This is so true my husband and his brother were both drafted together for VietNam and were on the front line in the...

This is so true my husband and his brother were both drafted together for VietNam and were on the front line in the trenches where it was kill or be killed. They were there for only 2 reasons they were poor and they were black.

Attached: 5682624C-F71C-414E-881B-10B299E6BC63.jpg (640x640, 95K)


did you meet Mark Wahlberg in 'Nam?

Attached: mccain's bitch.png (595x582, 108K)

That's why I voted for hillary instead of that scumbag draft dodger bernie

3rd reason - they weren’t smart enough (at least as smart as Trump) to figure out how to avoid it
must suck to suck

Based Tiffany

wow mccain says antisemetic shit even in death what a klansman.

Operation "get behind the darkies", based.

McCain was a from Rich Family and never worked a day in his life McCain was a piece of shit

His wife though..HAWT Fuckable old MILF

how is that based?

She is trash... you worship trash.