End the electoral college

5 US presidents have won the election and lost the popular vote, 4 of those happened in the last 5 elections. It's obvious that something isn't working right with the system. What is the point of voting if your vote doesn't actually matter unless you live in one of a handful of swing states?

The electoral college does not constitute the bedrock of the country, and I'd like to know why people's votes shouldn't count just because they live somewhere you don't like?

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>and I'd like to know why people's votes shouldn't count just because they live somewhere you don't like?

This means the checks and balances are working you unparalleled fucking retard. Pure democracy aka mob rule is a recipe for disaster. The midwest saved this country from Hillary et al.

>end electoral college so illegal immigrants (documented and undocumented) and 16 year olds can swing the vote!
Go fuck yourself

You have to admit even if you support the electoral college as part of our history as a bunch of states that elect the President that having everyone's vote count towards the final total would mean everyone would have more reasons to be engaged in voting.

i saw a meme thumbnail saying all the anti trump propaganda is financed by qatar but i never looked into it

>system designed specifically so that popular vote isn't the only factor in determining president
>it performs this role
>It's obvious that something isn't working right with the system

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Actually I think the word you were looking for is moronic.

There is no such thing as an illegal immigrant. Someone either came here legally and is an immigrant, or they are here illegaly and are an illegal alien . Dont use leftist/statist vernacular.


Daily reminder that Hillary won the DNC popular vote in 2008 against Obama and apparently the electoral college wasn't a problem then.

Thank you for showing me the error of my dialect.
>fuck illegal aliens
>fuck trannies
>fuck mods
>fuck jannies

The States have a right to cast electoral votes however they wish. The electoral votes could just as easily be determined by the Governor if the State legislature decided it would be so...

Come on people, learn the Constitution. The Federal Government was created to resolve conflicts between States, and to handle international treaties. They've somehow become a body of law with a claim of sovereignty over the residents of the individual States, imposing Federal taxes and subjecting State residents to Federal laws and regulations... So much for "limited and enumerated powers".

It's not rocket science to read the Constitution and learn how it's supposed to work.

>It's obvious that something isn't working
Hurr durrrr my side didn't win so blame the system!!!


The idea of universal suffrage is already dumb, removing the electoral college would turn us into a full democracy, something the founding fathers didn't want.

“A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where 51 percent of the people may take away the rights of the other 49 percent.” (Thomas Jefferson)

“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what they are going to have for lunch.” (Benjamin Franklin)

“Unlimited democracy is, just like oligarchy, a tyranny spread over a large number of people.” (Aristotle)

“The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.” (Winston Churchill)

Democracy is a fucking terrible system. That's why we're a Constitutional Republic. I don't give a shit how many leftist cry about "fairness" and "one person, one vote" The US is not a fucking democracy, get it through your dope soaked skull.

You really missed the entire point of why we have it. God why can't people just wake up and see what's happening?

- The Federal Government is supposed to have limited and enumerated powers. It's obvious the Federal Government has become too powerful.

- The Federal Government isn't supposed to have an impact on the laws governing individuals. Giving the Federal Government legislative power over the residents of individual States is antithetical to the reason it was drafted in the first place. The legislature was intended to deal with matters of interstate commerce. It's intended to function similar to the way a treaty between nations is handled, not to stake a claim of sovereignty over the laws of a State.

- The Electoral College is the process by which the States elect the President, not the people. Your vote is not a Federal matter, it's an attempt by your State to ensure that you are represented by the Electoral College.

This, at the very least we restrict voting rights to 25 year old white men.

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So Noo Yawk can make the rules for flyover country?
What could go wrong...

I think you're just trying to change the rules since you're losing. You keep that up and someone's gonna steal your lunch money as soon as the hall monitors turn their backs.

All that it does is show that the divide between libs and repubs is growing stronger. Funny enough, having the popular vote may help republicans. There are a lot of red voters in california who dont bother voting because their vote is viewed as useless. They would all vote in a popular election.

THe problem with the popular vote is that it completely disenfranchises the smaller states. As of now none of the states have less than a 1% influence on the electoral vote. With a popular vote, the smallest states will contribute something like .1% of the vote,w hich means their state will have TEN TIMES less influence than it had before. That is pretty damn ridiculous, and they have little to no reason to stay part of the union if their interests aren't being represented.

