>mfw we are joining NATO
>mfw we are joining OECD
>mfw we are becoming first world
>mfw we will become a major defender of western civilization and christianity

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Welcome aboard, Huefags.

>>mfw we are joining NATO
jesus christ I hope this doesn't happen

Are we frens now?

it's happening m8

>brown country
*Laughs in Rio Grande do Sul*

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>mfw in 20 years your brown masses will vote for socialism and you end up like venezuela only worse because you have murderous huemonkeys roaming the streets

great now we get to fucking die for israel in the mutt-monkey joint squad

>we are joining NATO
Is this any good? I can recall NATO is a way to counter Russia and Russia is no threat to Brazil. Bad deal if you ask me.

>When all your agriculture has to pass through one mountain road

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brazil, i checkd your get. welcome aboard the mad train. only the most reckless get to be apart of this. brazil well deserved.

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no, 90% of Brazilians are mutts. we'll take all your white Gisele's though.

>struggle for antarctic
>russia no threat

your leader got stabbed

doesn't sound first world


Lol fuck you faggot, Porto Alegre and cities alike are full of nigger and whores. Sancta Catarina is far superior. Your state is full of Petistas safados.

You are literally foederati of the United States against the commies in LatAm that's why your President reported to the CIA for further instructions. This can be a good partnership, but don't forget how you got here.

Glad to have you gents.

hopefully the white state of Rio Grande du Sol will declare independence by then


>this thread again

Didn't trannyism originate in brazil?

I wish Porto Alegre could be fucking nuked

at best, you're another israel puppet like the rest of us mutts

Russia got no claim on any Antarctic territory and even if they got one I really doubt it would be overlapping Brazil's. So go be a retard somewhere else.

>implying High King Jair won't throw OP's brown monkey ass out of a helicopter in the next 10 years

Brazil is one of the most based countries on the planet right now. Welcome aboard the purge train.

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You ain't joining NATO, stupid monkey. And with any luck we will leave soon enough and the whole thing will dissolve since we fucking pay for it all.

Rio Grande do Sul is the cucked bankrupt leftist of the southern states. Paraná and Santa Catarina are superior.


LOVE Russia sincerely, us Alaskans.

Fuck off with the white Giseles. I want those big assed and big dicked trannies!

We /frens/ now

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Couldn't be prouder


Got wasted by the gud turks.

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>mfw we are becoming first world

but you're not though

>Defending "Western civilization and Christianity" by joining NATO
You'll be defending a civilization and a religion, but it definitely won't be the ones you said.

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Peter Zeihan is the Jordan Peterson of geopolitics.

Make yourself a Brazil general instead of spamming this stupid shit huemonkey

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And pay for yuro protection.

What the hell are they thinking?

Sad but true, at least we get some shekels in return

EHHHHH dont really care all of north and south america is still europe on our maps

I just want one good puppet :,(

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that's awesome actually.
also, fuck Maduro

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This. SC Master Race when?

Why tho?
NATO is pointless for us.

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Yer majesty already has one, your daughters.

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Welcome to the first world amazonchan. Please wear this for us.

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There are more murders and people staving in Brazil than in Venezuela. Your country is a fucking joke, lol. You think it's a good thing that D.C is going to use you to kill your own kind? Stay useful Brazil.

>kill your own kind
You mean Americans?

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But 40 million Brazilians are white.

>not wanting to die for israel
I'm done with the antisemitism on this board.

Alaska is America.

If we kill the right niggers we are up for a good time

No , we mean you.

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welcum new frends

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Yeah but most mutts just don't want to accept their are mutts. Pic related thinks he is white so yeah, we don't have 40 million. An optimistic estimation would say we have mostly half of that.

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Wow i can't wait to die in a ditch fighting Venezuelan soldiers for the United States! Thanks Bolsonaro!

>imagine thinking anyone gives a shit about that 3rd world shithole

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Let's hope Portugal votes against, France already said no, let's hope Britain too
We already have Turkey, and it maks not sense at all too, then brazil, what? egypt?

I'm cool with it. Brazil is a sexy bitch

sadly not the majority

I'm happy for you lads. I'm part sand-raider so seeing team Goblin™ become a power player is awesome. The Jews thought our mixed blood would destroy us but all they did was make us one and angry.

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Looking forward to it, hue-bro. Hit me up when you're ready to go mess up Venezuela.

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Look who's going to be next.

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But America is already defending western civilization.

>imagine being a jew

western africa?

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Only in your imagination, tranny.

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Technically they are father west than Europeans.

>When KKK is how you laugh
name a more based country

finaly, one country with tru degeneracy that can frighten the muzis out, plus we can now kick turkey out of nato

daily reminder:
There's not a single law in Brazil defending trannies, LGBT, and other degenerates

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Peruano here.

I love your food and women. Even the negresses in Brazil are so hot, they come off as Latin/white cultured.

When are we kicking the fucking leeches Germany out and feeding them to mother Russia?

lel Chinks with the bants - I've seen these before on youtube - how widespread are these showers?

Probably a master plan to force NATO into Venezuela.

However, Brazil wants to be the super power of South America and welcomes US troops into Brazil to accelerate that desire.

Won’t be surprised if it follows through given that Trump and Bolsonaro seem to get pretty well

20 million is still a good number to build on. I wish i was you

Oh look it's the troll again, making another white-hating post :D

Gonna cry some more that you got owned?
Jewish shill.

Read Brenton Tarrants manifest.

That's what the zionist shills hate.

Read it and take in the truth. The OP post is actually good fuel to do something. Within the law of course ;)

------> youtube.com/watch?v=5r1LBJK0zxo Listen to this epic tune and read: minfil.com/IaD2Y8S5m4/The_Great_Replacement_pdf

Only women and poorfags use them. Water here is hot the whole year. but since women are such pussies they take hot water to shower themselves even at fucking noon. There are just 4 states here that gets kinda cold for about 4-5 months, but again if you rely on those fuckers you are probably poor since any human being do use gas showers. And there are autistics like myself that do enjoy teeth-chattering-cold baths.
No you don't. Thanks anyways.

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>a navy actually able to do shit on the southern hemisphere without being BTFO by the amerimutts

pick one and only one my dude, even Ahmed in the Falklands is in better shape

"I said nothing! I told them nothing!"

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>t. country that was the premise of every scavenger-cyberpunk-low-culture-high-tech genre like Elysium

We're infested with Central American/Mexican hordes already, that are much browner than Brazilians, with no end in sight. I'm fine with Brazilians at this point.

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Russia cannot into naval warfare ever

My coin is worth more than yours.
This is you btw

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Unlike the U.S. you guys are able to remove the africans, when you gonna get on it?


Oh god, we're going to destroy NATO.

we have 90 million self declared white you fucking mutt
oc a huge chunk of those arent white but they are surelly whiter than you, Roberval.

jesus fucking christ i hate new fags so fucking much

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When is your next white-hating post? :D Countdown

Thank you.

Yes, keep that bat-shit crazy woman. Thank you.

>getting this triggered by the tact that Brazil is a pardo country.

looking at the bright side at least we have fewer negroes than the USA.

>by the tact that brasil
ain no one touching me nig

Stand by the point, you dont control the narrative Roberval. 20 million white is a joke and you know it, bare minimun 70 million whites plus 32 million pardos that overestimate their own whiteness
although self indedification is clearly shit, it is somewhat close to the actual reallity
moronic nig

Chill, mutt.

Yeah but seriously we must nuke RJ and BA ASAP though

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