Are you a nigger, who hates white Americans, because I got some bad new for you pal. You are going back to Africa.
>everything you imagine
Any kind of radicalization is a bad thing, including right wing. 1.2% of americans are estimated to have schizophrenia. That's a fucking lot of people and it's pretty much a certainty that these people roam this board, spewing their hateful garbage on here.
Why can't you guys see that some of these guys are genuinely mentally ill and ask them to get help instead of encouraging them? I know not all of you are actually schizophrenics.
Why are their units so retarded?
Wow, that's pretty autistic there user. Good job.
Americans just have a beautiful and rich history/culture that has catapulted them to the forefront of the globe, while younger European nation glow with envy and Russian nuclear waste
You got a loicense for that picture there mate?
Except I have long hair and a biker jacket, how badass am I? ;D
My assburger knows no bounds.
the world hates us, we need to punish the world
>refusing to search out his own sources of information
>accusing dissenters of being niggers
Because Europeans made them.
So you got a sauce or not? Or are you just going to deflect like a nigger?
This might be a good time to post muh OC.
And they have stopped using them for a good reason.
>any kind of radicalization is a bad thing
>"conservative" government is throwing people in jail for calling men men and women women
what the fuck happened to the UK
Okie dokie shlomo.
that is a pic of a handsome british man, by british standarts
t. slav snow nigger
find it for yourself you intellectual cripple
I can already tell anything I post you're going to deny the validity of
Muh dik isn't mutiliated, unlike yours. :^)
Remind again about how many jews were in poland before ww2 again? You probably got a nice bit of kike flowing through you. That's alright, you will get your one day pal.
it's very lovely but the bear looks too pure
well the thing with catholics and jews is that we don't mix with each other
unlike you mutts
mutty gna mutt
their parents paid ~875€ for it too
Beautiful Christian family.
el horror de los estadosunidos... la aberaccion... dios mio...
hey bros whats up
le american bear is too pure to corrupt him like that. here's your pic in better resolution, too.
Remind again about how many spics and niggers are in 'murica again? You probably got a nice bit of shitskin flowing through you. That's alright, you will get your one day pal.
>based and catholicpilled
catholics in the US are so fucking kiked it's unbelievable
you have to go back
haha i like that image
I immigrated here last year from Montenegro and learned a couple things.
1. Mutts really don't have the prefrontal cortex power for actual debate. Here, it's either 100% Trump or 100% wanting to make some refugee president.
2. The food here is disgusting. I was sick the first month from all the hormones and nigger DNA in the food, so I went back to hunting (one based thing about the US is the enormous amount of hunting grounds).
3. The Mutt meme is real, these people legitimately do not care that their race is going to disappear in 30 years.
4. The fat should be used as fuel.
I'm a mutt myself, but damn is it fun to laugh at clapistan
dont remind me faggot.
Are you veterinarian or something, don't know why else you would go live with animals?
>in this thread
t. kike
Despite the name we look like fucking Aryans compared to you
thanks kolego