Which I actually think would be a good thing. I'd very much like to see the US split up into 5 countries. North, south, east, west, and midlands. The problem with having 1 country as big as the US is that a string of bad presidents, or a string of bad policies will completely and irreversibly destroy America, as it has been lately. That has a far less chance of happening if the US was split up into 5 different countries. It would also be interesting to see how the different presidential policies affect things in certain states (ie the west would be far left policies, the mid states would be further right). The only tricky thing would be how the military would work. It's possible that all 5 countries would form a joint military union where all the presidents would have to agree on military action.

Without it obama would have never won.

Last 4 elections? No.

John Q Adams
rutherford B hayes
George W Bush
1 other person i am forgetting

Everyone is making the incorrect assumption that the same people will vote the same way regardless of the election method. I believe getting rid of the electoral collage will actually be a boon to Republicans.

You absolute fucking moron, why do you think the EC exists? The fact that some are winning without the popular vote means the EC is doing its job.

You copy pasta'd my post from the other thread. Honored by Clown World Pepe...

it would be the united people of america
states no mo

It is a good post.

>certain states can literally no longer influence the presidency because they dont have enough people
>they leave the union because being part of a union when you can never be truly represented is a bad idea
>America splits apart

the founding fathers werent retards. They knew that to bind the union together they would need to ensure that larger states didn't run the entire show at the detriment to the smaller ones.

John Q was the first president elected by the house, wasn’t he?

I think its dumb to get rid of it even if you're a leftist.

If you get rid of it, all conservatives have to do is run a massive campaign to increase birthrates and within a generation, the popular vote is run.

Lol youre a fucking idiot

>Implying the smaller states will be allowed to leave

*popular vote is won

>Rutherford b hayes
Was that the first black pres? That's a brotha sounding name.

I did because i want to make it copypasta for these slide threads

This is what will balkanize the USA.

The states are members of a republic. As such they agreed when joining the republic for equal representation, that is essentially the Constitution. The ratification of the agreed upon rules. Any state that releases themselves of this is fucking cucked to all hell. So instead of a republic we have just a giant direct democracy. Good fucking luck.

>1 post by this ID

You’re so fucking stupid. Or just a fucking asshole. Fuck you and fuck your thread. And no I’m not angry, just disgusted.

>5 countries would form a joint military union where all the presidents would have to agree on military action.
We tried this at the start and it worked terribly. No one wants to go to the other's defense if it doesn't concern them personally.

You forgot #3: They were born here and are native.

Oh boy I sure hope so.
How do you anons think it will split up?

If the CSA was free, getting rid of the electoral college would be a good idea

i don't have a problem keeping an electoral college - but the ratio of EV to population should be more consistent.

some of the low pop states get way too many EV.


oy vey!

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the democratic archipelago vs magaland

>letting the election be determined by brainlets in by the top 10 most populated liberal shitholes
>1 post by ID
nice b8

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Fuck that, one county one vote

So if the electoral college is based upon rep count which is equally appointed per capita, then what is the point of the EC?
Faithless electing?
Making rounding possible to avoid narrow wins?

Sounds good, let’s do that and biometric voter ID.

electoral college is gibs for republicans

Anything else is a shill, shitpost, or mentally and/or socially retarded

>We lost

This is a shitpost. I know it's a shitpost. The OP knows I know it's a shitpost. Anyone replying to this that isn't actually functionally retarded knows this is a shitpost.

But there unironically are leftists that think this way. And they want absolute control of everything you see hear say think and do.

So you support voter ID?

I’m not even going to try to understand what you think you’re saying

sure, provided by the state

>> The electoral college does not constitute the bedrock of the country

In fact it does. This is the united STATES of America. The stayes are the bedrock and the electoral college is based on the vote counts of each state.

There is no popular vote at the federal level

>It's obvious that something isn't working right with the system.
Says who? You? But you're a dumb faggot, as is evidenced by this obvious bait.

Democracy fucking sucks. This isn't a democracy. You are a traitor.

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If you think the Constitution was set up by people who had democratic ideals, you are very mistaken. It was specifically set up to allow a landed gentry to avoid mob (comprised of smaller landowners) rule. The Educated Gentlemen is Better Than You Rule.

The Federal government is a Union of States, not People. The Fed was intended to police interstate commerce and handle foreign relations and war, the US was originally intended to be more like the EU, basically free trade and migration among the states. Individual states should have most of the power, not the federal government. The purpose of the Senate and Electoral College is to protect and represent the STATES, not the people. National popular vote is stupid, it's like saying Germany should be allowed to dictate what laws are passed in the Czech Republic or Lichtenstein.

Fuck off anti-federalist shills.

No, that's retarded. It was 4 elections. 1876, 1888, 2000, and 2016.....get your shit straight before to bring your beta bullshit around here you redditfag

>We tried this at the start and it worked terribly. No one wants to go to the other's defense if it doesn't concern them personally.

The US is much much bigger than it was back then however. Trade within the different countries in NA would have countries being affected by other countries being attacked. Hell even if Canada gets attacked, it's just a given that the US will support them because it's strategically important for the US, just as it would be strategically important for the East country of the US to help defend the West country.

I mean, how many wars has the US gotten involved in over the last 100 years? And you think they wouldn't help defend a country in their own land mass who's a strategic trading partner? Cmon...

who the fuck are you trying to chastise?

Nope has to be federal because blue states cheat

Thanks for playing, electoral college stays forever

So do tell then how it works
You can plan things all you want, but nothing in the world stops them mixing on the plate

>EC is equal to your rep counts, but can be less
>No rep can be in the EC, anyone else can

>Reps are appointed equally per capita based on the census, min 1 per state, max 386

Ergo, its popular vote by abstraction
So, is it proper then for the faithless electors to ignore Trump and vote for Clinton as they did?

The electoral college is a foundation of our republic. If it’s abolished then our republic will Likely fall even faster than it is already. The system is working fine because the rural areas and Counties do need a safe gaurd agaisnt the tyranny of the majority. Our founders were very clear and percise on this matter, states should pick Presidents not big cities.

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However now you have 5 different decision making bodies, and any number of them can decide that the rest can go die. On paper you'd think it would be fine, but leaders are people and don't always make good decisions.


>It's obvious that something isn't working right with the system.

Didn't we only have like 2 faithless electors this past election? I know it wasn't very many.

Based and vocabularypilled

and just like that all the shills on this board were instantly BTFO

red states or government won't do voter id system anyways so good luck with that

Several got replaced, we had texans and washingtononians faithless and getting dismissed until they voted as desired
Hence my point, if it was some sacrosant thing, then popular votes are superfalous and its just a minority rule
But they aren't, so its just abstracted popular vote

>Democrat 2020 platform:
>Fuck free speech
>Fuck gun rights
>Fuck electoral college
>Fuck presumption of innocence
>Fuck white men
>Fuck America

sounds like a winning ticket to me.

It would mean the end of representative democracy and the beginning of forming up for a civil war.

Nigger wut?
Doesn't Texas have voter ID and they are a huge red state?

f o r e v e r

I just told you, in the minds of the writers of the Constitution, yes it was. The EC reps are the educated gentlemen. It's like your asking "why does Congress make decisions that run counter to popular sentiment?" or "Why can representatives campaign on a platform and do nothing for it?" because our foundational document intentionally provides spaces for elected representatives (Who almost assuredly would be major landowners in the 18th C.) to intentionally ignore the will of the people who sent them there. It's part of the system man.

Interestingly this is why the Electoral College exists, and you don't just automatically count each states' electoral votes. The idea was that by making each electoral vote cast by a real person, intended to be an educated statesman, it would serve as a final check against populist power. Funny that Dems tried so desperately to appeal to the faithless electors in 2016.

to your dum dum mutt brain there is a huge difference between the 200k people per vote in Wyoming and 700k people per vote in Cali or Texas. That is pretty fucking far from "popular vote by abstraction"

provided by the government?

Well it seems that the smaller states don't get represented either way. The electoral college supports the two-party system. Without it we might see a close race between 3 or 4 candidates and a wider option of policy supporters to choose from.

yup, it guarantees the status quo

it was created so that slave states had less say lol

No but he was a nigger lover. My great, great grandpa's name was Jerome. He was French. That name is dead in North America unless you're black, kek.

Same thing, different words:

Do people not realize if they get rid of the electoral college, the next actual civil war will be 48 vs. 2 states?

This can be solved with split electoral votes, which some states already have. It doesn't have to be winner take all. I like the idea of a split vote better than getting rid of the EC,

I don't think a full Civil War today would be anything besides an asymmetrical mess in almost every state.

Mfw San Francisco

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I've said it before and I'll say it now, ahem

>Every president that has won the election and lost the popular vote has been a Republican

I wonder why Democrats what to get rid of the electoral college really makes you think.

Unlike North v. South, it would be rural vs. urban. Liberals only live in large cities, suburbs and small towns are all conservative.

Fuck if I know. I just know Texas is a red state and has voter ID.